Picture: An example of OpenNI2 work with RealSense
Allows to use RealSense2 hardware with OpenNI2
Current features:
- configure stream modes
- access live data (color/depth/IR)
- record and playback files
- depth to color mapping
- user tracking with NiTE2
- no code changes required
Download OpenNI2 SDK
Download RealSense2 SDK
Run CMake on driver and configure SDK's:
- OPENNI2_DIR (For linux, the path may be "/usr/include/openni2")
Generate project files and compile driver
For windows,copy rs2driver.dll and realsense2.dll to OPENNI2_DIR/Samples/Bin/OpenNI2/Drivers/ For windows,copy librs2driver.so and librealsense2.so to OPENNI2_DIR/Samples/Bin/OpenNI2/Drivers/
Launch any OpenNI2 example (SimpleRead SimpleViewer NiViewer) located at OPENNI2_DIR/Samples/Bin/
This project is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.