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Container migration with Docker

To test out container migration, instead of using CR-X, we provide instructions for using Docker. You would need two nodes connected in a network. Both the nodes need to configure SoftRoCE. We assume that the SoftRoCE device is rxe0 with a minor number 192 (limitation of the PoC, not a fundamental limitation).

  1. Create the image

Build the image from the proposed Dockerfile

docker build -t docker-repo/perftest .

To distribute the image among multiple nodes, one of the ways is to push it to docker hub:

docker push docker-repo/perftest:latest

We do not describe how to register on docker hub.

  1. Configure docker

This step applies to both nodes. We do not describe docker installation procedure.

To enable checkpoint/restart in Docker create file /etc/docker/daemon.json with following contents:

   "experimental": true

Restart the daemons

  1. Configure swarm

Create an overlay network.

docker network create -d overlay --attachable rdma-net --subnet

One of the ways is to use "docker swarm". Run the following command on one of the nodes designated as manager.

docker swarm init

This command will print a command to run on worker nodes:

docker swarm join --token SWMTKN-<...> <IP>:<PORT>

Run the command that was printed on another node

  1. Start the server side

The application runs a bidirectional bandwidth benchmark that consists of server and client applications. The server must be started before the client.

For our setup, we create two containers: cont-static and cont-moving. We run the server in cont-moving, and the client in the cont-static.

Following is the script for running the server.


docker rm --force cont-moving

docker create --name cont-moving --network rdma-net --ip \
   --security-opt seccomp:unconfined --ulimit memlock=1073741824 \
   --cap-add=ALL --memory=1g --kernel-memory=1G --device /dev/infiniband/ \
   docker-repo/perftest:latest ib_send_bw -d rxe0 -n 100000 -b

echo 64 > /proc/sys/net/rdma_rxe/last_qpn
echo 64 > /proc/sys/net/rdma_rxe/last_mrn
docker start cont-moving

This script first removes the existing instance of cont-moving.

The second line creates the container for image "docker-repo/perftest". The name should be the same as in the first step of the instruction. The command should provide the overlay network name, resource limitations, access to the InfiniBand devices, and security privileges.

We should specify the IP address explicitly for the migration experiment.

Next two command set the initial number of the QP and MR ids. These commands are also important for the migration experiment. We need to make sure that client and server use different initial numbers to avoid conflicts for the ids (see paper for the details).

Finally, we start the container.

We use bidirectional test, because we need to make sure that QPs on both ends are in the RTS state. There is a limitation of our PoC, that we do not send resume message from RTR state. This is not a fundamental limitation.

  1. Start the client side

The client side uses very similar parameters as the server side.


docker rm --force cont-moving
docker rm --force cont-static

echo 16 > /proc/sys/net/rdma_rxe/last_qpn 
echo 16 > /proc/sys/net/rdma_rxe/last_mrn
docker run --rm --name cont-static --network rdma-net --ip \
   --security-opt seccomp:unconfined --ulimit memlock=1073741824 \
   --cap-add=ALL --memory=1g --kernel-memory=1G --device /dev/infiniband/ \
   docker-repo/perftest:latest ib_send_bw -d rxe0 -n 100000 -b

The main difference to the server side command is a different IP address of the container and the specification of the IP address of the server.

Client and server run on different nodes.

If the client and server are left to run, the benchmark must finish normally.

  1. Migrate the server

For this experiment we show how to migrate the server.

Following script must run on the client side.


docker rm cont-moving

ssh server-node docker checkpoint create cont-moving ckpt1

docker create --name cont-moving --network rdma-net --ip \
   --security-opt seccomp:unconfined --ulimit memlock=1073741824 \
   --cap-add=ALL --memory=1g --kernel-memory=1G --device /dev/infiniband/ \
   docker-repo/perftest:latest ib_send_bw -d rxe0 -n 100000

SRC_ID=$(ssh server-node docker inspect --format="{{.Id}}" cont-moving)
DEST_ID=$(docker inspect --format="{{.Id}}" cont-moving)

echo 64 > /proc/sys/net/rdma_rxe/last_qpn 
echo 64 > /proc/sys/net/rdma_rxe/last_mrn
scp -r server-node:$CONTAINERS/$SRC_ID/checkpoints/ckpt1 $CONTAINERS/$DEST_ID/checkpoints/

ssh server-node docker rm cont-moving

docker start cont-moving --checkpoint ckpt1

First, we remove an old instance of the server container.

Next, we request the docker daemon on the client side to create a checkpoint.

Then, we create the container with the server on the local node.

Now, we need to copy the checkpoint from the remote node to the local node.

Before restarting the container on the local node, we remove the container on the remote node to avoid IP address collision.

Finally, we restart the container with the server on the local node.

If everything goes well, the benchmark will finish after several seconds.