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File metadata and controls

135 lines (110 loc) · 5.78 KB

Spec1D Output

.. index:: spec1d

A primary data product for PypeIt are 1D, calibrated spectra for extracted sources. The most fundamental spectrum may be described by two arrays: flux, wavelength. These together with an error array are the minimal output for even the Quick reduction mode. There are, however, several methods of extraction, calibration, etc. which yield various data products.


To allow the inclusion of multiple combinations of arrays, the standard format in PypeIt for spec1D output per object is a binary FITS table. The types of spectral arrays that may be outputted are:

Type Default Unit Description Comments
WAVE Angstrom Calibrated wavelenth of each pixel Vacuum, heliocentric corrected
COUNTS/FLUX \rm e^- \, or \, f_\lambda Integrated across the spatial profile Not normalized by exposure time
VAR/FVAR (\rm e^-)^2 \, or \, (f_\lambda)^2 Variance in the counts 0 or negative values indicate masked pixels
MASK -- Bit-wise mask values See :doc:`ref </mask>` for a description
SKY \rm e^-/pixel \, or \, \mu Sky model spectrum  
TRACE pixel Best centroid of the object along the detector  


Because there are several modes of extraction in PypeIt, there may be multiple outputs of the spectral arrays. These are then prefixed by the extraction mode.

Extraction Mode Description
BOXCAR Top-hat extraction around the trace. The precise window used is defined by the BOXCAR_APERTURE, in pixels.
OPTIMAL Standard Horne algorithm for extraction using the fitted spatial profile. An estimate of this profile is given by OBJ_FWHM

Therefore, the integrated counts for a boxcar extraction are given by the BOXCAR_COUNTS array with variance BOXCAR_VAR.

Additional Parameters

In addition to the spectral arrays, a number of measurements are included in the binary FITS tables. This includes identifiers for the object, which may locate the object on the detector. A complete listing is now given:

Keyword Type Description
DET_ID int Detector Identifier
SLIT_ID int Slit Identifier; given in fractional units of the detector
OBJ_ID int Object Identifier; given in fractional units of the slit
RAW_FILE str Name of the raw data file



PypeIt will generate a single HDF5 file for each science exposure. The HDF5 file contains the groups: header, meta, boxcar and optimal. Each group has its respective datasets:

Group Description
Meta Meta is an astropy Table of N rows, corresponding to the N objects/spectra extracted from the exposure. The table contains the RA, DEC, object ID, slit ID, detector number, science index, FWHM (spatial resolution in arcseconds), resolution (spatial resolution in lambda/Dlambda), and xslit.
Header Header contains the original header information as saved on the telescope.
Boxcar Boxcar contains N datasets, corresponding to the N objects/ spectra extracted via boxcar extraction.
Optimal Optimal contains N datasets, correspodning to the N objects/ spectra extracted via optimal extraction. If one of the N objects were not extracted optimally, its dataset will still exist, but be empty.


If one uses the default :ref:`outputs-compactness-compact` mode for outputs, a single multi-extension FITS file will be generated that contains the binary FITS tables for each extracted source. To ease access to the individual tables, the FITS header contains the following cards:

Header Card Type Example Description
NOBJ int 2 Number of extracted sources
ID_#### int 02334223 ID for the source (DET_ID, SLID_ID, OBJ_ID)
S2N_#### float 3.23 Median S/N of of the spectrum

In addition, a reproduction of nearly the entire Header from the raw FITS file is provided, modulo the header cards that describe the data type and size (e.g. NAXIS).