Greeter example describes a matching for simple cases and unary calls
- Basic: unary call
- Matching: a message property
- Matching: any message
- Templating: a message property
- Templating: a status code and status detail
The counter example shows how to work with unary (non-streaming), client streaming and server streaming gRPC methods
- Basic: unary call
- Basic: client streaming call
- Basic: server streaming call
- Templating: a message property
The example shows how to work with credentials and match a request for a particular user using a basic auth
- Basic: unary call
- Credentials: IP white list
- Credentials: Basic auth
- Credentials: a channel and a call blended config
- Matching: using a wildcard
The example shows how to implement a round-robin behavior using scenarios and states
- Basic: unary call
- Matching: scenarios and states
- Templating: a message property
We are planning to publish new demos that cover all scenarios in the near future, please get back later.
- Basic: unary call
- Basic: client streaming call
- Basic: server streaming call
- Basic: server streaming from a file
- Credentials: IP white list
- Credentials: Basic auth
- Credentials: Certificate
- Credentials: JWT Token
- Credentials: a channel and a call blended config
- Matching: any message
- Matching: a request header
- Matching: a complex message
- Matching: a message property
- Matching: using a wildcard
- Matching: an element inside a nested array
- Matching: a message to a file
- Matching: a message property to a file
- Matching: scenarios and states
- Templating: random data generation
- Templating: a message property
- Templating: a complex message
- Templating: a request header and a request trailer
- Templating: a status code and status detail
- Templating: from a file