Actions |
Returns an Actions collection that represents all the available actions for the item. Read-only. |
Application |
Returns an Application object that represents the parent Outlook application for the object. Read-only. |
Attachments |
Returns an Attachments object that represents all the attachments for the specified item. Read-only. |
AutoForwarded |
A Boolean value that returns True if the item was automatically forwarded. Read/write. |
AutoResolvedWinner |
Returns a Boolean that determines if the item is a winner of an automatic conflict resolution. Read-only. |
BillingInformation |
Returns or sets a String representing the billing information associated with the Outlook item. Read/write. |
Body |
Returns or sets a String representing the clear-text body of the Outlook item. Read/write. |
Categories |
Returns or sets a String representing the categories assigned to the Outlook item. Read/write. |
Class |
Returns an OlObjectClass constant indicating the object's class. Read-only. |
Companies |
Returns or sets a String representing the names of the companies associated with the Outlook item. Read/write. |
Conflicts |
Return the Conflicts object that represents the items that are in conflict for any Outlook item object. Read-only. |
ConversationID |
Returns a String that uniquely identifies a Conversation object that the MeetingItem object belongs to. Read-only. |
ConversationIndex |
Returns a String that indicates the relative position of the item within the conversation thread. Read-only. |
ConversationTopic |
Returns a String representing the topic of the conversation thread of the Outlook item. Read-only. |
CreationTime |
Returns a Date indicating the creation time for the Outlook item. Read-only. |
DeferredDeliveryTime |
Returns or sets a Date indicating the date and time the mail message is to be delivered. Read/write. |
DeleteAfterSubmit |
Returns or sets a Boolean value that is True if a copy of the mail message is not saved upon being sent, and False if a copy is saved. Read/write. |
DownloadState |
Returns a constant that belongs to the OlDownloadState enumeration indicating the download state of the item. Read-only. |
EntryID |
Returns a String representing the unique Entry ID of the object. Read-only. |
ExpiryTime |
Returns or sets a Date indicating the date and time at which the item becomes invalid and can be deleted. Read/write. |
FormDescription |
Returns the FormDescription object that represents the form description for the specified Outlook item. Read-only. |
GetInspector |
Returns an Inspector object that represents an inspector initialized to contain the specified item. Read-only. |
Importance |
Returns or sets an OlImportance constant indicating the relative importance level for the Outlook item. Read/write. |
IsConflict |
Returns a Boolean that determines if the item is in conflict. Read-only. |
IsLatestVersion |
Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the MeetingItem represents the latest version of the item on the organizer's calendar. Read-only. |
ItemProperties |
Returns an ItemProperties collection that represents all standard and user-defined properties associated with the Outlook item. Read-only. |
LastModificationTime |
Returns a Date specifying the date and time that the Outlook item was last modified. Read-only. |
MarkForDownload |
Returns or sets an OlRemoteStatus constant that determines the status of an item once it is received by a remote user. Read/write. |
MeetingWorkspaceURL |
Returns a String value that represents the URL for the Meeting Workspace that the meeting item is linked to. Read-only. |
MessageClass |
Returns or sets a String representing the message class for the Outlook item. Read/write. |
Mileage |
Returns or sets a String representing the mileage for an item. Read/write. |
NoAging |
Returns or sets a Boolean value that is True to not age the Outlook item. Read/write. |
OriginatorDeliveryReportRequested |
Returns or sets a Boolean value that determines whether the originator of the meeting item or mail message will receive a delivery report. Read/write. |
OutlookInternalVersion |
Returns a Long representing the build number of the Outlook application for an Outlook item. Read-only. |
OutlookVersion |
Returns a String indicating the major and minor version number of the Outlook application for an Outlook item. Read-only. |
Parent |
Returns the parent Object of the specified object. Read-only. |
PropertyAccessor |
Returns a PropertyAccessor object that supports creating, getting, setting, and deleting properties of the parent MeetingItem object. Read-only. |
ReceivedTime |
Returns or sets a Date indicating the date and time at which the item was received. Read/write. |
Recipients |
Returns a Recipients collection that represents all the recipients for the Outlook item. Read-only. |
ReminderSet |
Returns or sets a Boolean value that is True if a reminder has been set for this item. Read/write. |
ReminderTime |
Returns or sets a Date indicating the date and time at which the reminder should occur for the specified item. Read/write. |
ReplyRecipients |
Returns a Recipients collection that represents all the reply recipient objects for the Outlook item. Read-only. |
RetentionExpirationDate |
Returns a Date that specifies the date when the MeetingItem object expires, after which the Messaging Records Management (MRM) Assistant will delete the item. Read-only. |
RetentionPolicyName |
Returns a String that specifies the name of the retention policy. Read-only. |
RTFBody |
Returns or sets a Byte array that represents the body of the Microsoft Outlook item in Rich Text Format. Read/write. |
Saved |
Returns a Boolean value that is True if the Outlook item has not been modified since the last save. Read-only. |
SaveSentMessageFolder |
Setting or getting this property has no noticeable effect. Do not use this property. |
SenderEmailAddress |
Returns a String that represents the e-mail address of the sender of the Outlook item. Read-only. |
SenderEmailType |
Returns a String that represents the type of entry for the e-mail address of the sender of the Outlook item, such as 'SMTP' for Internet address, 'EX' for a Microsoft Exchange server address, etc. Read-only. |
SenderName |
Returns a String indicating the display name of the sender for the Outlook item. Read-only. |
SendUsingAccount |
Returns or sets an Account object that represents the account to use to send the MeetingItem . Read/write. |
Sensitivity |
Returns or sets a constant in the OlSensitivity enumeration indicating the sensitivity for the Outlook item. Read/write. |
Sent |
Returns a Boolean value that indicates if a message has been sent. Read-only. |
SentOn |
Returns a Date indicating the date and time on which the Outlook item was sent. Read-only. |
Session |
Returns the NameSpace object for the current session. Read-only. |
Size |
Returns a Long indicating the size (in bytes) of the Outlook item. Read-only. |
Subject |
Returns or sets a String indicating the subject for the Outlook item. Read/write. |
Submitted |
Returns a Boolean value that is True if the item has been submitted. Read-only. |
UnRead |
Returns or sets a Boolean value that is True if the Outlook item has not been opened (read). Read/write. |
UserProperties |
Returns the UserProperties collection that represents all the user properties for the Outlook item. Read-only. |