- Slide the thermocouple into the hole in the oven. Be careful not to allow the delicate leads to catch as you are inserting it. If necessary, clear the hole with a 3 mm rod before inserting the thermocouple
- Secure the thermocouple connector to the case of the oven using the screw provided.
- Orient the oven upside-down (thermocouple entry holes directly on the bottom), and block it on both sides so that it does not roll on the table. Wedge a small screwdriver below the sheath of the thermocouple near the entry hole, so that it presses the thermocouple tightly into the hole.
- Using a flashlight, examine the area inside the oven where the thermocouple protrudes through the inner wall of the oven. You should see a slight depression (furrow) to one side of the entry point which is oriented parallel to the windings (you may need a dental mirror to see it). Using the slotted tool provided, bend the thermocouple in the direction of the depression. Using a long screwdriver, press the thermocouple into the depression so that it does not rotrude into the oven cavity.
- Turn the oven right side up and secure the thermocouple to the oven case by applying a glob of silicone rubber cement around the entry hole. Allow the cement to cure before using the oven.
- Call Craig at 401-792-3537 if you have any questions.
- The recommended brand for the silicone rubber cement is GE. You may be able to get a 2.8 Oz 100% cement/caulk from a hardware store.