If you would like to make a contribution to this project, I would appreciate it.
I would appreciate help working towards:
- Full automation
- More operating system coverage
- Ease of use
- Make a GitHub account.
- (Optional) Check the
Issues page for
something you can contribute towards.
- (Optional) If you do not see the item that you would like changed on the list, submit a new issue for something that you would like to see changed.
- Create a fork of the repository on GitHub. This will redirect you to a new page titled YOURUSERNAME / nvidia.
- Create a new branch from your fork. Name the branch based on what you intend to change such as fixing-spelling-errors.
- Make changes. Less is more.
- An option to create a pull request will appear at the top of the main page.
- Explain the reasoning behind the change in the pull request.
(Optional) After a change is merged, you can delete the branch and make a new branch for the next change. If you are done working on the fork after the change, the repository can be deleted.