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Trade Object


A position freqtrade enters is stored in a Trade object - which is persisted to the database. It's a core concept of freqtrade - and something you'll come across in many sections of the documentation, which will most likely point you to this location.

It will be passed to the strategy in many strategy callbacks. The object passed to the strategy cannot be modified directly. Indirect modifications may occur based on callback results.

Trade - Available attributes

The following attributes / properties are available for each individual trade - and can be used with trade.<property> (e.g. trade.pair).

Attribute DataType Description
pair string Pair of this trade.
is_open boolean Is the trade currently open, or has it been concluded.
open_rate float Rate this trade was entered at (Avg. entry rate in case of trade-adjustments).
close_rate float Close rate - only set when is_open = False.
stake_amount float Amount in Stake (or Quote) currency.
amount float Amount in Asset / Base currency that is currently owned.
open_date datetime Timestamp when trade was opened use open_date_utc instead
open_date_utc datetime Timestamp when trade was opened - in UTC.
close_date datetime Timestamp when trade was closed use close_date_utc instead
close_date_utc datetime Timestamp when trade was closed - in UTC.
close_profit float Relative profit at the time of trade closure. 0.01 == 1%
close_profit_abs float Absolute profit (in stake currency) at the time of trade closure.
leverage float Leverage used for this trade - defaults to 1.0 in spot markets.
enter_tag string Tag provided on entry via the enter_tag column in the dataframe.
is_short boolean True for short trades, False otherwise.
orders Order[] List of order objects attached to this trade (includes both filled and cancelled orders).
date_last_filled_utc datetime Time of the last filled order.
entry_side "buy" / "sell" Order Side the trade was entered.
exit_side "buy" / "sell" Order Side that will result in a trade exit / position reduction.
trade_direction "long" / "short" Trade direction in text - long or short.
nr_of_successful_entries int Number of successful (filled) entry orders.
nr_of_successful_exits int Number of successful (filled) exit orders.

Class methods

The following are class methods - which return generic information, and usually result in an explicit query against the database. They can be used as Trade.<method> - e.g. open_trades = Trade.get_open_trade_count()

!!! Warning "Backtesting/hyperopt" Most methods will work in both backtesting / hyperopt and live/dry modes. During backtesting, it's limited to usage in strategy callbacks. Usage in populate_*() methods is not supported and will result in wrong results.


When your strategy needs some information on existing (open or close) trades - it's best to use Trade.get_trades_proxy().


from freqtrade.persistence import Trade
from datetime import timedelta

# ...
trade_hist = Trade.get_trades_proxy(pair='ETH/USDT', is_open=False, open_date=current_date - timedelta(days=2))

get_trades_proxy() supports the following keyword arguments. All arguments are optional - calling get_trades_proxy() without arguments will return a list of all trades in the database.

  • pair e.g. pair='ETH/USDT'
  • is_open e.g. is_open=False
  • open_date e.g. open_date=current_date - timedelta(days=2)
  • close_date e.g. close_date=current_date - timedelta(days=5)


Get the number of currently open trades

from freqtrade.persistence import Trade
# ...
open_trades = Trade.get_open_trade_count()


Retrieve the total profit the bot has generated so far. Aggregates close_profit_abs for all closed trades.

from freqtrade.persistence import Trade

# ...
profit = Trade.get_total_closed_profit()


Retrieve the total stake_amount that's currently in trades.

from freqtrade.persistence import Trade

# ...
profit = Trade.total_open_trades_stakes()


Retrieve the overall performance - similar to the /performance telegram command.

from freqtrade.persistence import Trade

# ...
if self.config['runmode'].value in ('live', 'dry_run'):
    performance = Trade.get_overall_performance()

Sample return value: ETH/BTC had 5 trades, with a total profit of 1.5% (ratio of 0.015).

{"pair": "ETH/BTC", "profit": 0.015, "count": 5}

Order Object

An Order object represents an order on the exchange (or a simulated order in dry-run mode). An Order object will always be tied to it's corresponding Trade, and only really makes sense in the context of a trade.

Order - Available attributes

an Order object is typically attached to a trade. Most properties here can be None as they are dependent on the exchange response.

Attribute DataType Description
trade Trade Trade object this order is attached to
ft_pair string Pair this order is for
ft_is_open boolean is the order filled?
order_type string Order type as defined on the exchange - usually market, limit or stoploss
status string Status as defined by ccxt. Usually open, closed, expired or canceled
side string Buy or Sell
price float Price the order was placed at
average float Average price the order filled at
amount float Amount in base currency
filled float Filled amount (in base currency)
remaining float Remaining amount
cost float Cost of the order - usually average * filled (Exchange dependent on futures, may contain the cost with or without leverage and may be in contracts.)
stake_amount float Stake amount used for this order. Added in 2023.7.
order_date datetime Order creation date use order_date_utc instead
order_date_utc datetime Order creation date (in UTC)
order_fill_date datetime Order fill date use order_fill_utc instead
order_fill_date_utc datetime Order fill date