Basic Ansible playbook for deploying a WireGuard VPN server and (local) client.
The only dependency needed (to run this on and against Ubuntu 20.04 machines) is Ansible:
pip install ansible
More detailed installation/setup instructions are in the blogpost linked above.
Because this sample code isn't in the form of a role, it's not especially portable/shareable. To run it for yourself anyway:
Generate your own WireGuard keys
privkey=$(wg genkey) sh -c 'echo " server_privkey: $privkey server_pubkey: $(echo $privkey | wg pubkey)"'
Encrypt the private key (hit Ctrl-d twice after pasting key)
ansible-vault encrypt_string --ask-vault-password --stdin-name server_privkey
Add the public key and the encrypted private key to
Change the server IP address in
Run the playbook
ansible-playbook -i inventory.ini --ask-vault-password --ask-become-pass playbook.yml