Releases: Sunbird-Lern/userorg-service
Releases · Sunbird-Lern/userorg-service
creating tag from release-1.12 branch
Issue #SB-8924 feat: Upload TOC implementation changes
hot fixes for system actor initialization error
release-1.11.1 Issues #SB-00 fix: chnanges for branch
tag for release-1.11 branch
Making tag for release-1.11
tag for release-1.10 branch
Merge pull request #62 from project-sunbird/SB-6890 Sb 6890
tag for release-1.9 branch
Merge pull request #48 from project-sunbird/open-saber-integration Upgrading gson version to 2.8.2
tag for release-1.8
This release contains user upload limit enhancement from 200 to 1000. some bug fixes
tag for release-1.7 branch
Major changes in this release is for create user work flow, now user creation need channel key either in request or during installation need to be setup inside ENV.
tag for release-1.6 branch
R1.6 Issues #SB-00 fix: changes for build version
Fixes for course batch issues - code is pointing to release-1.5.2 branch
there was some issues with updating channel value with ekstep for a course.
March release
release-1.5 Bug fixes and enhancement.