Within the Explore interface, URL parameters may be passed to the statistics page, the n-grams page, or the document page. The statistics page is accessible through:
- /whitelab/explore/statistics
and accepts the following paramaters:
- metadata: Metadata filters are required for corpus statistics. Each field may be used multiple times and accepts literal values only. Prefix a value with '-' to exclude it (for example: CollectionName=-Newspapers). Values consisting of multiple tokens should be surrounded with quotes (CollectionName="Discussion lists").
- group: Optional. The following values can be used as input:
- hit:word
- hit:lemma
- hit:pos
The n-grams page is accessible through:
- /whitelab/explore/ngrams
and accepts the following parameters:
- query: Your query formatted in Corpus Query Language. It should contain up to five token positions, which are denoted by square brackets []. Each token may be left blank, or filled with a word, lemma, or pos query. For example: [lemma="de"][word="ge."][pos="N."], or: [][pos="ADJ.*"][]
- metadata: Optional. Each field may be used multiple times and accepts literal values only. Prefix a value with '-' to exclude it (for example: CollectionName=-Newspapers). Values consisting of multiple tokens should be surrounded with quotes (CollectionName="Discussion lists").
- group: Optional. The following values can be used as input:
- hit:word
- hit:lemma
- hit:pos
The document page is accessible through:
- /whitelab/explore/document
and accepts only a single parameter:
- docpid: Required. Unique id for a document in the corpus.
In order to bypass the visual search input and directly input a query to view its results, the following path is used:
- /whitelab/search/results,
in combination with the following parameters:
- query: Your query formatted in Corpus Query Language.
- within: Optional. String value indicating to limit the query to matches within a 'document' (default), 'paragraph' or 'sentence'.
- from: Required to enable query editing. Integer value representing the original input screen (1=simple, 2=extended, 3=advanced, 4=expert). Defaults to 'expert'. Queries can be edited in their original input screen or any screen with a higher identifier.
- number: Optional. Integer value representing the number of results to show per page (default: 50).
- first: Optional. Integer value representing the index of the first result to include in the list (default: 0).
- view: Optional. Integer value representing the type of results to display (1=hits, 2=documents, 8=grouped hits, 16=grouped documents).
- group: Optional. Can only be used in combination with 'view=8' or 'view=16'. The following values can be used as input:
- hit:word *
- wordleft:word *
- wordright:word *
- hit:lemma *
- wordleft:lemma *
- wordright:lemma *
- hit:pos *
- wordleft:pos *
- wordright:pos *
- All metadata fields
- (only available when view=8)
- metadata: Metadata filters are optional. Each field may be used multiple times and accepts literal values only. Prefix a value with '-' to exclude it (for example: CollectionName=-Newspapers). Values consisting of multiple tokens should be surrounded with quotes (CollectionName="Discussion lists").