This document provides tutorials to train and evaluate PermaTrack. Before getting started, make sure you have finished installation and dataset setup.
To test our pretrained model on the validation set of PD, download the model, copy it to $PermaTrack_ROOT/models/
, and run
cd $PermaTrack_ROOT/src
python tracking --exp_id pd --dataset pd_tracking --dataset_version val --track_thresh 0.4 --load_model ../models/pd_17fr_21ep_vis.pth --is_recurrent --gru_filter_size 7 --num_gru_layers 1 --stream_test
This will give a Track mAP of 66.96
if set up correctly. You can append --debug 4
to the above command to visualize the predictions.
Please note that we are ignoring ground truth invisible object annotations in the validation set of PD (methods are not penalized for missing those boxes), but we are using them to filter out predictions which have a high overlap with a ground truth invisible box (to avoid conting such predictions as false positives; this was important for a fair evaluation before we introdiced the visibility head). As a result, the perfromance of our method with and without visiblity estimation described in the paper does not change much on PD. In the main experiments we did not use the visiblity estimation during evaluation on PD, but you can add it by appending --visibility --visibility_thresh_eval 0.2
to the above command. The expected Track mAP is 66.78
To test the tracking performance on the validation set of KITTI with our pretrained model, download the model, copy it to $PermaTrack_ROOT/models/
, and run
python tracking --exp_id kitti_half --dataset kitti_tracking --dataset_version val_half --track_thresh 0.4 --load_model ../models/kitti_half_pd_5ep.pth --is_recurrent --gru_filter_size 7 --num_gru_layers 1 --visibility --visibility_thresh_eval 0.2 --stream_test
The expected Track mAP is 70.53
. Here Track AP evluation also takes into account ignore regions in KITTI annotations (detections falling into these regions are not counted as false positives).
To test the tracking performance on the validation set of MOT17, download the model, copy it to $PermaTrack_ROOT/models/
, and run
python tracking --exp_id mot17_half --dataset mot --dataset_version 17halfval --track_thresh 0.4 --load_model ../models/mot_half_13fr_5ep_occlasinvis.pth --is_recurrent --gru_filter_size 7 --num_gru_layers 1 --visibility_thresh_eval 0.1 --stream_test --only_ped --ltrb_amodal --visibility
The expected IDF1 is 68.2
To test with Track Rebirth, run
python tracking --exp_id mot17_half --dataset mot --dataset_version 17halfval --track_thresh 0.4 --load_model ../models/mot_half_13fr_5ep_occlasinvis.pth --is_recurrent --gru_filter_size 7 --num_gru_layers 1 --visibility_thresh_eval 0.1 --stream_test --only_ped --ltrb_amodal --visibility --max_age 32
The expected IDF1 is 71.9
To test with public detections, run
python tracking --exp_id mot17_half --dataset mot --dataset_version 17halfval --track_thresh 0.4 --load_model ../models/mot_half_13fr_5ep_occlasinvis.pth --is_recurrent --gru_filter_size 7 --num_gru_layers 1 --visibility_thresh_eval 0.1 --stream_test --only_ped --ltrb_amodal --visibility --public_det --load_results ../data/mot17/results/val_half_det.json
The expected IDF1 is 67.0
To test the tracking performance on the validation set of nuScenes, download the model, copy it to $PermaTrack_ROOT/models/
, update motmetrics
pip install motmetrics==1.1.3
then run
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=1 python tracking,ddd --exp_id nuscenes_tracking --dataset nuscenes_tracking --track_thresh 0.1 --resume --is_recurrent --gru_filter_size 7 --stream_test --load_model ../models/nu_stage_3_17fr.pth --visibility
The expected AMOTA is 10.9
We have packed all the training scripts in the experiments folder.
Each model is trained on 8 Tesla V100 GPUs with 32GB of memory.
If the training is terminated before finishing, you can use the same command with --resume
to resume training. It will found the latest model with the same exp_id
All experiments rely on existing pretrained models, we provide the links to the corresponding models directly in the training scripts.