For top ten parties compute the following metrics for the year 2009
- Total number of contestants
- Total of number of winning seats
- Avg. %of votes
Identify top ten candidates with highest %margin of votes for the year 2009
Identify year wise percentage of male and female candidates?
- Create a new column by binning the Runs column using the following ranges and plot the frequency count of ranges
- 0-25, 26-50, 51-75, 76-100, 100+
- Consider the top ten players by total runs and compute and visualize the number of centuries across years (use facet_grid or facet_wrap)
- Compute total number of breaks taken by each player and identify top five players. (Note: A break is considered, if a player has not played any match in a year)
- For top ten players (based on total runs) compute the following metrics
- Total runs
- Total centuries
- Total Fifties
- Total Ducks
- Total experience in terms of number of years they have played
- Calculate total number of runs scored by each player. The output should be a dictionary. The player names should be the keys and total runs should be values
- Convert Match Date column to datetime column and compute the following new columns
- Year, month
- Identify in which year sachin has played most number of matches
- Identify in which year sachin has scored most number of runs
- Identify in which year sachin has scored most number of centuries
- Monthwise total number of tweets in a bar chart
- Create a new column for
and compute quarter wise total number of tweets from each quarter - Create a new column to identify the number of hashtags and compute device-wise average number of retweets
- Create a stacked bar chart to visualize month-wise total number of tweets from each device
- Create a scatter plot with the following details
- X axis contains number of retweets
- Y axis contains number of likes
- Color represents device from which it was tweeted
- Create a heat map or tile plot to visualize number of tweets by day of month and month of the year
- Identify unique job categories
- Identify min, max, median based on balance column and also plot a box plot to see if there are any outliers
- Create a new column based on Balance column. The values in new column should be "group-1" if balance is more than 15000 else "group-2"
- Identify the percentage of students who are targetted for campaign
- Using apply function create a new column called "response_numeric". In which values should be 0 if y is "no" and values should be 1 if y is "yes"
- Compute average response by each job category
- Create pivot table in which rows represents job category, columns represents marital status and values represents total number of campaigns