This is a simple implementation of a signer in cosmos. With it, you will be able to simulate, sign and broadcast transactions easily without having to worry about the network details.
npm i @tedcryptoorg/cosmos-signer
Simple code example:
import {SigningClient} from '@tedcryptoorg/cosmos-signer';
import {coins, coin} from "@cosmjs/launchpad";
import {GasPrice} from "@cosmjs/launchpad";
import {Message} from '@tedcryptoorg/cosmos-signer/dist/types';
* Function to fetch address from keplr
async function getKeplrAddress(): Promise<string> {
const offlineSignerAmino = await window.keplr.getOfflineSignerOnlyAmino(chain.chainId);
const accounts = await offlineSignerAmino.getAccounts();
return accounts[0].address;
* Get address from mnemonic
async function getWalletAddressFromMnemonic(mnemonic: string): Promise<string> {
const signer = await DefaultAdapter.createSigner(chain, mnemonic)
return await signer.getAddress()
const address =
... // Get address from keplr or mnemonic using functions above
const messages: Message[] = [{
typeUrl: "/cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgDelegate",
value: {
delegatorAddress: address,
validatorAddress: validatorAddress,
amount: coin(amount.toString(), chainDenom),
const network = NetworkData.createFromChain('juno-1')
const signer = new SigningClient(network, GasPrice.fromString('0.025ujuno'), window.keplr);
const result = signer.signAndBroadcast(address, messages, 0); // 0 fee, let it simulate before broadcast (or use .simulate fn)