1. sunbird_cassandra_host: host running the cassandra server
2. sunbird_cassandra_port: port on which cassandra server is running
3. sunbird_cassandra_username (optional): username for cassandra database, if authentication is enabled
4. sunbird_cassandra_password (optional): password for cassandra database, if authentication is enabled
5. sunbird_es_host: host running the elasticsearch server
6. sunbird_es_port: port on which elasticsearch server is running
7. sunbird_es_cluster (optional): name of the elasticsearch cluster
8. sunbird_learner_actor_host: host running for userorg actor
9. sunbird_learner_actor_port: port on which userorg actor is running.
10. ekstep_content_search_base_url : provide base url for EkStep content search
11. ekstep_authorization : provide authorization for value for content search
12. sunbird_pg_host: postgres host name or ip
13. sunbird_pg_port: postgres port number
14. sunbird_pg_db: postgres db name
15. sunbird_pg_user: postgres db user name
16. sunbird_pg_password: postgress db password
17. sunbird_installation
18. sunbird_content_service_api_base_url
19. sunbird_mail_server_host
20. sunbird_mail_server_port
21. sunbird_mail_server_username
22. sunbird_mail_server_password
23. sunbird_mail_server_from_email
24. sunbird_account_name : account name of azure blob storage.
25. sunbird_account_key : azure blob storage account key
26. sunbird_quartz_mode: put this value {"embedded" to run quartz without any data base, "any other value" to run with postgres db }
27. sunbird_encryption_key
28. sunbird_encryption_mode : mode value is either local or remote
29. sunbird_sso_publickey : sso public key
30. sunbird_env_logo_url : logo url for sending email.(http://www.paramountias.com/media/images/current-affairs/diksha-portal.jpg)
31. sunird_web_url : web page url
32. sunbird_app_url : paly store url to downlaod the app
33 sunbird_fcm_account_key : account key for FCM
34 sunbird_msg_91_auth : msg 91 auth
35. sunbird_msg_sender : message sender name
36. sunbird_installation_email : email of admin per installation
37. sunbird_lms_base_url : sunbird lms service based url
38. sunbird_lms_authorization : api gateway auth key
39 sunbird_mw_system_host=actor-service
40. sunbird_mw_system_port=
1. sunbird_background_actor_host: host running for userorg background actor
2. sunbird_background_actor_port: port on which userorg background actor is running.