diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 749e08f..b3d1879 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ TraCeR comes with a small dataset in `test_data/` (containing only TCRA or TCRB tracer test -p -c -This will peform the [`asssemble`](#assemble-tcr-reconstruction) step using the small test dataset. It will then perform [`summarise`](#summarise-summary-and-clonotype-networks) using the assemblies that are generated along with pre-calculated output for two other cells (in `test_data/results`). +This will peform the [`assemble`](#assemble-tcr-reconstruction) step using the small test dataset. It will then perform [`summarise`](#summarise-summary-and-clonotype-networks) using the assemblies that are generated along with pre-calculated output for two other cells (in `test_data/results`). Compare the output in `test_data/results/filtered_TCR_summary` with the expected results in `test_data/expected_summary`. There should be three cells, each with one productive alpha, one productive beta, one non-productive alpha and one non-productive beta. Cells 1 and 2 should be in a clonotype.