There is a linux shell script that can be used to automatically release all the oersi components: tools/release/ This includes commits to the version (release version, snapshot version), the release tag, setting the release-artifact-urls and the release-entry in gitlab. You need to assure that you meet the requirements of the script. Before the script can be executed, the first block of variables must be adjusted to the current release.
- Use one release issue for all projects
- Set release artifacts in ansible/group_vars/all.yml and commit
git add ansible/group_vars/all.yml
git commit -m "use release artifacts (Ref <ISSUE-URL>)"
- Create release tag
git tag -a <RELEASE-VERSION> -m "release <RELEASE-VERSION> (Ref <ISSUE-URL>)"
- Set branch artifacts in ansible/group_vars/all.yml and commit
git add ansible/group_vars/all.yml
git commit -m "use branch artifacts (Ref <ISSUE-URL>)"
- Push
git push origin master
git push origin <RELEASE-VERSION>