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Common errors

Wesley Pyburn (TechNobo) edited this page Mar 29, 2022 · 12 revisions

This section won't contain the answers to all your questions, unfortunately. Toast notifications (popups) that you see are intentional, however. They are there to tell you the program stopped itself for X reason before crashing out completely. That is what this section covers.

HINT: Use Ctrl+F to search this page to find the specific toast error you've encountered.

NOTE: This is how one or more options are displayed throughout this document [<abc/xyz>], or a placeholder such as <platform> where 'platform' is something like Steam or Epic Games.

General errors

ERROR: Could not change username

What's wrong? The file(s) within Documents\TcNo Account Switcher\LoginCache\<platform> are inaccessible.

ERROR: Could not locate logged in user

What's wrong?: The platform you're trying to save an account for has not saved certain files the program looks for to swap accounts. These can be located in many different areas. See the Wiki pages specific to your platform (See under Platforms on the sidebar of this page) to see what files/data could be missing.

Specific errors

ERROR: No tray users saved

FIX: You're trying to start the TcNo Account Switcher Tray application when there are no saved accounts to switch to. Switching to any account under any platform will add it to a list. That list is then used in the Tray for quickly switching accounts.

Platform specific errors


ERROR: BattleTag did not match naming policy

FIX: When entering a BattleTag for the TcNo Battle.Net Account Switcher, it needs to be a 'real' battle tag. It needs to follow this scheme: A name between (including) 4-7 characters in length, followed by a # and then numbers afterwards.

Riot Games

ERROR: More than 1 <League/Runeterra/VALORANT> install found

FIX: This occurs when there is more than 1 install path for a game is saved into Riot's config file, located here: %ProgramData%\Riot Games\RiotClientInstalls.json. The TcNo Account Switcher uses the first occurrence of each game on the list. Remove an entire line if you previously installed the game there and removed it since.


ERROR: Failed to load steam/config/loginusers.vdf

FIX: Your Steam files appear corrupt and can not be read correctly. Check this file on your computer to make sure it looks normal: ..\Steam\config\loginusers.vdf. Often it will have extra "s inside a pair of "s, indicating a length of text. Extra quotation marks can cause issues and the \ and / characters. You will likely have a loginusers.vdf_last file that is not corrupt. The TcNo Account Switcher attempts to read this if the former appears corrupt. If this attempt works, you will see an info message saying, "Was able to load from vdf_last. Some accounts may be missing." Your loginusers.vdf file should look something like this:

    "AccountName"    "login_username_here"
    "PersonaName"    "TechNobo"
    "RememberPassword"    "1"
    "mostrecent"    "1"
    "Timestamp"    "1624700000"
    "WantsOfflineMode"    "0"

ERROR: Could not swap. User ID is missing. Check Wiki 'Common Errors'.

FIX: The account you're trying to switch to has not been logged into in Steam before, and can not be found in loginusers.vdf. Simply log into the account once using the Add New button. If this does not help, please contact TechNobo with more info.