A simple javascript model class with event emitters
var person = {
name: 'Sundarasan',
age: 24,
height: 5.8,
language: 'Tamil'
* Creates instance of Model
var personModel = new Model(person);
* Sets a property with given value
personModel.set('name', 'Surendar');
* Sets n number of property
personModel.set({ age: 32 });
* Unsets a property
personModel.unset(['height', 'language']);
* Gets value of a property
* Returns the model JSON
* Attaches event to model
// Attaching "change" event for a attribute
personModel.on('change:name', function (event) {
* event = {
* attributeName: "name",
* oldValue: <OldValue>,
* newValue: <NewValue>,
* action: <"add"/"remove"/"change">
* };
// Attaching "change" event for whole model
personModel.on('change', function (eventsArray) {
* eventsArray = [{
* attributeName: <PropertyName>,
* oldValue: <OldValue>,
* newValue: <NewValue>,
* action: <"add"/"remove"/"change">
* },
* ...
* ...
* ];