I demonstrate how to find a functional dependency between the attributes of the table using an extreme example.
Also watch the movie: pg_plan_inspector_analyze_01.mp4
Let us create two tables as shown below. As observed, there is a strong dependency between the columns in each table.
testdb=# SHOW pg_query_plan.log_min_duration;
(1 row)
testdb=# CREATE UNLOGGED TABLE t1 (a1 int, b1 int);
testdb=# CREATE UNLOGGED TABLE t2 (a2 int, b2 int);
testdb=# INSERT INTO t1 SELECT i/100, i/500 FROM generate_series(1,5000000) s(i);
INSERT 0 5000000
testdb=# INSERT INTO t2 SELECT i/100, i/500 FROM generate_series(1,5000000) s(i);
INSERT 0 5000000
testdb=# ANALYZE;
testdb=# \timing
Timing is on.
Then, issue the following SELECT command. In my environment, the duration time of this command was 13.2 [sec].
testdb=# SELECT count(*) FROM t1, t2 WHERE (t2.a2 = 1) AND (t2.b2 = 0) AND (t1.b1 = t2.b2);
(1 row)
Time: 13245.965 ms (00:13.246)
testdb=# EXPLAIN SELECT count(*) FROM t1, t2 WHERE (t2.a2 = 1) AND (t2.b2 = 0) AND (t1.b1 = t2.b2);
Aggregate (cost=103595.90..103595.91 rows=1 width=8)
-> Nested Loop (cost=2000.00..103594.66 rows=499 width=0)
-> Gather (cost=1000.00..54374.10 rows=1 width=4)
Workers Planned: 2
-> Parallel Seq Scan on t2 (cost=0.00..53374.00 rows=1 width=4)
Filter: ((a2 = 1) AND (b2 = 0))
-> Gather (cost=1000.00..49215.57 rows=499 width=4)
Workers Planned: 2
-> Parallel Seq Scan on t1 (cost=0.00..48165.67 rows=208 width=4)
Filter: (b1 = 0)
(10 rows)
Next, we execute the repo_mgr.py command to get the data from the query_plan.log table. Further, we execute the analyze.py command in the tools directory.
$ ./repo_mgr.py get --basedir test_repo/ server_1
Use test_repo/pgpi_repository:
Info: Connection established to 'server_1'.
Info: Getting query_plan.log table data.
Info: Connection closed.
Info: Grouping json formated plans.
Info: Calculating regression parameters.
cd tools/
$ ./analyze.py --basedir ../test_repo/ server_1
Info: Create 'es_server_1.dat'
Info: Create 'hist_server_1.dat'
As shown above, analyze.py created es_server_1.dat
file, so show it.
$ cat es_server_1.dat
Condiftion:['((t2.a2 = 1) AND (t2.b2 = 0))']
query:SELECT count(*) FROM t1, t2 WHERE (t2.a2 = 1) AND (t2.b2 = 0) AND (t1.b1 = t2.b2);
Condiftion:['((t2.a2 = 1) AND (t2.b2 = 0))']
query:SELECT count(*) FROM t1, t2 WHERE (t2.a2 = 1) AND (t2.b2 = 0) AND (t1.b1 = t2.b2);
According to the file, the analyze.py command shows candidates for which extended statistics should be set. Thus, we will create extended statistics using the following CREATE STATISTICS command.
testdb=# CREATE STATISTICS es (dependencies) ON a2, b2 FROM t2;
Time: 8.104 ms
testdb=# ANALYZE;
Time: 1214.683 ms (00:01.215)
By the created statistics, the execution plan has been improved and this SELECT command can be completed within 0.29 [sec].
testdb=# SELECT count(*) FROM t1, t2 WHERE (t2.a2 = 1) AND (t2.b2 = 0) AND (t1.b1 = t2.b2);
(1 row)
Time: 287.878 ms
testdb=# EXPLAIN SELECT count(*) FROM t1, t2 WHERE (t2.a2 = 1) AND (t2.b2 = 0) AND (t1.b1 = t2.b2);
Aggregate (cost=104352.67..104352.68 rows=1 width=8)
-> Nested Loop (cost=2000.00..104227.18 rows=50197 width=0)
-> Gather (cost=1000.00..49215.37 rows=497 width=4)
Workers Planned: 2
-> Parallel Seq Scan on t1 (cost=0.00..48165.67 rows=207 width=4)
Filter: (b1 = 0)
-> Materialize (cost=1000.00..54384.60 rows=101 width=4)
-> Gather (cost=1000.00..54384.10 rows=101 width=4)
Workers Planned: 2
-> Parallel Seq Scan on t2 (cost=0.00..53374.00 rows=42 width=4)
Filter: ((a2 = 1) AND (b2 = 0))
(11 rows)
The analyze.py command shows that it can detect the pair of attributes of the table with functional dependency using a simple heuristics rule. In this example, it has considerably reduced the query execution time.
This is an ad hoc, however, at least it shows that the functional dependencies can be detected using the executed plans.
As you have already noticed, similar functionality can also be implemented using the auto_explain module, not the pg_query_plan module.