description |
This page explains the asset management specific configuration |
Content service file configuration is available at
Variable | Purpose |
content.cache.ttl | Not used |
content.cache.enable | Not used |
content.hierarchy.removed_props_for_leafNodes | |
content.tagging.backward_enable | Not used | | Not used |
content.h5p.library.path* | Download the H5P Libraries and Un-Zip the H5P Library Files |
content.copy.invalid_statusList | Can not copy content which is in this status list |
content.copy.origin_data | Set the origin data which is available in this list |
content.copy.props__to__remove | Remove the metadata from copied content which is available in this list | | Blob base URL, where all the media will uploaded |
collection.cache.enable | Not used |
collection.image.migration.enabled | | | Composite search service URL |
channel.default | Default channel to tag in telemetry |
channel.fetch.suggested_frameworks | Enable suggested framework in get channel API |
channel.content.primarycategories | Default objectCategory mapping for channel |
channel.content.additionalcategories | Default objectCategory mapping for channel |
channel.collection.primarycategories | Default objectCategory mapping for channel |
channel.collection.additionalcategories | Default objectCategory mapping for channel |
channel.asset.primarycategories | Default objectCategory mapping for channel |
channel.asset.additionalcategories | Default objectCategory mapping for channel |
master.category.validation.enabled | |
dial__service.api.base__url | DIAL service base URL. Used while DIAL link. |
dial_service.api.auth_key | DIAL service auth key. Used while DIAL link. |
contentTypeToPrimaryCategory | |
resourceTypeToPrimaryCategory | |
mimeTypeToPrimaryCategory | |
Variable | Purpose |
import.request_size_limit | This variable is used to validate the number of objects allowed in single request. |
import.required_props | This variable is used to validate the mandatory properties. |
import.remove_props | This variable is used to validate the remove properties. |
Variable | Purpose |
sunbird_dialcode_search_api | This variable is used to connect with DIAL code service list API. |
framework_read_api_url | This variable is used to connect with learning service framework read API. |
sunbird_link_dial_code_api | This variable is used to connect with learning service collection DIAL code link API. |
collection.csv.maxRows | This variable is used to validate the number of rows of data allowed in csv. |
collection.csv.allowedContentTypes | NOT USED |
collection.csv.maxFirstLevelUnits | This variable is used to limit writing the number of contents linked to a unit while downloading a csv. |
collection.csv.ttl | NOT USED |
collection.csv.maxUnitFieldLength | This variable is used to validate the unit name length in the input csv. |
collection.csv.maxDescFieldLength | This variable is used to validate the unit description length in the input csv. |
collection.csv.contentTypeToUnitType* | This variable is used to derive the unit's contentType based on the collection's contentType. |
collection.csv.headers.folderIdentifier | This variable is used to identify the unit folder identifier column header in the input csv. |
collection.csv.headers.hierarchy | This variable is used to identify the unit folders column header names in the input csv. |
collection.csv.headers.QR | This variable is used to identify the QR code linking related column headers in the input csv. |
collection.csv.headers.topics | This variable is used to identify the mapped topics related column header in the input csv. |
collection.csv.headers.collectionName | This variable is used to identify the collection name column header in the input csv. |
collection.csv.headers.linkedContents | This variable is used to identify the linked contents related column headers in the input csv. |
collection.csv.headers.output | This variable is used to write the column headers of downloaded csv. |
collection.csv.headers.sequence.create | This variable is used to identify the column headers of the input csv to recognise TOC creation flow. |
collection.csv.headers.sequence.update | This variable is used to identify the column headers of the input csv to recognise TOC update flow. |
collection.csv.headers.sequence.linkedContents | This variable is used to identify the sequence of linked content column headers of the input csv. |
collection.csv.mandatory.create | This variable is used to identify the mandatory data validation for the mentioned unit folder column header in the input csv during TOC creation flow. |
collection.csv.mandatory.update | This variable is used to identify the mandatory data validation for the mentioned unit folder column headers in the input csv during TOC update flow. |