diff --git a/cross/synology-autorun/Makefile b/cross/synology-autorun/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..75f275c17c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cross/synology-autorun/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+PKG_NAME = synology-autorun
+PKG_VERS = 1.10.0
+PKG_EXT = tar.gz
+PKG_DIST_SITE = https://github.com/schmidhorst/synology-autorun/archive
+HOMEPAGE = https://github.com/schmidhorst/synology-autorun
+COMMENT = Executes a script on external drive \(USB / eSATA\) when it\'s connected to the disk station.
+LICENSE = 3-clause BSD
+INSTALL_TARGET = synology-autorun_install
+include ../../mk/spksrc.install-resources.mk
+.PHONY: synology-autorun_install
+ @$(MSG) Extract the whole package
+ @install -d -m 755 $(STAGING_INSTALL_PREFIX)/$(PKG_NAME)
+ tar -cf - -C $(WORK_DIR)/$(PKG_DIR) . | tar -xf - -C $(STAGING_INSTALL_PREFIX)/$(PKG_NAME)
diff --git a/cross/synology-autorun/PLIST b/cross/synology-autorun/PLIST
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e69de29bb2d
diff --git a/cross/synology-autorun/digests b/cross/synology-autorun/digests
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a0dd5fee6ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cross/synology-autorun/digests
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+synology-autorun-1.10.0.tar.gz SHA1 67a8d2269908210a1cd94f493fde3fd0c9db3675
+synology-autorun-1.10.0.tar.gz SHA256 a2822dd2e5e417da661f487860779c741c8e84008f6a60d47f8a7fefb7f2c3c6
+synology-autorun-1.10.0.tar.gz MD5 e89de823634797512d309d7ecec68dc0
diff --git a/mk/spksrc.service.mk b/mk/spksrc.service.mk
index cc7fb8eaef8..e2eaf09c707 100644
--- a/mk/spksrc.service.mk
+++ b/mk/spksrc.service.mk
@@ -418,6 +418,11 @@ endif
ifeq ($(strip $(SERVICE_TYPE)),)
+ifneq ($(strip $(DSM_APP_NAME)),)
+ SPK_APPNAME = com.synocommunity.packages.$(SPK_NAME)
DESC=$(shell echo ${DESCRIPTION} | sed -e 's/\\//g' -e 's/"/\\"/g')
@@ -427,7 +432,7 @@ ifneq ($(wildcard $(DSM_UI_CONFIG)),)
@echo '{}' | jq --arg name "${DISPLAY_NAME}" \
--arg desc "${DESC}" \
- --arg id "com.synocommunity.packages.${SPK_NAME}" \
+ --arg id "${SPK_APPNAME}" \
--arg icon "images/${SPK_NAME}-{0}.png" \
--arg prot "${SERVICE_PORT_PROTOCOL}" \
--arg port "${SERVICE_PORT}" \
diff --git a/mk/spksrc.spk.mk b/mk/spksrc.spk.mk
index bf80a28f123..a1bc54aee12 100644
--- a/mk/spksrc.spk.mk
+++ b/mk/spksrc.spk.mk
@@ -150,6 +150,11 @@ ifeq ($(strip $(MAINTAINER)),)
$(error Add MAINTAINER for '$(SPK_NAME)' in spk Makefile or set default MAINTAINER in local.mk.)
+ifeq ($(shell echo "${MAINTAINER}" | wc -w),1)
get_github_maintainer_url = $(shell wget --quiet --spider https://github.com/$(1) && echo "https://github.com/$(1)" || echo "")
get_github_maintainer_name = $(shell curl -s -H application/vnd.github.v3+json https://api.github.com/users/$(1) | jq -r '.name' | sed -e 's|null||g' | sed -e 's|^$$|$(1)|g' )
@@ -172,7 +177,11 @@ $(WORK_DIR)/INFO:
/bin/echo -n "$(DESCRIPTION_$(shell echo $(LANGUAGE) | tr [:lower:] [:upper:]))" | sed -e 's/"/\\\\\\"/g' && \
/bin/echo -n "\\\"\\\n")) | sed -e 's/ description_/description_/g' >> $@
@echo arch=\"$(SPK_ARCH)\" >> $@
@echo maintainer=\"$(call get_github_maintainer_name,$(MAINTAINER))\" >> $@
+ @echo maintainer=\"$(MAINTAINER)\" >> $@
ifeq ($(strip $(MAINTAINER_URL)),)
@echo maintainer_url=\"$(call get_github_maintainer_url,$(MAINTAINER))\" >> $@
diff --git a/spk/autorun/Makefile b/spk/autorun/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c4c9efc137a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spk/autorun/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+SPK_NAME = autorun
+SPK_VERS = 1.10.0
+SPK_REV = 11
+SPK_ICON = src/synology-autorun.png
+DSM_UI_DIR = ui
+DEPENDS = cross/synology-autorun
+MAINTAINER = "Jan Reidemeister, Horst Schmid"
+MAINTAINER_URL = https://github.com/schmidhorst/synology-autorun
+DESCRIPTION = Executes a script on external drive \(USB / eSATA\) when it\'s connected to the disk station.
+CHANGELOG = "Initial package hosted by SynoCommunity
For full changelog see https://github.com/schmidhorst/synology-autorun/blob/main/CHANGELOG"
+HOMEPAGE = https://github.com/schmidhorst/synology-autorun
+LICENSE = 3-clause BSD
+# Pure script package, make sure ARCH is not defined
+override ARCH=
+CONF_DIR = $(STAGING_INSTALL_PREFIX)/synology-autorun/conf
+SSS_SCRIPT = $(STAGING_INSTALL_PREFIX)/synology-autorun/scripts/start-stop-status
+SERVICE_SETUP = src/service-setup.sh
+COPY_TARGET = autorun_install
+include ../../mk/spksrc.spk.mk
+# cht, krn, nor are not (yet) supported.
+SPK_LANGUAGES = chs cht csy dan enu fre ger hun ita jpn nld plk ptb ptg rus spn sve trk
+# we must escape parentheses and single quote characters for variables holding the description
+SUBSTITUTION = -e 's/(/\\\(/g' -e 's/)/\\\)/g' -e s/\'/\\\\\'/g
+.PHONY: define_descriptions
+ @$(MSG) Define language dependent descriptions
+ $(foreach LANG, $(SPK_LANGUAGES), $(eval DESCRIPTION_$(shell echo $(LANG) | tr [:lower:] [:upper:]) := "$(shell grep descriptionINFO $(STAGING_INSTALL_PREFIX)/synology-autorun/package/ui/texts/$(LANG)/lang.txt | sed $(SUBSTITUTION) | cut -f2 -d=)"))
+.PHONY: autorun_install
+autorun_install: define_descriptions
+ @$(MSG) Install package resources
+ @install -m 755 -d $(STAGING_DIR)/app $(STAGING_DIR)/../WIZARD_UIFILES
+ @tar -cf - -C $(STAGING_INSTALL_PREFIX)/synology-autorun/package . | tar -xf - -C $(STAGING_DIR)
+ @$(MSG) temporary fix: overwrite corrupt icons
+ @tar -cf - -C src/images . | tar -xf - -C $(STAGING_DIR)/ui/images
+ @chmod 755 -R $(STAGING_DIR)/ui
+ @$(MSG) Patch the application name
+ @sed -e s/SYNO.SDS._ThirdParty.App.autorun/com.synocommunity.packages.autorun/g -i $(STAGING_DIR)/ui/config
+ @$(MSG) Copy additional wizard files
+ @cp -p $(STAGING_INSTALL_PREFIX)/synology-autorun/WIZARD_UIFILES/initial_config.txt $(STAGING_DIR)/../WIZARD_UIFILES/
diff --git a/spk/autorun/src/images/icon_128.png b/spk/autorun/src/images/icon_128.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0866cd62b67
Binary files /dev/null and b/spk/autorun/src/images/icon_128.png differ
diff --git a/spk/autorun/src/images/icon_256.png b/spk/autorun/src/images/icon_256.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1f4330eb9cf
Binary files /dev/null and b/spk/autorun/src/images/icon_256.png differ
diff --git a/spk/autorun/src/images/icon_32.png b/spk/autorun/src/images/icon_32.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8f2ce3974c5
Binary files /dev/null and b/spk/autorun/src/images/icon_32.png differ
diff --git a/spk/autorun/src/images/icon_64.png b/spk/autorun/src/images/icon_64.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..adc9cc01a39
Binary files /dev/null and b/spk/autorun/src/images/icon_64.png differ
diff --git a/spk/autorun/src/service-setup.sh b/spk/autorun/src/service-setup.sh
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..77d18092fa9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spk/autorun/src/service-setup.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+# should be migrated to ${SYNOPKG_PKGTMP}
+DTFMT="+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
+SCRIPTPATHTHIS="$(cd -- "$(dirname "${0}")" >/dev/null 2>&1 ; pwd -P )"
+# service_preinst is obsolete.
+# the DSM package installer already prevents to install when DSM version is less than os_min_ver.
+service_postinst ()
+ echo "$(date "${DTFMT}"): postinst V${SYNOPKG_PKGVER} started as user '${CURRENT_USER}' ...
" >> "${LOG}"
+ # need to fetch values entered by user from environment and put to the strings file for each language
+ # configFilePathName="$(dirname "$0")/initial_config.txt" is no more available!
+ items="$(env | grep "^config_")"
+ # keys="config_WAIT config_BEEP config_LED_COPY config_EJECT_TIMEOUT config_LOG_MAX_LINES config_NOTIFY_USERS config_LOGLEVEL"
+ mapfile -t itemArray < <(/bin/printf '%s' "${items}")
+ # echo "$(date "${DTFMT}"): Config-Items from ENV: '${itemArray[*]}'" >> "${LOG}"
+ # config_LED, Status LED usage:
+ # 0 = not used,
+ # 1 = orange while script is running, green when done,
+ # 2 = orange flashing if script result is neither 0 nor 100,
+ # 3 = orange while running, flashing if neither 0 nor 100, else green
+ # config_LED_COPY, Copy LED usage:
+ # 0 = not used,
+ # 1 = on while script is running, off after end,
+ # 2 = flashing while script is running, off after the end,
+ # 4 = flashing if script result is neither 0 nor 100,
+ # 5 = on while running, flashing if script result is neither 0 nor 100, else off after end.
+ # config_ADD_NEW_FINGERPRINTS, Security configuration:
+ # 0 = unrestricted, no hash check
+ # 1 = clear hash list now and register the hash of each newly executed script,
+ # 2 = allow only previously registered hashes,
+ # 3 = register the new onces
+ rm -f "${SYNOPKG_PKGVAR}/config"
+ echo "$(date "${DTFMT}"): file pathName: '${SYNOPKG_PKGVAR}/config' will be generated now ...
" >> "${LOG}"
+ # Messages (send to ${SYNOPKG_TEMP_LOGFILE}) are not shown up!? ==> Do the checks in start-stop-status
+ # If terminated with "exit 1" then the old setting are lost. ==> Do the checks in start-stop-status
+ # 1) Is the ${config_SCRIPT_AFTER_EJECT} file available, and has it correct line break and UTF8-Coding?
+ # 2) is user or group config_NOTIFY_USERS valid? Check for valid entry requires root access and is done in the start-stop-status script
+ msg=""
+ for item in "${itemArray[@]}"; do
+ # eval "${item}" # e.g. ", config_NO_DSM_MESSAGE_RETURN_CODES='98'", the ";99" is lost!???
+ key="${item%%=*}"
+ # Some values with, some without quotes, remove them:
+ val="$(sed -e 's/^\"//' -e 's/\"$//' <<<"${item#*=}")"
+ key2=${key#*config_}
+ if [[ -n "${key2}" ]]; then
+ echo "${key2}=\"${val}\"" >> "${SYNOPKG_PKGVAR}/config"
+ fi
+ # echo "${item}: ${key2}=\"${val}\"" >> "${LOG}"
+ msg="${msg} ${key2}='${val}'"
+ done
+ echo "$(date "${DTFMT}"): from ENV extracted: ${msg}" >> "${LOG}"
+ if [[ "${config_ADD_NEW_FINGERPRINTS}" -eq "1" ]]; then
+ ret=$?
+ echo "$(date "${DTFMT}"): Deletion of old fingerprints: ${ret}, ${res}" >> "${LOG}"
+ fi
+ chmod 755 "${SYNOPKG_PKGVAR}/config"
+ # Distinguish between a) new Installation, b) upgrade or c) change of settings
+ action="Installation, upgrade or change of settings"
+ if [[ -z "${SYNOPKG_OLD_PKGVER}" ]]; then
+ action="Installation of V${SYNOPKG_PKGVER}"
+ elif [[ "${SYNOPKG_OLD_PKGVER}" == "${SYNOPKG_PKGVER}" ]]; then
+ action="Re-Installation (change of settings) of V${SYNOPKG_PKGVER}"
+ else
+ action="Upgrade from V${oldVers} to V${SYNOPKG_PKGVER}"
+ fi
+ if [[ "${config_ADD_NEW_FINGERPRINTS}" -eq "1" ]]; then
+ echo "$(date "${DTFMT}"): ${action} done, previously registered script fingerprints deleted, not yet started" >> "${SYNOPKG_PKGVAR}/execLog"
+ else
+ echo "$(date "${DTFMT}"): ${action} done, not yet started" >> "${SYNOPKG_PKGVAR}/execLog"
+ fi
+ echo "$(date "${DTFMT}"): postinst done, not yet started, ${SYNOPKG_PKGNAME} installed
" >> "${LOG}"
+service_preupgrade ()
+ echo -e "\n$(date "${DTFMT}"): $0 (${SYNOPKG_PKGVER}) started with account '${CURRENT_USER}' ..." >> "${LOG}"
+ # preupgrade starts from an temporary folder like /volume1/@tmp/synopkg/install.XDdQUB/scripts/preupgrade
+ # Attention: if in the WIZARD_UIFILES folder a script is used for a dynamic ..._uifile, then it's not allowed to write here somthing to ${SYNOPKG_TEMP_LOGFILE} !!!
+ #Developer Guide 7, Page 54, Script Execution Order
+ # Upgrade Installation Uninstall
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # newScript upgrade_uifile.sh install_uifile.sh uninstall_uifile.sh (if available)
+ # oldScript start-stop prestop (if running) start-stop prestop (if running)
+ # oldScript start-stop stop (if running) start-stop stop (if running)
+ # newScript preupgrade
+ # oldScript preuninst preuninst
+ # @appstore/ and @apptemp/ are deleted
+ # oldScript postuninst postuninst
+ # newScript prereplace?? prereplace??
+ # newScript preinst preinst
+ # newScript postinst postinst
+ # newScript postreplace
+ # newScript postupgrade
+ # newScript start-stop prestart start-stop prestart
+ # newScript start-stop start start-stop start
+ # tempStorageFolder="${SYNOPKG_TEMP_UPGRADE_FOLDER}/usersettings" # alternative temp folder (DemoUiSpk7)
+ # /volumeX/@appdata/ (= /var/packages//var) is preserved during upgrade!
+ # So there is no need for an temporary stprage folder.
+ echo "$(date "${DTFMT}"): ... preupgrade done
" >> "${LOG}"
+service_postupgrade ()
+ echo "$(date "${DTFMT}"): postupgrade V${SYNOPKG_PKGVER} started ...
" >> "${LOG}"
+ if [[ ! -f "${SYNOPKG_PKGVAR}/config" ]]; then # not e.g. preserved from uninstall
+ tempStorageFolder="/tmp/net.reidemeister.${SYNOPKG_PKGNAME}"
+ if [ -d "${tempStorageFolder}" ]; then
+ echo "$(date "${DTFMT}"): temp data folder $}tempStorageFolder} found
" >> "${LOG}"
+ # restore log
+ if [ -f "${tempStorageFolder}/log" ]; then
+ (cp -v "${tempStorageFolder}/log" "${SYNOPKG_PKGVAR}") 2>&1 >> "${LOG}"
+ echo "$(date "${DTFMT}"): temp logfile copied
" >> "${LOG}"
+ fi
+ # clean-up
+ rm -r ${tempStorageFolder}
+ fi
+ fi
+ echo "$(date "${DTFMT}"): ... postupgrade done
" >> "${LOG}"
+post_uninst ()
+ echo "$(date "${DTFMT}"): postuninst V${SYNOPKG_PKGVER} started as ${CURRENT_USER}...
" >> "${LOG}"
+ # echo "$(date "${DTFMT}"): p0='$0'" >> "${LOG}" # ${app_name} is empty!!
+ configFilePathName="${SYNOPKG_PKGVAR}/config" # ${SYNOPKG_PKGVAR} is /volume1/@appdata/autorun and is o.k., still available
+ # echo "$(date "${DTFMT}"): configFilePathName='${configFilePathName}'" >> "${LOG}"
+ # after uninstall is /var/packages/${SYNOPKG_PKGNAME} no more available, only /volume1/@appdata/autorun !!!
+ # Attention: If a new version is installed, then this file from the old version
+ # is executed before the preinst of the new version!
+ if [[ "${pkgwizard_remove_settings}" == "true" ]] || [[ "${pkgwizard_remove_settings}" == "false" ]]; then
+ # WIZZARD_UIFILES/uninstall_uifile_ was done before! So it's a real uninstall, not an upgrade!
+ if [[ "${bDebug}" -eq "0" ]]; then
+ rm "${LOG}"
+ rm "/var/tmp/resource.${SYNOPKG_PKGNAME}.*"
+ rm "/var/log/packages/${SYNOPKG_PKGNAME}.log"
+ rm "/var/log/packages/${SYNOPKG_PKGNAME}.log.*.xz"
+ rm "${SYNOPKG_PKGVAR}/execLog"
+ # echo "$(date "${DTFMT}"): Old logfiles removed" >> "${LOG}"
+ else
+ echo "$(date "${DTFMT}"): Logfiles preserved due to bDebug!=0" >> "${LOG}"
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [[ "${pkgwizard_remove_settings}" == "true" ]]; then
+ res=$(rm -r --interactive=never "${SYNOPKG_PKGVAR}") # remove folder
+ ret=$?
+ # if [[ "${bDebug}" -ne "0" ]]; then
+ echo "$(date "${DTFMT}"): Result from 'rm -r \"${SYNOPKG_PKGVAR}\"': ${ret}, '${res}'" >> "${LOG}"
+ # fi
+ else
+ if [[ -f "${SYNOPKG_PKGVAR}\config" ]]; then
+ # put old version to config file, so that postinst can check whether its an upgrade or only settings change
+ res=$(grep "VERSION=" "${SYNOPKG_PKGVAR}\config")
+ if [[ -n "${res}" ]]; then
+ res="$(sed -i "s|^VERSION=.*$|VERSION=\"${SYNOPKG_PKGVAR}\"|" "${SYNOPKG_PKGVAR}\config")"
+ else
+ echo "VERSION=\"${SYNOPKG_PKGVAR}\"" >> "${SYNOPKG_PKGVAR}\config"
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ echo "$(date "${DTFMT}"): ... postuninst done
" >> "${LOG}"
diff --git a/spk/autorun/src/synology-autorun.png b/spk/autorun/src/synology-autorun.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..360633d6763
Binary files /dev/null and b/spk/autorun/src/synology-autorun.png differ