- At present, it has only been certified on windows server 2019 however should work fine on Windows 10.
- Make sure you are an admin user or have admin rights
- The instruction given here will use anaconda Powershell terminal to install torchserve
- Install Anaconda as given here
- Install Git as given here
- Install openjdk11
- Download openjdk11
- Unzip and edit/add environment variables i.e. PATH and JAVA_HOME e.g.
- Using command line
unzip openjdk-11*_bin.zip
or using GUI interface - Edit system or user profile environment variable
value and append path<your-openjdk11-path>\bin
to it
NOTE At present, wheels for windows are not available on PyPi. However following steps can also be used if you have prebuilt torchserve wheel for windows.
- Start 'Anaconda Powershell Prompt' (APP) as Admin User i.e. By right click on APP and run following commands
git clone https://github.com/pytorch/serve.git
cd serve
pip install -U -r requirements_cpu.txt
- For local wheel file
pip install <your-torchserve-wheel-file-name>.whl
- For PyPi package (N/A at present)
pip install torchserve torch-model-archiver
- Start torchserve
torchserve.exe --start --model-store <path-to-model-store>
- For next steps refer Serving a model
Add system or user profile environment variable name
and value as<your-openjdk11-path>
Install Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015, 2017 and 2019
NOTE ensure that you have restarted system after install above Visual C++ components
Start 'Anaconda Powershell Prompt' (APP) as Admin User i.e. By right click on APP and run following commands
git clone https://github.com/pytorch/serve.git
pip install click
cd serve
python .\scripts\install_from_src.py
- If you are building from source then you may have to change the port number for inference, management and metrics apis as specified in
, all files infrontend/server/src/test/resources/snapshot/*
- If
command fails to execute then run following command on APP (anaconda powershell promopt)Remove-item alias:curl
Refer this SO answer for details.