diff --git a/DP3TApp/SharedUI/Base/NSWebViewController.swift b/DP3TApp/SharedUI/Base/NSWebViewController.swift index 6f8352644..b19c6658c 100644 --- a/DP3TApp/SharedUI/Base/NSWebViewController.swift +++ b/DP3TApp/SharedUI/Base/NSWebViewController.swift @@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ extension NSWebViewController: WKNavigationDelegate { return } - if scheme == "http" || scheme == "https" || scheme == "mailto" { + if scheme == "http" || scheme == "https" || scheme == "mailto" || scheme == "tel" { UIApplication.shared.open(url, options: [:], completionHandler: nil) decisionHandler(.cancel) return diff --git a/DP3TApp/SharedUI/Style/NSLabelType.swift b/DP3TApp/SharedUI/Style/NSLabelType.swift index 32580f5d4..c92260fe0 100644 --- a/DP3TApp/SharedUI/Style/NSLabelType.swift +++ b/DP3TApp/SharedUI/Style/NSLabelType.swift @@ -128,8 +128,7 @@ public enum NSLabelType: UBLabelType { } public var hyphenationFactor: Float { - if self == .splashTitle { return 0.0 } - return 1.0 + return 0.0 } public var lineBreakMode: NSLineBreakMode { diff --git a/Translations/fr.lproj/Localizable.strings b/Translations/fr.lproj/Localizable.strings index 5ed5efdc7..49ecf3dee 100644 --- a/Translations/fr.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/Translations/fr.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -682,7 +682,7 @@ /*Text auf der Onboarding Page für die Permission der Exposure-Library, iOS*/ /*Fuzzy*/ -"onboarding_gaen_text_ios" = "Pour utiliser l'application, les notifications d'exposition au COVID 19 doivent être activée."; +"onboarding_gaen_text_ios" = "Pour utiliser l'application, les notifications d'exposition au COVID 19 doivent être activées."; /*Aktivieren-Button auf der Onboarding Page für die Permission der Exposure-Library*/ "onboarding_gaen_button_activate" = "Activer"; @@ -851,7 +851,7 @@ "tracing_setting_text_android" = "Notifications d'exposition au COVID 19"; /*Text auf der Onboarding Page für die Permission der Exposure-Library, Android*/ -"onboarding_gaen_text_android" = "Pour utiliser l'application, les notifications d'exposition au COVID 19 doivent être activée."; +"onboarding_gaen_text_android" = "Pour utiliser l'application, les notifications d'exposition au COVID 19 doivent être activées."; /*Onboarding Disclaimer Screen: AppName Title*/ "onboarding_disclaimer_heading" = "SwissCovid"; diff --git a/Translations/it.lproj/Localizable.strings b/Translations/it.lproj/Localizable.strings index 1a1365baf..a695a017b 100644 --- a/Translations/it.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/Translations/it.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -800,7 +800,7 @@ "onboarding_legal_alert_no" = "No"; /*Erster Onboarding-Screen für Pilot: JA von Popup in dem Nutzer Pilot bestätigen muss*/ -"onboarding_legal_alert_yes" = "Si"; +"onboarding_legal_alert_yes" = "Sì"; /*Erster Onboarding-Screen für Pilot: Blockierendes Popup für Nutzer die nicht im Pilot sind, Titel*/ "onboarding_legal_blocker_title" = "Fase pilota"; diff --git a/Translations/ti.lproj/Localizable.strings b/Translations/ti.lproj/Localizable.strings index 6e2d7a09c..918efe4c8 100644 --- a/Translations/ti.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/Translations/ti.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ "inform_detail_box_subtitle" = "ብኮቪድኮድ"; /*Inform Detai Weisse Box Titel*/ -"inform_detail_box_title" = "Break the chains of infection"; +"inform_detail_box_title" = "ሰንሰለት ለበዳ ሕማም ምቁራጽ"; /*Inform Detail Weisse Box Button*/ "inform_detail_box_button" = "ኮቪድኮድ ኣእትው"; diff --git a/Translations/tr.lproj/InfoPlist.strings b/Translations/tr.lproj/InfoPlist.strings index c9609892f..7fe0203ae 100644 --- a/Translations/tr.lproj/InfoPlist.strings +++ b/Translations/tr.lproj/InfoPlist.strings @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ "CFBundleDisplayName" = "SwissCovid"; -"NSBluetoothPeripheralUsageDescription" = "Encounters will be recognised in the background via low energy Bluetooth."; -"NSBluetoothAlwaysUsageDescription" = "Encounters will be recognised in the background via low energy Bluetooth."; +"NSBluetoothPeripheralUsageDescription" = "Temaslar arka planda Bluetooth yoluyla, asgari pil kullanımı ile tespit edilmektedir."; +"NSBluetoothAlwaysUsageDescription" = "Temaslar arka planda Bluetooth yoluyla, asgari pil kullanımı ile tespit edilmektedir."; diff --git a/Translations/tr.lproj/Localizable.strings b/Translations/tr.lproj/Localizable.strings index 345f681f0..5e675fe99 100644 --- a/Translations/tr.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/Translations/tr.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -6,202 +6,202 @@ "CFBundleDisplayName" = "SwissCovid"; /*Loading View: Erneut laden*/ -"loading_view_reload" = "Reload"; +"loading_view_reload" = "Yeniden yükle"; /*Fehler Titel in Loading View*/ -"loading_view_error_title" = "Error"; +"loading_view_error_title" = "Hata"; /*Alert: Titel wenn die App muss geupdatet werden*/ -"force_update_title" = "Update required"; +"force_update_title" = "Güncelleme gerekli"; /*Informieren: Weiter Button*/ -"inform_continue_button" = "Continue"; +"inform_continue_button" = "Devam"; /*Informieren: Senden Button*/ -"inform_send_button_title" = "Send"; +"inform_send_button_title" = "Gönder"; /*Informieren: Danke*/ -"inform_send_thankyou" = "Thank you"; +"inform_send_thankyou" = "Teşekkür ederiz"; /*Informieren: Danke Text*/ -"inform_send_thankyou_text" = "The random IDs generated by your app are sent.\n\nThank you for helping to break the chain of infection."; +"inform_send_thankyou_text" = "Uygulamanızın rastgele belirlenmiş ID'leri gönderilmiştir. Bu şekilde enfeksiyon zincirlerini kırmaya yardımcı olursunuz."; /*Informieren: Button Titel*/ -"inform_fertig_button_title" = "Close"; +"inform_fertig_button_title" = "Kapat"; /*Titel auf Homescreen für Begegnungen*/ -"handshakes_title_homescreen" = "Encounters"; +"handshakes_title_homescreen" = "Temaslar"; /*Abbrechen*/ -"cancel" = "Cancel"; +"cancel" = "İptal et"; /*Titel für Push-Nachrichten, wenn erkannt wird, dass ein Nutzer exposed war*/ -"push_exposed_title" = "New message"; +"push_exposed_title" = "Yeni mesaj"; /*Titel für Push-Nachrichten, wenn erkannt wird, dass ein Nutzer exposed war*/ -"push_exposed_text" = "Open the app to read the message"; +"push_exposed_text" = "Mesajı okumak için uygulamayı açın."; /*Okay Button Titel*/ "android_button_ok" = "OK"; /*Onboarding: Weiter Button Titel*/ -"onboarding_continue_button" = "Continue"; +"onboarding_continue_button" = "Devam"; /*Onboarding: Fertig Button*/ -"onboarding_finish_button" = "Finish"; +"onboarding_finish_button" = "Tamamlandı"; /*Unerwarteter Fehler*/ -"unexpected_error_title" = "An unexpected error has occurred"; +"unexpected_error_title" = "Beklenmeyen bir hata oluştu."; /*Bluetooth Fehlermeldung*/ -"bluetooth_turned_off" = "The app is not working because Bluetooth is turned off"; +"bluetooth_turned_off" = "Uygulama, Bluetooth kapalı olduğundan çalışmıyor."; /*Bluetooth Permission Fehler*/ -"bluetooth_permission_turned_off" = "The app is not working because Bluetooth is not permitted"; +"bluetooth_permission_turned_off" = "Uygulama, Bluetooth kullanma izini verilmediği için çalışmıyor."; /*Permission Text für Bluetooth*/ -"NSBluetoothPeripheralUsageDescription" = "Encounters will be recognised in the background via low energy Bluetooth."; +"NSBluetoothPeripheralUsageDescription" = "Temaslar arka planda Bluetooth yoluyla, asgari pil kullanımı ile tespit edilmektedir."; /*Permission Text für Bluetooth*/ -"NSBluetoothAlwaysUsageDescription" = "Encounters will be recognised in the background via low energy Bluetooth."; +"NSBluetoothAlwaysUsageDescription" = "Temaslar arka planda Bluetooth yoluyla, asgari pil kullanımı ile tespit edilmektedir."; /*Inform: Titel der Code abschicken Seite*/ -"inform_code_title" = "Enter the Covidcode"; +"inform_code_title" = "Kovid kodunu girin"; /*Inform: Code eingeben Subtext*/ -"inform_code_text" = "Enter the Covidcode you have received."; +"inform_code_text" = "Size gönderilen Kovid kodunu girin."; /*Inform: Code eingeben kein Code Button Text*/ -"inform_code_no_code" = "Do you need help?"; +"inform_code_no_code" = "Yardıma mı ihtiyacınız var?"; /*Titel des Bluetooth Control*/ -"tracing_setting_title" = "Proximity tracing"; +"tracing_setting_title" = "Takip"; /*Text beim Bluetooth Control*/ -"tracing_setting_text_ios" = "COVID-19 Exposure Notifications"; +"tracing_setting_text_ios" = "KOVİD-19 Temas Mesajları"; /*Bluetooth Control: Tracking deaktiviert*/ -"bluetooth_setting_tracking_inactive" = "Proximity tracing deactivated"; +"bluetooth_setting_tracking_inactive" = "Takip devre dışı bırakıldı"; /*Titel auf Homescreen*/ -"reports_title_homescreen" = "Reports"; +"reports_title_homescreen" = "Bildirimler"; /*Keine Meldungen Titel*/ -"meldungen_no_meldungen_title" = "No reports"; +"meldungen_no_meldungen_title" = "Yeni bildirim yok"; /*Push deaktiviert Titel*/ -"push_deactivated_title" = "Messages deactivated"; +"push_deactivated_title" = "Mesajlar devre dışı bırakıldı"; /*Push deaktiviert Text*/ -"push_deactivated_text" = "Change the settings to receive information directly in the event of a report."; +"push_deactivated_text" = "Bildirimleri doğrudan alabilmek için ayarları değiştirin."; /*Titel im Meldung Detail*/ -"meldungen_meldung_title" = "Possible infection"; +"meldungen_meldung_title" = "Olası enfeksiyon"; /*Text im Meldung Detail*/ -"meldungen_meldung_text" = "An infection could have occurred"; +"meldungen_meldung_text" = "Enfeksiyon olasılığı mevcuttur."; /*Titel ob Tracing aktiv*/ -"tracing_active_title" = "App active"; +"tracing_active_title" = "Uygulama etkindir"; /*Text bei Tracing aktiv*/ -"tracing_active_text" = "Encounters will be registered anonymously."; +"tracing_active_text" = "Temaslar anonim olarak kaydedilmektedir"; /*Android: Fehler Text bei Tracing*/ -"android_tracing_error_title" = "Proximity tracing not active"; +"android_tracing_error_title" = "Takip etkin değildir"; /*Fehlertitel mit Foreground Service Notification*/ -"android_foreground_service_notification_errors" = "App currently unable to function properly"; +"android_foreground_service_notification_errors" = "Uygulama şu anda doğru çalışamıyor:"; /*Titel der Nachricht, die auf Beta-Status hinweist*/ -"preview_warning_title" = "Version preview"; +"preview_warning_title" = "Önizleme Sürümü"; /*Text der Nachricht, die auf Beta-Status hinweist*/ -"preview_warning_text" = "This app provides a preview of how the DP-3T works. It is not a functioning COVID-19 tracker."; +"preview_warning_text" = "Uygulama DP-3T uygulamasını göstermek için önizleme sağlamaktadır. Verimli olarak kullanılabilecek bir KOVİD-19 takip sistemi değildir."; /*Debug: Label auf dem Button, der zum Debug-Screen führt*/ -"debug_settings_title" = "Debug settings"; +"debug_settings_title" = "Debug ayarları"; /*Debug: Titel für die Debug-Einstellungen zur Status-Überschreibung*/ -"debug_state_setting_title" = "Overwrite app status"; +"debug_state_setting_title" = "Uygulama durumunu değiştir"; /*Debug: Erklärungstext für die Debug-Einstellungen zur Status-Überschreibung*/ -"debug_state_setting_text" = "This setting overwrites the app's visual status. Proximity tracing functionality remains unaffected."; +"debug_state_setting_text" = "Bu ayar, uygulamanın görsel durumunu değiştirmektedir. Takip fonksiyonu bundan etkilenmemektedir."; /*Debug: Einstellungs-Option zum überschreiben des App-Zustands: Keine*/ -"debug_state_setting_option_none" = "No overwrite"; +"debug_state_setting_option_none" = "Değişiklik yapılmamıştır"; /*Debug: Einstellungs-Option zum überschreiben des App-Zustands: Gesund*/ -"debug_state_setting_option_ok" = "Healthy"; +"debug_state_setting_option_ok" = "Sağlıklı"; /*Debug: Einstellungs-Option zum überschreiben des App-Zustands: Einem positiven Kontakt ausgesetzt*/ -"debug_state_setting_option_exposed" = "Contact has tested positive"; +"debug_state_setting_option_exposed" = "Pozitif test edilmiş temas"; /*Debug: Einstellungs-Option zum überschreiben des App-Zustands: Selbst positiv getestet*/ -"debug_state_setting_option_infected" = "Reported yourself as positive"; +"debug_state_setting_option_infected" = "Pozitif test edildiniz"; /*Debug: Titel für die Debug-Info zum Tracing-Status*/ -"debug_sdk_state_title" = "SDK status"; +"debug_sdk_state_title" = "SDK statüsü"; /*Debug: Erklärungstext für die Debug-Info zum Tracing-Status*/ -"debug_sdk_state_text" = "Current status of DP-3T SDK"; +"debug_sdk_state_text" = "DP-3T SDK'nın güncel durumu."; /*Debug: Bezeichnung für den letzen sync-Zeitpunkt*/ -"debug_sdk_state_last_synced" = "Last synchronisation"; +"debug_sdk_state_last_synced" = "Son güncelleme:"; /*Debug: Bezeichnung für den Fall, bei dem der User selber als positiv getestet gemeldet wurde*/ -"debug_sdk_state_self_exposed" = "Reported yourself"; +"debug_sdk_state_self_exposed" = "Kendiniz bildirdiniz:"; /*Debug: Bezeichnung für den Fall, bei dem ein Kontakt als positiv getestet gemeldet wurde*/ -"debug_sdk_state_contact_exposed" = "Contact reported"; +"debug_sdk_state_contact_exposed" = "Temas bildirdiniz:"; /*Debug-Status-Bezeichnung für boleschen Wert 'true'*/ -"debug_sdk_state_boolean_true" = "Yes"; +"debug_sdk_state_boolean_true" = "evet"; /*Debug-Status-Bezeichnung für boleschen Wert 'false'*/ -"debug_sdk_state_boolean_false" = "No"; +"debug_sdk_state_boolean_false" = "hayır"; /*Debug: Button-Text für das Zurücksetzen des lokalen SDK Zustandes*/ -"debug_sdk_button_reset" = "Reset SDK"; +"debug_sdk_button_reset" = "SDK'yı sıfırla"; /*Tab-Titel*/ -"tab_tracing_title" = "Proximity tracing"; +"tab_tracing_title" = "Takip"; /*Titel auf Homescreen für Was tun Section*/ -"whattodo_title_symptoms" = "Symptoms of the disease"; +"whattodo_title_symptoms" = "Hastalık semptomları"; /*Subtitel auf Homescreen für Was Tun Section*/ -"whattodo_subtitle_symptoms" = "What to do if …"; +"whattodo_subtitle_symptoms" = "Bu durumlarda ne yapmalıyım?"; /*Titel auf Homescreen bei Was tun Section*/ -"whattodo_title_positivetest" = "you test positive"; +"whattodo_title_positivetest" = "Pozitif test sonucu aldığımda."; /*Subtitel auf Homescreen bei Was tun Section*/ -"whattodo_subtitle_positivetest" = "What to do if …"; +"whattodo_subtitle_positivetest" = "Bir ... olduğunda ne yapmalı?"; /*Informieren Detail: Subtitel*/ -"inform_detail_subtitle" = "What to do if …"; +"inform_detail_subtitle" = "Bir ... olduğunda ne yapmalı?"; /*Informieren Detail: Titel*/ -"inform_detail_title" = "you test positive?"; +"inform_detail_title" = "pozitif bir test sonuc aldığımda?"; /*Inform Detail: Weisse Box Subtitel*/ -"inform_detail_box_subtitle" = "With the Covidcode"; +"inform_detail_box_subtitle" = "Kovid kodu ile..."; /*Inform Detai Weisse Box Titel*/ -"inform_detail_box_title" = "Break the chains of infection"; +"inform_detail_box_title" = "Enfeksiyon zincirini kır"; /*Inform Detail Weisse Box Button*/ -"inform_detail_box_button" = "Enter the Covidcode"; +"inform_detail_box_button" = "Kovid kodu gir"; /*Informieren Detail Weisse Box Text*/ -"inform_detail_box_text" = "By entering the Covidcode, you tell the app that you have tested positive for the coronavirus."; +"inform_detail_box_text" = "Kovid kodunu girerek, uygulamaya Korona virüsüne ilişkin pozitif test edildiğinizi bildirirsiniz."; /*Symptome Detail Subtitel*/ -"symptom_detail_subtitle" = "What do I do if …"; +"symptom_detail_subtitle" = "Bu durumlarda ne yapmalıyım?"; /*Symptom Detail Titel*/ -"symptom_detail_title" = "I feel ill?"; +"symptom_detail_title" = "Kendimi hasta hissettiğimde."; /*Symptom Detail Weisse Box Subtitel*/ "symptom_detail_box_subtitle" = "KOVID-19 semptomlarında…"; @@ -216,415 +216,415 @@ "symptom_detail_box_text" = "BAG, tüm KOVİD-19 semptomları gösteren kişilerin test edilmesini öndermektedir. Lütfen bir doktor ya da sağlık kuruluşu ile iletişime geçin."; /*Informieren Titel in NavigationBar/Toolbar*/ -"inform_detail_navigation_title" = "Tested positive"; +"inform_detail_navigation_title" = "Pozitif test edilmiş"; /*Symptome Detail: NavigationBar/Toolbar Titel*/ -"symptom_detail_navigation_title" = "Symptoms"; -"tracing_turned_off_title" = "Proximity tracing deactivated"; -"tracing_turned_off_text" = "Activate proximity tracing so that the app works."; -"bluetooth_turned_off_title" = "Bluetooth off"; -"bluetooth_turned_off_text" = "Turn on Bluetooth on your device so that proximity tracing works."; -"bluetooth_turn_on_button_title" = "Turn on Bluetooth"; -"bluetooth_permission_error_title" = "Bluetooth use declined"; -"bluetooth_permission_error_text" = "Enable the use of Bluetooth so that proximity tracing works."; +"symptom_detail_navigation_title" = "Semptomlar"; +"tracing_turned_off_title" = "Takip devre dışı bırakıldı"; +"tracing_turned_off_text" = "Uygulamanın çalışabilmesi için takibi etkinleştirin."; +"bluetooth_turned_off_title" = "Bluetooth'u kapat"; +"bluetooth_turned_off_text" = "Takibin çalışabilmesi için cep telefonunuzun Bluetooth özelliğini etkinleştirin."; +"bluetooth_turn_on_button_title" = "Bluetooth'u ektinleştirin"; +"bluetooth_permission_error_title" = "Bluetooth kullanımı rededildi"; +"bluetooth_permission_error_text" = "Takibin çalışabilmesi için Bluetooth kullanımına izin verin."; /*URL zum Corona Check*/ -"symptom_detail_corona_check_url" = "https://check.foph-coronavirus.ch/screening"; -"push_open_settings_button" = "Change settings"; +"symptom_detail_corona_check_url" = "https://check.bag-coronavirus.ch/screening"; +"push_open_settings_button" = "Ayarları değiştirin"; /*Meldungen Detail: Subtitel wenn keine Meldungen*/ -"meldungen_no_meldungen_subtitle" = "No potential infections have been reported"; +"meldungen_no_meldungen_subtitle" = "Olası bir enfeksiyon bildirilmemiştir"; /*Keine Meldungen Weisse Box Titel*/ -"no_meldungen_box_title" = "Protect yourself"; +"no_meldungen_box_title" = "Kendinizi koruyun"; /*Keine Meldungen Weisse Box Subtitel*/ -"no_meldungen_box_subtitle" = "What should I do?"; +"no_meldungen_box_subtitle" = "Ne yapmalıyım?"; /*Keine Meldungen Weisse Box Text*/ -"no_meldungen_box_text" = "Follow the government recommendations on hygiene and social distancing."; +"no_meldungen_box_text" = "BAG'nin geçerli önerilerine uyun."; /*Meldung Detail: Positiv Getestet Titel*/ -"meldung_detail_positive_tested_title" = "Tested positive"; +"meldung_detail_positive_tested_title" = "Testiniz pozitif"; /*Meldung Detail: Positiv Getestet Subtitel*/ -"meldung_detail_positive_tested_subtitle" = "You have tested positive for the new coronavirus."; +"meldung_detail_positive_tested_subtitle" = "Yeni Korona virüsü testiniz pozitiftir."; /*Meldung Detail Positiv Getestet Weisse Box Subtitel*/ -"meldung_detail_positive_test_box_subtitle" = "What should I do?"; +"meldung_detail_positive_test_box_subtitle" = "Ne yapmalıyım?"; /*Meldung Detail Positiv Getestet Weisse Box Titel*/ -"meldung_detail_positive_test_box_title" = "Isolation"; +"meldung_detail_positive_test_box_title" = "İzolasyon"; /*Meldung Detail Positiv Getestet Weisse Box Text*/ -"meldung_detail_positive_test_box_text" = "Follow the instructions you receive on isolation."; -"tracing_ended_title" = "Proximity tracing ended"; -"tracing_ended_text" = "No further encounters registered"; -"exposed_info_contact_hotline" = "Contact the"; -"meldung_homescreen_positive_info_line1" = "Follow the"; -"meldung_homescreen_positive_info_line2" = "Instructions on self-isolation"; +"meldung_detail_positive_test_box_text" = "İzolasyona ilişkin size bildirilen talimatlara uyun"; +"tracing_ended_title" = "Takip sonlandırıldı"; +"tracing_ended_text" = "Temaslarınız artık kaydedilmiyor."; +"exposed_info_contact_hotline" = "... ile iletişime girin"; +"meldung_homescreen_positive_info_line1" = "...'lere/lara uyun"; +"meldung_homescreen_positive_info_line2" = "Kendini İzole Etme Talimatları"; /*Meldung Detail Exposed Neue Meldung*/ -"meldung_detail_exposed_new_meldung" = "New report"; +"meldung_detail_exposed_new_meldung" = "Yeni bildirim"; /*Meldung Detail Exposed Titel*/ -"meldung_detail_exposed_title" = "Potential infection"; -"meldung_homescreen_positiv_title" = "Tested positive"; +"meldung_detail_exposed_title" = "Enfeksiyon riski"; +"meldung_homescreen_positiv_title" = "Testiniz pozitif"; /*Meldung Detail Exposed Subtitel*/ -"meldung_detail_exposed_subtitle" = "An infection could have occurred"; -"meldung_homescreen_positiv_text" = "You have tested positive for the new coronavirus."; +"meldung_detail_exposed_subtitle" = "Enfeksiyon riski bulunmaktadır."; +"meldung_homescreen_positiv_text" = "Yeni Korona virüsü testiniz pozitiftir."; /*Debug Screen: Onboarding Reset Button*/ -"reset_onboarding" = "Reset onboarding"; +"reset_onboarding" = "Kaydı geri al"; /*Heute*/ -"date_today" = "Today"; +"date_today" = "Bugün"; /*Meldung Detail: Vor wievielen Tagen {COUNT} wird durch Zahl ersetzt*/ -"date_days_ago" = "{COUNT} days ago"; +"date_days_ago" = "{COUNT} gün önce"; /*Meldungen Detail: Weisse Box Titel*/ -"meldungen_detail_call" = "Call us"; +"meldungen_detail_call" = "Bizi arayın"; /*Meldungen Detail Text Weisse Box*/ -"meldungen_detail_call_text" = "SwissCovid infoline"; +"meldungen_detail_call_text" = "SwissCovid Bilgi Hattı"; /*Meldungen Detail Weisse Box Button*/ -"meldungen_detail_call_button" = "Call now"; +"meldungen_detail_call_button" = "Şimdi arayın"; /*Meldungen Detail Weisse Box Titel der Erklärungen*/ -"meldungen_detail_explanation_title" = "Be careful!"; +"meldungen_detail_explanation_title" = "Dikkat!"; /*Meldungen Detail Weisse Box Erklärungstext 1*/ -"meldungen_detail_explanation_text1" = "You could be infectious without realising it."; +"meldungen_detail_explanation_text1" = "Farkında olmadan bulaşıcı olabilirsiniz."; /*Meldungen Detail: Weisse Box Erklärtext 2*/ -"meldungen_detail_explanation_text2" = "Please protect your family, your friends and those around you. Avoid contacts for up to 10 days after a possible infection."; +"meldungen_detail_explanation_text2" = "Lütfen ailenizi, arkadaşlarınızı ve çevrenizdekileri koruyun. Olası bir enfeksiyon halinde 10 gün boyunca temastan kaçının."; /*Meldungen Detail: Weisse Box Text*/ -"meldungen_detail_guard_text" = "If you have any questions:\nInfoline SwissCovid\n+41 58 387 77 78"; +"meldungen_detail_guard_text" = "Sorularınız için: SwissCovid Bilgi Hattı +41 58 387 77 78"; /*Meldungen Detail Button Weisse Box*/ -"meldungen_detail_call_again_button" = "Call again"; +"meldungen_detail_call_again_button" = "Yeniden ara"; /*Meldungen Detail: Weisse Box Anruf Zeitpunkt*/ -"meldungen_detail_call_last_call" = "Last call: {DATE}"; +"meldungen_detail_call_last_call" = "Son arama: {TARİH}"; /*Subtitel im Onboarding erste Seite*/ -"app_subtitle" = "Subtitle"; +"app_subtitle" = "Alt Başlık"; /*Onboarding: Titel oben*/ -"onboarding_prinzip_heading" = "The goal"; +"onboarding_prinzip_heading" = "Hedef"; /*Onboarding: Titel*/ -"onboarding_prinzip_title" = "Staying one step ahead of the virus"; +"onboarding_prinzip_title" = "Virüsün bir adım önünde"; /*Onboarding Prinzip Text*/ -"onboarding_prinzip_text1" = "By using the SwissCovid app, we can all help to contain the spread of the new coronavirus."; +"onboarding_prinzip_text1" = "SwissCovid uygulaması ile yeni Korona virüsünün yayılımını sınırlandırmaya yardımcı olabilirsiniz."; /*Onboarding Prinzip Text*/ -"onboarding_prinzip_text2" = "The app tells you if you might have been exposed to the coronavirus."; +"onboarding_prinzip_text2" = "Korona virüsü ile potansiyel temaslarda uygulama sizi bilgilendirir."; /*Onboarding Privacy: Titel oben*/ -"onboarding_privacy_heading" = "Privacy by design"; +"onboarding_privacy_heading" = "Privacy by Design"; /*Onboarding Privacy: Titel*/ -"onboarding_privacy_title" = "Protection of privacy"; +"onboarding_privacy_title" = "Özel hayatın korunması"; /*Onboarding Privacy: Text*/ -"onboarding_privacy_text1" = "Devices only exchange random IDs. The app does not gather location data or data on your identity."; +"onboarding_privacy_text1" = "Cep telefonları arasında yalnızca rastgele ID'ler paylaşılır. Uygulama konumunuza ilişkin ya da şahsi bilgilerinizi toplamaz."; /*Onboarding Privacy: Text*/ -"onboarding_privacy_text2" = "The random IDs are stored on your device for 14 days and then deleted."; +"onboarding_privacy_text2" = "Rastgele ID'ler telefonunuza kaydedilir ve 14 gün sonra silinir."; /*Onboarding Begegnungen: Titel oben*/ -"onboarding_begegnungen_heading" = "How does the app work?"; +"onboarding_begegnungen_heading" = "Uygulama nasıl çalışır?"; /*Onboarding Begegnungen: Titel*/ -"onboarding_begegnungen_title" = "Recognising encounters using Bluetooth"; +"onboarding_begegnungen_title" = "Bluetooth sayesinde temasların tespit edilmesi"; /*Onboarding Begegnungen: Text*/ -"onboarding_begegnungen_text1" = "The app automatically recognises when two users have been in close proximity for a certain time."; +"onboarding_begegnungen_text1" = "Uygulama otomatik olarak iki kullanıcının belirli bir süre boyunca birbirine yakın olduğunu tespit etmektedir."; /*Onboarding Begegnungen: Text*/ -"onboarding_begegnungen_text2" = "It uses Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) to do this. No GPS, mobile, Wi-Fi or other location data."; +"onboarding_begegnungen_text2" = "Bunun için GPS, mobil, wifi ya da diğer korum bilgileri değil, yalnızca Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) kullanılmaktadır. "; /*Onboarding Meldung: Text oben*/ -"onboarding_meldung_heading" = "What does the app do?"; +"onboarding_meldung_heading" = "Uygulama ne yapar?"; /*Onboarding Meldung: Titel*/ -"onboarding_meldung_title" = "Report of potential infection"; +"onboarding_meldung_title" = "Enfeksiyon riskinde dair bildirim"; /*Onboarding Meldung: Text*/ -"onboarding_meldung_text1" = "The app notifies you if you may have been exposed to the coronavirus."; +"onboarding_meldung_text1" = "Uygulama, potansiyel olarak yeni Korona virüsü ile temasınız olduğunda sizi uyarır."; /*Onboarding Meldung: Text*/ -"onboarding_meldung_text2" = "By responding appropriately, you can break the chain of infection and protect other people."; +"onboarding_meldung_text2" = "Doğru davranışlarla enfeksiyon zincirlerini kırabilir ve diğer insanları koruyabilirsiniz."; /*Onboarding Bluetooth: Titel*/ -"onboarding_bluetooth_title" = "Enable Bluetooth"; +"onboarding_bluetooth_title" = "Bluetooth'a izin ver"; /*Onboarding Bluetooth: Text*/ -"onboarding_bluetooth_text" = "In order to use the app, you must enable Bluetooth."; +"onboarding_bluetooth_text" = "Uygulamayı kullanabilmek için Bluetooth'u açmanız gerekir."; /*Onboarding Bluetooth: Button*/ -"onboarding_bluetooth_button" = "Enable Bluetooth"; +"onboarding_bluetooth_button" = "Bluetooth'u aç"; /*Onboarding: Untetitel unten*/ -"onboarding_good_to_know" = "Good to know"; +"onboarding_good_to_know" = "Bilmek iyi"; /*Onboarding Bluetooth: Titel unten*/ -"onboarding_bluetooth_gtk_title1" = "You remain anonymous"; +"onboarding_bluetooth_gtk_title1" = "Anonim durumdasınız."; /*Onboarding Bluetooth: Text unten*/ -"onboarding_bluetooth_gtk_text1" = "No personal data is visible via Bluetooth."; +"onboarding_bluetooth_gtk_text1" = "Bluetooth ile kişisel verileriniz görüntülenemez."; /*Onboarding Bluetooth: Titel unten*/ -"onboarding_bluetooth_gtk_title2" = "Minor increase in battery usage"; +"onboarding_bluetooth_gtk_title2" = "Daha Uzun Pil Kullanımı"; /*Onboarding Bluetooth: Text unten*/ -"onboarding_bluetooth_gtk_text2" = "The app operates using as little energy as possible. There is only a minor increase in battery usage."; +"onboarding_bluetooth_gtk_text2" = "Uygulama kısıtlı olarak pil ömrünü uzatır. Pil kullanımı az miktarda artar."; /*Onboarding Mitteilungen: Titel*/ -"onboarding_push_title" = "Allow messages"; +"onboarding_push_title" = "Mesajlara izin ver"; /*Onboarding Mitteilungen: Text*/ -"onboarding_push_text" = "In order to receive notifications from the app, you must enable messages."; +"onboarding_push_text" = "Uygulamanın sizi bilgilendirebilmesi için mesajlara izin vermeniz gerekmektedir."; /*Onboarding Mitteilungen: Button*/ -"onboarding_push_button" = "Enable messages"; +"onboarding_push_button" = "Mesajlara izin ver"; /*Onboarding Mitteilungen: Titel Unten*/ -"onboarding_push_gtk_title1" = "Notified immediately"; +"onboarding_push_gtk_title1" = "Hemen bilgilendiril"; /*Onboarding Mitteilungen: Text unten*/ -"onboarding_push_gtk_text1" = "In the event of a potential infection, you will receive a message on the lock screen."; +"onboarding_push_gtk_text1" = "Enfeksiyon riskinde kilit ekranında bir mesaj ile bilgilendirileceksiniz."; /*Code senden: Abschluss Gute Besserung*/ -"inform_send_getwell_title" = "Get well soon!"; +"inform_send_getwell_title" = "Geçmiş olsun"; /*Code senden: Abschluss Gute Besserung*/ -"inform_send_getwell_text" = "Get well soon! \n\nFollow the instructions you have received on isolation."; +"inform_send_getwell_text" = "Çabuk iyileşin. İzolasyona ilişkin size iletilmiş talimatlara uyun."; /*Titel auf dem letzen Onboarding Screen*/ -"onboarding_go_title" = "The app is ready to go"; +"onboarding_go_title" = "Uygulama kuruldu"; /*Text auf dem letzten Onboarding Screen*/ -"onboarding_go_text" = "Thank you for helping to break the chain of infection."; +"onboarding_go_text" = "Enfeksiyon zincirlerini kırmaya yardımcı olduğunuz için teşekkür ederiz."; /*Button-Label auf dem letzten Onboarding screen*/ -"onboarding_go_button" = "Start"; +"onboarding_go_button" = "Başlat"; /*Homescreen: Titel bei Fehler mit Daten*/ -"homescreen_meldung_data_outdated_title" = "No current data"; +"homescreen_meldung_data_outdated_title" = "Güncel veri yoktur"; /*Homescreen: Text bei Fehler mit Daten*/ -"homescreen_meldung_data_outdated_text" = "It has not been possible to synchronise reports for some time. Please check that your device is connected to the internet."; +"homescreen_meldung_data_outdated_text" = "Bir süredir bildirimler senkronize edilememiştir. Internet bağlantınızı kontrol edin."; /*Homescreen: Button Titel*/ -"homescreen_meldung_data_outdated_retry_button" = "Retry"; +"homescreen_meldung_data_outdated_retry_button" = "Yeniden dene"; /*Titel Fehlermeldung für ungültigen Code*/ -"inform_code_invalid_title" = "Code invalid"; +"inform_code_invalid_title" = "Geçersiz kod"; /*Fehlermeldung Subtitle ungültiger Code*/ -"inform_code_invalid_subtitle" = "If you have any problems, call the office that gave you the Covidcode."; +"inform_code_invalid_subtitle" = "Problem durumunda: Lütfen Kovid kodunu aldığınız kurumu arayın."; /*Datum: Vor 1 Tag*/ -"date_one_day_ago" = "1 day ago"; +"date_one_day_ago" = "Bir gün önce"; /*Meldungen Detail: Titel*/ -"meldung_detail_new_contact_title" = "Possible infection"; +"meldung_detail_new_contact_title" = "Yeni şüphe"; /*Meldungen Detail: Text*/ -"meldung_detail_new_contact_subtitle" = "An infection could have occurred"; +"meldung_detail_new_contact_subtitle" = "Bir enfeksiyon şüphesi vardır."; /*Fehler mit Uhrzeit Titel*/ -"time_inconsistency_title" = "Time error"; +"time_inconsistency_title" = "Saat hatası"; /*Fehler mit Uhrzeit Text*/ -"time_inconsistency_text" = "The time must be set correctly for proximity tracing to work."; +"time_inconsistency_text" = "İzlemenin çalışabilmesi için saatin doğru ayarlanmış olması gerekir."; /*Begegnungen: Neustart Titel*/ -"begegnungen_restart_error_title" = "Restart required"; +"begegnungen_restart_error_title" = "Yeniden başlatma gereklidir"; /*Begegnungen: Neustart Text*/ -"begegnungen_restart_error_text" = "An unexpected error has occurred. Restart your device."; +"begegnungen_restart_error_text" = "Beklenmeyen bir hata oluştu. Lütfen cep telefonunuzu kapatıp açın."; /*Fehler Titel für Hintergrund-Fehler*/ -"meldungen_background_error_title" = "Background update deactivated."; +"meldungen_background_error_title" = "Arka plan güncellemesi kapatıldı"; /*Text für Hintergrund Fehler*/ -"meldungen_background_error_text" = "Change the settings to receive notification outside the app as well in the event of a report."; +"meldungen_background_error_text" = "Uygulama açık olmadığında da bildirim alabilmek için lütfen ayarları değiştirin."; /*Button Titel für Hintergrundfehler beheben*/ -"meldungen_background_error_button" = "Change settings"; +"meldungen_background_error_button" = "Ayarları değiştirin"; /*Default message for force update*/ -"force_update_text" = "Install the new version of the app so that proximity tracing works."; +"force_update_text" = "İzlemenin çalışması için uygulamanın yeni sürümünü yükleyin."; /*Ignorieren Button Titel*/ -"meldung_in_app_alert_ignore_button" = "Ignore"; +"meldung_in_app_alert_ignore_button" = "Yoksay"; /*Button Titel*/ -"meldung_in_app_alert_accept_button" = "To notifications"; +"meldung_in_app_alert_accept_button" = "Bilgiler için"; /*Meldungen Detail: Button Titel*/ -"meldungen_detail_call_again" = "Call again"; +"meldungen_detail_call_again" = "Yeniden arayın"; /*Fehlernachricht für Netzwerkfehler*/ -"network_error" = "Please check your internet connection"; +"network_error" = "Lütfen internet bağlantınızı kontrol edin."; /*Unerwarteter Fehler, mit Aufforderung Aktion erneut zu versuchen*/ -"unexpected_error_with_retry" = "An unexpected error has occurred. Please retry."; +"unexpected_error_with_retry" = "Beklenmeyen bir hata oluştu. Lütfen tekrar deneyin."; /*VoiceOver: Datum*/ -"accessibility_date" = "Date"; +"accessibility_date" = "Tarih"; /*Voiceover Codeeingabe: Nummerierte Textfelder*/ -"accessibility_1nd" = "First"; +"accessibility_1nd" = "Birinci"; /*Voiceover Codeeingabe: Nummerierte Textfelder*/ -"accessibility_2nd" = "Second"; +"accessibility_2nd" = "İkinci"; /*Voiceover Codeeingabe: Nummerierte Textfelder*/ -"accessibility_3nd" = "Third"; +"accessibility_3nd" = "Üçüncü"; /*Voiceover Codeeingabe: Nummerierte Textfelder*/ -"accessibility_4nd" = "Fourth"; +"accessibility_4nd" = "Dördüncü"; /*Voiceover Codeeingabe: Nummerierte Textfelder*/ -"accessibility_5nd" = "Fifth"; +"accessibility_5nd" = "Beşinci"; /*Voiceover Codeeingabe: Nummerierte Textfelder*/ -"accessibility_6nd" = "Sixth"; +"accessibility_6nd" = "Altıncı"; /*Voiceover Codeeingabe: Nummerierte Textfelder*/ -"accessibility_7nd" = "Seventh"; +"accessibility_7nd" = "Yedinci"; /*Voiceover Codeeingabe: Nummerierte Textfelder*/ -"accessibility_8nd" = "Eighth"; +"accessibility_8nd" = "Sekizinci"; /*Voiceover Codeeingabe: Nummerierte Textfelder*/ -"accessibility_9nd" = "Ninth"; +"accessibility_9nd" = "Dokuzuncu"; /*Voiceover Codeeingabe: Nummerierte Textfelder*/ -"accessibility_10nd" = "Tenth"; +"accessibility_10nd" = "Onuncu"; /*Voiceover Codeeingabe: Nummerierte Textfelder*/ -"accessibility_11nd" = "Eleventh"; +"accessibility_11nd" = "Onbirinci"; /*Voiceover Codeeingabe: Nummerierte Textfelder*/ -"accessibility_12nd" = "Twelfth"; +"accessibility_12nd" = "Onikinci"; /*Voiceover: Hilfetext bei Codeeingabe*/ -"accessibility_code_button_disabled_hint" = "Please enter the code in full, then press button."; +"accessibility_code_button_disabled_hint" = "Kodun tamamı girilmediğinden etkin değildir."; /*Fehler: Standortinformationen / Bluetooth*/ -"android_foreground_service_notification_error_location_service" = "Enable location information so that the app can use Bluetooth. The app does not recognise your location at any time."; +"android_foreground_service_notification_error_location_service" = "Uygulamanın Bluetooth'u kullanabilmesi için konum bilgilerini açın. Uygulama hiçbir zaman sizin konumunuzu kaydetmeyecektir."; /*Location Services ausgeschaltet Titel*/ -"android_error_location_services_title" = "Location disabled"; +"android_error_location_services_title" = "Konumu kapat"; /*Location Services ausgeschaltet Button*/ -"android_error_location_services_button" = "Enable location"; +"android_error_location_services_button" = "Konumu aç"; /*Information Button in the navigation bar*/ -"accessibility_info_button" = "Information"; +"accessibility_info_button" = "Bilgiler"; /*Synchronisations-Fehler Titel*/ -"sync_warning_notification_title" = "Synchronise the app"; +"sync_warning_notification_title" = "Uygulamayı senkronize et"; /*Synchronisations-Fehler Text*/ -"sync_warning_notification_text" = "Open the app to check the list of random IDs reported."; +"sync_warning_notification_text" = "Rastgele bildirilen ID'lerin listesinin eşitlenmesi için uygulamayı açın."; /*Meldungen Detail: Button bei Vollansicht*/ -"meldung_animation_continue_button" = "Continue"; +"meldung_animation_continue_button" = "Devam"; /*Titel Impressum Menu*/ -"menu_impressum" = "Imprint"; +"menu_impressum" = "Künye"; /*Begegnungen: FAQ Titel*/ -"begegnung_detail_faq1_title" = "What is an encounter?"; +"begegnung_detail_faq1_title" = "Temas ne demektir?"; /*Begegnungen: FAQ Text*/ -"begegnung_detail_faq1_text" = "If smartphones with the app are in close proximity for a certain time, this is registered on your device as an encounter."; +"begegnung_detail_faq1_text" = "Bu uygulamanın yüklü olduğu cep telefonları belirli bir süre boyunca birbirine yakın olduklarında, bu cihazda temaz olarak kaydedilmektedir."; /*Begegnungen: FAQ Titel*/ -"begegnung_detail_faq2_title" = "Is my data secure?"; +"begegnung_detail_faq2_title" = "Verilerim güvende mi?"; /*Begegnungen: FAQ Text*/ -"begegnung_detail_faq2_text" = "In the event of an encounter, only random IDs are exchanged. \n\nThey are saved locally on the smartphones and then deleted 14 days later."; +"begegnung_detail_faq2_text" = "Bir temasta yalnızca rastgele ID'ler paylaşılmaktadır.\n\nBunlar cep telefonunda kaydedilmekte ve 14 gün sonra silinmektedir."; /*Begegnungen: FAQ Titel*/ -"begegnungen_detail_faq3_title" = "Does Bluetooth have to be turned on all the time?"; +"begegnungen_detail_faq3_title" = "Bluetooth her zaman aktif mi olmalıdır?"; /*Begegnungen: FAQ Text*/ -"begegnungen_detail_faq3_text" = "In order to recognise encounters, Bluetooth must be turned on at all times. This causes only a minor increase in battery usage."; +"begegnungen_detail_faq3_text" = "Temasın tespit edilebilmesi için Bluetooth'un her zaman aktif olması gerekir. Pil kullanımı yalnızca az ölçüde artmaktadır."; /*FAQ Button Titel*/ -"faq_button_title" = "FAQs"; +"faq_button_title" = "Sıkça Sorulan Sorular"; /*Meldungen Keine Meldungen FAQ Titel*/ -"meldungen_nomeldungen_faq1_title" = "What are reports?"; +"meldungen_nomeldungen_faq1_title" = "Bildirimler nedir?"; /*Meldungen: Keine Meldungen FAQ Text*/ -"meldungen_nomeldungen_faq1_text" = "The app checks regularly to see whether any users that you have encountered have reported testing positive for the virus. \n\nIf it is possible that you have been infected, you will receive a message on your lock screen."; +"meldungen_nomeldungen_faq1_text" = "Uygulama düzenli olarak temas ettiğiniz kişilerin pozitif bir test sonucu bildirip bildirmediğini kontrol eder.\nOlası bir enfeksiyon riskinde kilit ekranında bir mesaj ile bilgilendirileceksiniz."; /*Meldungen: Keine Meldungen FAQ Titel*/ -"meldungen_nomeldungen_faq2_titel" = "What is a potential infection?"; +"meldungen_nomeldungen_faq2_titel" = "Enfeksiyon riski ne anlama gelmektedir?"; /*Meldungen: Keine Meldungen FAQ Text*/ -"meldungen_nomeldungen_faq2_text" = "The app not only checks whether you have had encounters with infected persons, but how long and how close these were. \n\nYou will only be notified if there is sufficient likelihood that you have been infected."; +"meldungen_nomeldungen_faq2_text" = "Uygulama yalnızca enfekte kişiler temaz olup olmadığını değil, temasların ne kadar sürdüğünü ve ne kadar yakın olduklarını da takip eder.\n\nYalnızca bulaşma riski yeterince büyük ise bilgilendirilirsiniz."; /*Meldungen Detail Weisse Box Texte Unten*/ -"meldungen_detail_explanation_text3" = "The infoline SwissCovid will advise you on getting a free test."; +"meldungen_detail_explanation_text3" = "SwissCovid Bilgi Hattı sizi ücretsiz testler konusunda bilgilendirir."; /*Meldungen: Meldungen FAQ*/ -"meldungen_meldungen_faq1_title" = "Do I have to call?"; +"meldungen_meldungen_faq1_title" = "Aramam mı gerekiyor?"; /*Meldungen: Meldungen FAQ Text*/ -"meldungen_meldungen_faq1_text" = "It is recommended that you call every time you receive a notification. \n\nYou will remain anonymous. No personal data will be recorded.\n\nThe counselling is free of charge. You just have to pay for the call."; +"meldungen_meldungen_faq1_text" = "Her yeni bildirimde aramanız önerilmektedir. Aramalarınız anonimdir. Kişisel bilgiler toplanmamaktadır."; /*Meldungen Detail: Anruf Titel*/ -"meldungen_detail_call_thankyou_title" = "Thank you for your cooperation."; +"meldungen_detail_call_thankyou_title" = "Katıldığınız için teşekkür ederiz"; /*Meldungen Detail Anruf Danke Subtitel*/ -"meldungen_detail_call_thankyou_subtitle" = "You are protecting other people."; +"meldungen_detail_call_thankyou_subtitle" = "Diğerlerini korursunuz"; /*Keine Meldungen Link in weisser Box Titel*/ -"no_meldungen_box_link" = "Protect yourself and others"; +"no_meldungen_box_link" = "Kendimizi bu şekilde koruruz"; /*Keine Meldungen Weisse Box Link URL*/ -"no_meldungen_box_url" = "https://www.foph-coronavirus.ch"; +"no_meldungen_box_url" = "https://www.bag-coronavirus.ch"; /*Informieren Detail: FAQ Titel*/ -"inform_detail_faq1_title" = "What is a Covidcode?"; +"inform_detail_faq1_title" = "Bir Kovid kodu nedir?"; /*Inform Detail: FAQ Text*/ -"inform_detail_faq1_text" = "People who have tested positive for the new coronavirus receive a Covidcode. This ensures that only confirmed cases are notified via the app."; +"inform_detail_faq1_text" = "Korona virüsü testi pozitif olan kişilere Kovid kodu verilir.\n\nBu şekilde yalnızca onaylanmış vakaların uygulama üzerinden bildirilmesi garantilenir."; /*Inform Detail: FAQ Titel*/ -"inform_detail_faq2_title" = "What information gets sent?"; +"inform_detail_faq2_title" = "Neler iletilir?"; /*Inform Detail FAQ Text*/ -"inform_detail_faq2_text" = "Only the random IDs from your app are sent, no personal data. \n\nOther SwissCovid apps can then check if it is possible that they have been infected."; +"inform_detail_faq2_text" = "Şahsi bilgileriniz değil, uygulamanızın yalnızca rastgele ID'leri iletilir. \nBu şekilde diğer SwissCovid uygulaması kullanıcıları yalnızca bir bulaşma riski olabileceğini öğenir."; /*Telefonnummer der Infoline*/ "infoline_tel_number" = "+41 58 387 77 78"; /*URL für Häufige Fragen Button*/ -"faq_button_url" = "https://www.bag.admin.ch/bag/en/home/krankheiten/ausbrueche-epidemien-pandemien/aktuelle-ausbrueche-epidemien/novel-cov/haeufig-gestellte-fragen.html"; +"faq_button_url" = "https://www.bag.admin.ch/bag/de/home/krankheiten/ausbrueche-epidemien-pandemien/aktuelle-ausbrueche-epidemien/novel-cov/haeufig-gestellte-fragen.html"; /*Informieren Flow: Titel erster Screen*/ -"inform_code_intro_title" = "Important information"; +"inform_code_intro_title" = "Önemli Bilgiler"; /*Informieren-Flow: Erster Screen Text*/ -"inform_code_intro_text" = "Although no personal data relating to you is sent out, it may well be that someone remembers their encounter with you from the date."; +"inform_code_intro_text" = "Kişisel bilgileriniz iletilmese dahi, bazı kişiler tarihler temelinde sizinle olan teması hatırlayabilirler."; /*Inform-Flow: Erster Screen Button*/ -"inform_code_intro_button" = "OK"; +"inform_code_intro_button" = "Anlaşıldı"; /*Symptome: FAQ Titel*/ "symptom_faq1_title" = "KOVİD-19 semptomları nedir?"; @@ -633,251 +633,251 @@ "symptom_faq1_text" = "Bu semptomlar sıklıkla ortaya çıkmaktadır:\n\n- Ateş, ateşlenme\n- Boğaz ağrısı\n- Öksürme (genelde kuru)\n- Nefes darlığı\n- Kas ağrıları\n- Koku ve tad alma yetisinin aniden kaybolması"; /*Meldungen: Positiv getestet FAQ Titel*/ -"meldungen_positive_tested_faq1_title" = "Why has proximity tracing ended?"; +"meldungen_positive_tested_faq1_title" = "Takip neden sonlandırıldı?"; /*Meldungen: Positiv getestet FAQ Text*/ -"meldungen_positive_tested_faq1_text" = "Following a positive test, proximity tracing in the app is automatically ended."; +"meldungen_positive_tested_faq1_text" = "Pozitif bir test sonrasında takip otomatik olarak sonlandırılır."; /*Sprache Abkürzung (BITTE NICHT ÄNDERN)*/ -"language_key" = "en"; +"language_key" = "tr"; /*Meldungen Homescreen: Name Hotline*/ -"exposed_info_contact_hotline_name" = "SwissCovid infoline"; +"exposed_info_contact_hotline_name" = "SwissCovid Bilgi Hattı"; /*Meldung Detail: "Noch 1 Tag" Label*/ -"date_in_one_day" = "1 more day"; +"date_in_one_day" = "Bir gün daha"; /*Meldung Detail: Anzeige "Noch x Tage" {COUNT} wird durch Zahl ersetzt*/ -"date_in_days" = "There are {COUNT} days left"; +"date_in_days" = "{COUNT} gün daha"; /*Datum: Text vor Datum: am 26.2.2020 / {DATE} wird ersetzt durch Datum*/ -"date_text_before_date" = "on {DATE}"; +"date_text_before_date" = "{DATE} tarihinde"; /*Accessibility Talk back information for android back button in toolbar*/ -"android_accessibility_back_button" = "Back"; +"android_accessibility_back_button" = "Geri"; /*VoiceOver: Hilfetext bei Codeeingabe Button*/ -"accessibility_code_button_current_code_hint" = "Code entered: "; +"accessibility_code_button_current_code_hint" = "Girilen kod:"; /*Accessibility: Codeeingabe einer Ziffer*/ -"accessibility_code_input_textfield" = "Text box. Current figure: "; +"accessibility_code_input_textfield" = "Güncel sayı metin alanı:"; /*Accessibility: Code Input Textfeld wenn leer*/ -"accessibility_code_input_textfield_empty" = "Text box. Empty."; +"accessibility_code_input_textfield_empty" = "Metin alanı boş"; /*Accessibility: Hint zum doppelklicken wenn einzelnes Codefeld angeklickt*/ -"accessibility_code_input_hint" = "Double-tap to edit"; +"accessibility_code_input_hint" = "Düzenlemek için lütfen iki defa tıklayın"; /*Accessibility: FAW Button Titel */ -"accessibility_faq_button_hint" = "This button exits the app and opens the F.O.P.H. website."; +"accessibility_faq_button_hint" = "Bu bağlantı sizi uygulamadan çıkararak B.A.G. web sayfasına ulaştırır."; /*Titel auf der Onboarding Page für die Permission der Exposure-Library*/ -"onboarding_gaen_title" = "Activate proximity tracing"; +"onboarding_gaen_title" = "Takibi etkinleştir"; /*Text auf der Onboarding Page für die Permission der Exposure-Library, iOS*/ -"onboarding_gaen_text_ios" = "COVID-19 Exposure Notifications must be activated to use the app."; +"onboarding_gaen_text_ios" = "Uygulamayı kullanabilmek için KOVİD-19 temas bildirimlerini etkinleştirmiş olmalısınız."; /*Aktivieren-Button auf der Onboarding Page für die Permission der Exposure-Library*/ -"onboarding_gaen_button_activate" = "Activate"; +"onboarding_gaen_button_activate" = "Etkinleştir"; /*Onboarding Page für die Permission der Exposure-Library: Info Titel 1*/ -"onboarding_gaen_info_title_1" = "Data protection"; +"onboarding_gaen_info_title_1" = "Veri gizliliği"; /*Onboarding Page für die Permission der Exposure-Library: Info Text 1*/ -"onboarding_gaen_info_text_1" = "Only random IDs are exchanged, not data about your location or your person."; +"onboarding_gaen_info_text_1" = "Yalnızca rastgele ID'ler paylaşılmaktadır. Konumunuza ilişkin ya da kişisel bilgileriniz paylaşımamaktadır."; /*Onboarding Page für die Permission der Exposure-Library: Info Titel 2*/ -"onboarding_gaen_info_title_2" = "Minor increase in battery usage"; +"onboarding_gaen_info_title_2" = "Pil kullanımı az ölçüde artmaktadır"; /*Onboarding Page für die Permission der Exposure-Library: Info Text 2*/ -"onboarding_gaen_info_text_2" = "The app operates using as little energy as possible. There is only a minor increase in battery usage."; +"onboarding_gaen_info_text_2" = "Uygulama en az pil kullanımını gerektirecek şekilde tasarlanmıştır. Pil kullanımı yalnızca çok az artmaktadır."; /*Aktivieren-Button auf der Onboarding Page für die Permission der Exposure-Library*/ -"onboarding_gaen_button_activated" = "Activated"; +"onboarding_gaen_button_activated" = "Etkinleştirildi"; /*Meldung in der App löschen, wenn möglicherweise angesteckt*/ -"delete_reports_button" = "Delete notification"; +"delete_reports_button" = "Bildirimi sil"; /*Meldung im Löschen Dialog wenn möglicherweise angesteckt*/ -"delete_reports_dialog" = "Do you really want to delete the notification?"; +"delete_reports_dialog" = "Bildirimi gerçekten silmek mi istiyorsunuz?"; /*Code-Eingabe in der App löschen, wenn infiziert*/ -"delete_infection_button" = "Delete notification"; +"delete_infection_button" = "Bildirimi sil"; /*Meldung im Löschen Dialog nach Code-Einfragen*/ -"delete_infection_dialog" = "Do you really want to delete the notification? "; -"android_onboarding_battery_permission_title" = "Ignore battery optimisation"; -"android_onboarding_battery_permission_text" = "To be able to recognise encounters at all times, the battery optimisation function for this app must be disabled."; -"android_onboarding_battery_permission_button" = "Allow"; +"delete_infection_dialog" = "Bildirimi gerçekten silmek mi istiyorsunuz?"; +"android_onboarding_battery_permission_title" = "Pil optimizasyonunu yoksay"; +"android_onboarding_battery_permission_text" = "Temasların her zaman takip edebilebilmesi için pil optimizasyonunun bu uygulama için devre dışı bırakılması gerekmektedir."; +"android_onboarding_battery_permission_button" = "İzin ver"; "android_onboarding_battery_permission_button_deactivated" = "OK"; -"android_onboarding_battery_permission_info_1_title" = "Only for this app"; -"android_onboarding_battery_permission_info_1_text" = "For the app to work, it must also run in the background. Battery optimisation can be disabled for individual apps, so that this is possible."; -"android_onboarding_battery_permission_info_2_title" = "Minor increase in battery usage"; -"android_onboarding_battery_permission_info_2_text" = "The app operates using as little energy as possible. There is only a minor increase in battery usage."; -"android_foreground_service_notification_error_battery_optimization" = "For proximity tracing to work precisely, the app must also run in the background. This will cause a minor increase in battery usage."; +"android_onboarding_battery_permission_info_1_title" = "Yalnızca bu uygulama için"; +"android_onboarding_battery_permission_info_1_text" = "Uygulamanın çalışabilmesi için arka planda yürütülmesi gerekmektedir. Bu amaçla pil optimizasyonu belirli uygulamalar için devre dışı bırakılabilmektedir."; +"android_onboarding_battery_permission_info_2_title" = "Pil kullanımı az ölçüde artmaktadır"; +"android_onboarding_battery_permission_info_2_text" = "Uygulama en az pil kullanımını gerektirecek şekilde tasarlanmıştır. Pil kullanımı yalnızca çok az artmaktadır."; +"android_foreground_service_notification_error_battery_optimization" = "Takibin doğru yapılabilmesi için uygulamanın arka planda yürütülmesi gerekmektedir. Pil kullanımı yalnızca az ölçüde artmaktadır."; /*Google Play Services nicht aktuell*/ -"gaen_not_aviable" = "Google Play Services is not up to date"; +"gaen_not_aviable" = "Google Play Hizmetleri güncel değildir"; /*Google Play Services nicht aktuell text*/ -"gaen_not_available_text" = "Please update Google Play Services"; +"gaen_not_available_text" = "Lütfen Google Play Hizmetlerini güncelleyin."; /*Tracing wurde vom System deaktiviert, erneut starten*/ -"gaen_unexpectedly_disabled" = "Proximity tracing has been deactivated. Please restart it."; +"gaen_unexpectedly_disabled" = "Takip devre dışı bırakıldı. Lütfen yeniden etkinleştirin."; /*Fehler-Titel, wenn Tracing deaktiviert wurde im System, iOS*/ -"tracing_permission_error_title_ios" = "COVID-19 Exposure Notifications disabled"; +"tracing_permission_error_title_ios" = "KOVİD-19 temas mesajları devre dışı bırakıldı"; /*Fehler-Text, wenn Tracing deaktiviert wurde im System, iOS*/ -"tracing_permission_error_text_ios" = "Activate COVID-19 Exposure Notifications for proximity tracing to work."; +"tracing_permission_error_text_ios" = "Takibin çalışabilmesi için KOVİD-19 iletişim mesajlarının etkinleştirilmesi gerekmektedir."; /*Error-Meldung, wenn der Benutzer während des Informieren-Flows bei GApple das Key-Sharing nicht erlaubt.*/ -"user_cancelled_key_sharing_error" = "The message could not be sent. Please allow your random IDs to be shared with the SwissCovid app."; +"user_cancelled_key_sharing_error" = "Mesaj iletilemedi. Lütfen rastgele ID'lerinizin SwissCovid uygulaması ile paylaşılmasına izin verin."; /*Button um die Google Play Services zu aktualisieren*/ -"playservices_update" = "Update"; +"playservices_update" = "Güncelle"; /*Button um die Google Play Services zu installieren*/ -"playservices_install" = "Install"; +"playservices_install" = "Kur"; /*Titel für Infos zu den Google Play Services*/ "playservices_title" = "Google Play Services"; /*Meldung, dass die Google Play Services benötigt werden*/ -"playservices_text" = "To activate proximity tracing, an up-to-date version of Google Play Services is required.\n\nIf no update is currently available on your device, please try again later."; -"android_error_battery_optimization_title" = "Optimisation of battery usage activated"; -"android_error_battery_optimization_button" = "Allow"; +"playservices_text" = "Takibi etkinleştirmek için Google Play Hizmetlerinin güncel sürümüne ihtiyacınız var. \n\nŞu anda bir güncelleme sunulmuyorsa, lütfen daha sonra yeniden deneyin."; +"android_error_battery_optimization_title" = "Pil kullanımının optimizasyonu etkin"; +"android_error_battery_optimization_button" = "İzin ver"; /*Telefonnummer für Hilfe bei App-Problemen*/ "app_hotline_tel_number" = "+41 58 466 07 99"; /*text shown in notification when we get an exception from the GAEN api*/ -"sync_api_error" = "An unexpected error occurred when synchronising the notifications"; +"sync_api_error" = "Bildirim senkronizasyonunda bir hata oluştu."; /*Fehler, der bei ungültigen Zertifikat angezeigt wird. Kann z.B. passieren, wenn man in einem public wlan ist*/ -"certificate_validation_error" = "Secure connection to server not possible. Please check or deactivate your VPN or proxy, or check whether you are connected to a public Wi-Fi system."; +"certificate_validation_error" = "Sunucuya günvenli bağlantı sağlanamamaktadır. Lütfen kontrol edin, VPN ya da proxynizi devre dışı bırakın veya halka açık bir wifi bağlantısı kullanmadığınıza emin olun."; /*Fehler-Titel wenn die Exposure Notifications nicht gestartet werden konnten.*/ -"android_en_start_failure" = "COVID-19 notifications could not be activated"; +"android_en_start_failure" = "KOVİD-19 bildirimleri etkinleştirilemedi."; /*Certificate pinning Debug screen section title*/ -"certificate_pinning_title" = "Certificate Pinning"; -"certificate_pinning_button_disable" = "Disable"; -"certificate_pinning_button_enable" = "Enable"; +"certificate_pinning_title" = "Sertifika sabitleme"; +"certificate_pinning_button_disable" = "Devre dışı bırak"; +"certificate_pinning_button_enable" = "Etkinleştir"; /*Erster Onboarding-Screen für Pilot: Überschrift*/ -"onboarding_legal_heading" = "Preview version"; +"onboarding_legal_heading" = "Önizleme Sürümü"; /*Erster Onboarding-Screen für Pilot: Titel*/ -"onboarding_legal_title" = "Use only for participants of the pilot phase"; +"onboarding_legal_title" = "Pilot aşamada katılımcılar için kullanım"; /*Erster Onboarding-Screen für Pilot: Erster Abschnitt*/ -"onboarding_legal_text1" = "The use of this app is currently intended and authorised only for the following groups, who have been invited by the FOPH to take part in the pilot: Members of the Swiss Armed Forces in training, assistance and active service, staff of universities, staff of hospitals and clinics, staff of cantonal administrations and the Federal Administration, members of associations wishing to contribute to improving the quality of the system."; +"onboarding_legal_text1" = "„Bu uygulama şu anda yalnızca BAG tarafından pilot kullanım için davet edilen aşağıdaki grupların kullanımına açıktır: Eğitim, yardım ve aktif hizmette olan İsviçre Ordusu üyeleri, üniversite çalışanları, hastane ve klinik çalışanları, kanton idareleri ve federal idare çalışanları, sistemin kalitesinin iyileştirilmesine katkıda bulunmak isteyen dernek üyeleri.“"; /*Erster Onboarding-Screen für Pilot: Zweiter Abschnitt*/ -"onboarding_legal_text2" = "The pilot phase is carried out with productive systems and contains real data. In case of a positive COVID-19 test, cantonal physicians are not allowed to generate a covid code for notification from the app for non-authorized users. Attacks (\"penetration tests\") on the system outside the delimited public security test are attacks on the productive system and are therefore illegal."; +"onboarding_legal_text2" = "Pilot aşama, üretken sistemlerle gerçekleştirilir ve gerçek verileri içerir. Kanton doktorları, pozitif bir KOVİD-19 testi durumunda yetkisiz uygulama kullanıcılarına bildirim için bir Kovid kodu veremezler. Tanımlanmış Kamu Güvenliği Testi‘nin dışındaki sisteme yapılan saldırılar (\"Penetrasyon testleri\"), üretken sisteme yapılan saldırılardır ve bu nedenle yasa dışıdır."; /*Erster Onboarding-Screen für Pilot: Titel von Popup in dem Nutzer Pilot bestätigen muss*/ -"onboarding_legal_alert_title" = "Do you belong to an organization that is allowed to participate in the pilot phase?"; +"onboarding_legal_alert_title" = "Pilot aşamaya katılmasına izin verilen bir organizasyonun üyesi misiniz?"; /*Erster Onboarding-Screen für Pilot: Text von Popup in dem Nutzer Pilot bestätigen muss*/ -"onboarding_legal_alert_message" = "Do you belong to one of the following groups: Members of the Swiss Armed Forces in training, assistance and active service, employees of universities, employees of hospitals and clinics, employees of cantonal administrations and the Federal Administration, members of associations who wish to contribute to the quality improvement of the system?\n"; +"onboarding_legal_alert_message" = "Aşağıdakilerin üyesi misiniz: Eğitim, yardım ve aktif hizmette olan İsviçre Ordusu üyeleri, üniversite çalışanları, hastane ve klinik çalışanları, kanton idareleri ve federal idare çalışanları, sistemin kalitesinin iyileştirilmesine katkıda bulunmak isteyen dernek üyeleri?"; /*Erster Onboarding-Screen für Pilot: NEIN von Popup in dem Nutzer Pilot bestätigen muss*/ -"onboarding_legal_alert_no" = "No"; +"onboarding_legal_alert_no" = "Hayır"; /*Erster Onboarding-Screen für Pilot: JA von Popup in dem Nutzer Pilot bestätigen muss*/ -"onboarding_legal_alert_yes" = "Yes"; +"onboarding_legal_alert_yes" = "Evet"; /*Erster Onboarding-Screen für Pilot: Blockierendes Popup für Nutzer die nicht im Pilot sind, Titel*/ -"onboarding_legal_blocker_title" = "Pilot phase"; +"onboarding_legal_blocker_title" = "Pilot aşama"; /*Erster Onboarding-Screen für Pilot: Blockierendes Popup für Nutzer die nicht im Pilot sind, Text*/ -"onboarding_legal_blocker_message" = "You are not part of an organization participating in the pilot phase. Please install the appropriate update after the official launch of the app and open the app again."; -"begegnung_detail_last_sync_title" = "Latest successful synchronisation"; -"synchronizations_view_title" = "Summary"; -"synchronizations_view_info_title" = "Synchronisations"; -"synchronizations_view_info_question" = "What are synchronisations?"; -"synchronizations_view_info_answer" = "The app regularly checks the random IDs reported by users who have tested positive."; -"synchronizations_view_period_title" = "In the last 14 days"; -"synchronizations_view_sync_via_open" = " • Open"; -"synchronizations_view_sync_via_background" = " • Sync"; -"synchronizations_view_empty_list" = "No entries"; -"synchronizations_view_sync_via_scheduled" = " • Scheduled"; -"synchronizations_view_sync_via_fake_request" = " • Fake Report"; -"synchronizations_view_sync_via_next_day_key_upload" = " • Pending Upload"; +"onboarding_legal_blocker_message" = "Pilot aşamasına katılan organizasyonlardan birine üye değilsiniz. Lütfen resmi başlangıçtan sonra güncellemeyi yükleyin ve uygulamayı yeniden başlatın."; +"begegnung_detail_last_sync_title" = "Son senktronizasyon"; +"synchronizations_view_title" = "Genel Bakış"; +"synchronizations_view_info_title" = "Senkronizasyonlar"; +"synchronizations_view_info_question" = "Senkronizasyonlar nedir?"; +"synchronizations_view_info_answer" = "Uygulama düzenli olarak pozitif test edilmiş kişilerin yayınladığı rastgele ID'leri kontrol eder."; +"synchronizations_view_period_title" = "Son 14 gün içerisinde"; +"synchronizations_view_sync_via_open" = " • Aç"; +"synchronizations_view_sync_via_background" = " • Senkronize et"; +"synchronizations_view_empty_list" = "Giriş yoktur"; +"synchronizations_view_sync_via_scheduled" = " • Planlandı"; +"synchronizations_view_sync_via_fake_request" = " • Hatalı talep"; +"synchronizations_view_sync_via_next_day_key_upload" = " • Yükle"; /*Kleinerer Titel im Dialog mit dem Code, der vor dem Anrufen angezeigt wird, wenn ein Kontakt positiv ist.*/ -"pre_call_dialog_before_title" = "Before the call"; +"pre_call_dialog_before_title" = "Görüşmeden önce"; /*Titel im Dialog mit dem Code, der vor dem Anrufen angezeigt wird, wenn ein Kontakt positiv ist.*/ -"pre_call_dialog_main_title" = "Please note down the following information"; +"pre_call_dialog_main_title" = "Lütfen şu bilgileri not edin"; /*Datums-Label im Dialog mit dem Code, der vor dem Anrufen angezeigt wird, wenn ein Kontakt positiv ist.*/ -"pre_call_dialog_box_datum" = "Date"; +"pre_call_dialog_box_datum" = "Tarih"; /*Code-Label Titel im Dialog mit dem Code, der vor dem Anrufen angezeigt wird, wenn ein Kontakt positiv ist.*/ -"pre_call_dialog_box_number" = "Number"; -"tracing_active_tracking_always_info" = "SwissCovid remains active even if the app has been closed."; +"pre_call_dialog_box_number" = "Numara"; +"tracing_active_tracking_always_info" = "SwissCovid uygulama kapatıldığında da aktiftir."; /*title in splash screen of onboarding*/ -"oboarding_splashscreen_title" = "SwissCovid \nbreaks \nchains of infection."; -"inform_detail_faq3_text" = "Although no personal data relating to you is sent out, it may well be that someone remembers their encounter with you from the date."; -"inform_detail_faq3_title" = "Does anyone find out who I am?"; +"oboarding_splashscreen_title" = "SwissCovid enfeksiyon zincirlerini kırar."; +"inform_detail_faq3_text" = "Kişisel bilgileriniz iletilmese dahi, bazı kişiler tarihler temelinde sizinle olan teması hatırlayabilirler."; +"inform_detail_faq3_title" = "Bilgilerim anonim mi?"; /*Meldung Detail Weiss Box unten*/ -"meldungen_detail_explanation_text4" = "If you develop any symptoms, do the coronavirus check or call your doctor."; +"meldungen_detail_explanation_text4" = "İlk semptomlarda lütfen Korona virüsü kontrolünü yapın ve doktorunuzu arayın."; /*Text beim Bluetooth Control*/ -"tracing_setting_text_android" = "COVID-19 Exposure Notifications"; +"tracing_setting_text_android" = "KOVİD-19 Bildirimleri"; /*Text auf der Onboarding Page für die Permission der Exposure-Library, Android*/ -"onboarding_gaen_text_android" = "COVID-19 Exposure Notifications must be activated to use the app."; +"onboarding_gaen_text_android" = "Uygulamanın kullanılabilmesi için KOVİD-19 bildirimlerinin etkinleştirilmiş olması gerekmektedir."; /*Onboarding Disclaimer Screen: AppName Title*/ "onboarding_disclaimer_heading" = "SwissCovid"; /*Onboarding Disclaimer Screen: Title*/ -"onboarding_disclaimer_title" = "Tips on use"; +"onboarding_disclaimer_title" = "Kullanıma ilişkin bilgiler"; /*Onboarding Disclaimer Screen: Info*/ -"onboarding_disclaimer_info" = "Here you will find the Data Protection Statement and Conditions of Use"; +"onboarding_disclaimer_info" = "Veri gizliliği ve kullanım koşullarını burada bulabilirsiniz."; /*Onboarding Disclaimer Screen: Warning Title*/ -"onboarding_disclaimer_warning_title" = "Warning: This app does not protect you from COVID-19 infection."; +"onboarding_disclaimer_warning_title" = "Uyarı: Bu uygulama sizi KOVİD-19 enfeksiyonundan korumaz."; /*Onboarding Disclaimer Screen: Warning Text*/ -"onboarding_disclaimer_warning_body" = "The app is intended for proximity tracing and to warn users of potential exposure to someone infected by COVID-19. It is not a diagnostic tool either. Please read the instructions provided in each app screen carefully."; +"onboarding_disclaimer_warning_body" = "Uygulama, yakınlığı izlemek ve kullanıcıları KOVİD-19 ile enfekte olmuş bir kişiyle karşılaştıktan sonra olası bir enfeksiyona karşı uyarmak için kullanılır. Aynı zamanda bir teşhis aracı değildir. Lütfen uygulama ekranında bulunan talimatları dikkatlice okuyun."; /*Onboarding Disclaimer Screen: Manufacturer Info*/ -"onboarding_disclaimer_manufacturer" = "Federal Office of Public Health FOPH\nSchwarzenburgstrasse 157\n3097 Liebefeld, Switzerland"; +"onboarding_disclaimer_manufacturer" = "Bundesamt für Gesundheit BAG\nSchwarzenburgstrasse 157\n3097 Liebefeld, İzviçre"; /*Onboarding Disclaimer Screen: App version title*/ -"onboarding_disclaimer_app_version" = "SwissCovid App Version"; +"onboarding_disclaimer_app_version" = "SwissCovid Uygulama Sürümü"; /*Onboarding Disclaimer Screen: Release version title*/ -"onboarding_disclaimer_release_version" = "Release Date:"; +"onboarding_disclaimer_release_version" = "Yayınlanma tarihi:"; /*onboarding privacy and conditions of use button*/ -"onboarding_disclaimer_legal_button" = "Data Protection Statement & Conditions of Use"; +"onboarding_disclaimer_legal_button" = "Veri Gizliliği & Kullanım Koşulları"; /*onboarding privacy and conditions of use url*/ -"onboarding_disclaimer_legal_button_url" = "https://www.bag.admin.ch/bag/en/home/krankheiten/ausbrueche-epidemien-pandemien/aktuelle-ausbrueche-epidemien/novel-cov/situation-schweiz-und-international/datenschutzerklaerung-nutzungsbedingungen.html"; +"onboarding_disclaimer_legal_button_url" = "https://www.bag.admin.ch/swisscovid-datenschutzerklaerung-und-nutzungsbedingungen"; /*Google Translation*/ /*Error shown when loading fails because there is not enough free disk space.*/ -"loading_error_no_disk_space" = "Messages could not be checked because your mobile phone does not have enough free memory space. Please release memory space."; +"loading_error_no_disk_space" = "Cep telefonunuzda yeterli alan olmadığından mesajlar kontrol edilemiyor. Lütfen cihazınızda yer açın."; /*Onboarding: Akzeptieren Buttton Titel*/ -"onboarding_accept_button" = "Accept"; +"onboarding_accept_button" = "Kabul et"; /*Google Translation*/ /*Meldungen: Fehler Meldung Rate-Limit (error 13) Titel*/ -"ratelimit_error_title" = "Update currently not possible"; +"ratelimit_error_title" = "Güncelleme yapılamıyor."; /*Google Translation!*/ /*Meldungen: Fehler Meldung Rate-Limit (error 13) Text*/ -"ratelimit_error_text" = "There have already been too many requests today. The app will try again later."; +"ratelimit_error_text" = "Bugün içerisindeki sorgulama miktarı aşıldı. Uygulama daha sonra tekrar deneyecek."; /*Info to the user that tracing has been switched on*/ "accessibility_tracing_has_been_activated" = "Takip etkinleştirilmiştir";