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448 lines (292 loc) · 12.3 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
448 lines (292 loc) · 12.3 KB

❗ Please note this project is deprecated, please see streamamg-sdk-ios.

Please always use master branch for production.


Getting Started

##SDK CocoaPods Installation :

install KalturaPlayerSDKStreamamg. your Podfile should look like this:


target 'CCDemo' do
# Comment this line if you're not using Swift and don't want to use dynamic frameworks

pod 'KalturaPlayerSDKStreamamg', :git => '[email protected]:sukdev/kaltura-ios-sdk.git', :branch => 'master'
# Only if you are using Google Ads
pod 'GoogleAds-IMA-iOS-SDK', '~> 3.13.0'


  • KalturaPlayerSDKStreamamg - Video SDK
  • GoogleAds-IMA-iOS-SDK - SDK to show ads (you can remove if you don't need)
  • google-cast-sdk - SDK to chromecast

then open a terminal windown and run:


pod install

Next you need to go to the Target Build Settings and disable Bitcode:


Enable Bitcode -> No

Go to your Info.plist file and add a new dictionary named:



and add a bolean with the key NSAllowsArbitraryLoads with the value True (Yes).

##SDK Traditional Installation :

git clone https://{username}

###Add the static library's .xcodeproj to the app's project

  1. Find the KALTURAPlayerSDK.xcodeproj from the subproject folder in Finder, and drag it into Xcode’s Navigator tree. Alternatively, add it with Xcode’s Add Files File menu item.

alt text

Make sure to add the KALTURAPlayerSDK.xcodeproj file only, **not the entire directory.**
You can’t have the same project open in two different Xcode windows.If you find that you’re unable to navigate around the library project, check that you don’t have it open in another Xcode window.
After you’ve added the subproject, it should appear below the main project in the Xcode’s Navigator tree:

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###Configure the app target to build the static library target.

  1. You will need to get the main project to build and link to the KALTURAPlayerSDK library.
  2. In the main project app’s target settings, find the Build Phases section. This is where you’ll configure the KALTURAPlayerSDK target to automatically build and link to the KALTURAPlayerSDK library.
  3. After you’ve found the Build Phases section, open the Target Dependencies block and click the + button. In the hierarchy presented to you, the KALTURAPlayerSDK target from the KALTURAPlayerSDK project should be listed. Select it and click Add.alt text

###Configure the app target to link to the static library target.

  1. You will need to set the app to link to the library when it’s built - just like you would a system framework you would want to use. Open the Link Binary With Libraries section located a bit below the Target Dependencies section, and click + in there too. At the top of the list there should be the libKALTURAPlayerSDK.a static library that the main project target produces. Choose it and click Add. alt text
  2. For Objective-C and Swift, in the main project target’s Build Settings find the Other Linker Flags line, and add -ObjC.alt text

###Adding Resources Bundle

  1. Choose the app target from the Targets section.
  2. Go to the Products folder and drag the KALTURAPlayerSDK.bundle to Copy Bundle Resources section.alt text

** If you click build now, you will see that the PlayerSDK library is built before the main project app, and they are linked together.**

** Please note if you're using Xcode 10 libstdc++ has been removed in iOS 12, migrate over to libc++ **

###Required Frameworks

• SystemConfiguration • QuartzCore • CoreMedia • AVFoundation • AudioToolbox • AdSupport • WebKit • Social • MediaAccessibility • libSystem.dylib • libz.dylib • libstdc++.dylib • libstdc++.6.dylib • libstdc++.6.0.9.dylib • libxml2.dylib • libxml2.2.dylib • libc++.dylib • CoreFoundation • CFNetwork • MessageUI • Foundation • CoreGraphics • UIKit

*If you are using Xcode 7 notice that the extension "dylib" was changed to "tbd"

Next you need to go to the Target Build Settings and disable Bitcode:


Enable Bitcode -> No

Go to your Info.plist file and add a new dictionary named:



###Additional for Swft

In your project-name-Bridging-Header add:


#import <KALTURAPlayerSDK/KPViewController.h>
#import <KALTURAPlayerSDK/KPCastProvider.h>
#import <KALTURAPlayerSDK/GoogleCastProvider.h>

Using Kaltura player

In your view controller add the respective configuration constants, eg:


import UIKit

class ViewController: UIViewController {

private let mediaServer = ""/// Set here your media server URL 
private let mediaUiConfID = "" /// Set here your UIConfigID
private let mediaPartnerID = "" /// Set here your Partner ID 

var player : KPViewController!

override func viewDidLoad() {
let config = KPPlayerConfig(server: mediaServer, uiConfID: mediaUiConfID, partnerId: mediaPartnerID)
config!.entryId = "" /// Set here the video entryID 
config!.cacheSize = 0.8
player = KPViewController(configuration: config)

override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {

self.player.view.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: 100, width: self.view.bounds.width, height: self.view.bounds.width / 16 * 9)
self.player.loadPlayer(into: self)


Show the player in fullscreen

To show the player in fullscreen, you just need to present the Controller, eg:


override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {

self.present(self.player, animated: true, completion: nil);

Build it and check if everything runs, the player appears and the video plays.

Play audio in background

1 - Enable the Audio, Airplay, and Picture in the Picture background mode.

2 - In Xcode 8, select a target, and then under Capabilities > Background Modes, enable Audio, Airplay and Picture in Picture.

alt text

Implementation example:


// AppDelegate

    func applicationDidEnterBackground(_ application: UIApplication) {
        // Use this method to release shared resources, save user data, invalidate timers, and store enough application state information to restore your application to its current state in case it is terminated later.
        // If your application supports background execution, this method is called instead of applicationWillTerminate: when the user quits.
        let enableAudioBackground = UserDefaults.standard.bool(forKey: kIsSwitchAudioBackgroundActivate)
        if enableAudioBackground {
            timer = Timer.scheduledTimer(timeInterval: 1, target: self,   selector: (#selector(AppDelegate.notifyplayerView)), userInfo: nil, repeats: true)
    @objc func notifyplayerView() {
        timer.invalidate() Notification.Name(kNotifyPlayerBackground), object: nil)
// Your player class 

	override func viewDidLoad() {
        // Register to app notification
        NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(PlayerViewController.notifyBackgroundMode), name: Notification.Name(kNotifyPlayerBackground), object: nil)

    @objc func notifyBackgroundMode() {
        if player != nil, player?.kPlayer != nil {

Add the AirPlay and Chromecast functionality

1 - Enable the Audio, Airplay, and Picture in the Picture background mode.

2 - In Xcode 8, select a target, and then under Capabilities > Background Modes, enable Audio, Airplay and Picture in Picture.

alt text

Add the AirPlay automatically on the view

If you want add the AirPlay button on the player bar (next to the logo) is bossible by adding:


config?.addKey("airPlay.plugin", withValue: "true")

In this case is not possible change the AirPlay button color.

Add the AirPlay manually on the view

Import MediaPlayer, create an MPVolumeView, and then add it to your view as follows:


let airPlayBtn = MPVolumeView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 44, height: 44))
airPlayBtn.showsVolumeSlider = false

Customize the image of the AirPlay button as follows:


airPlayBtn.setRouteButtonImage(UIImage(named: "name"), for: UIControlState.normal)

Change the button tint/background color:


if let routeButton = airPlayBtn.subviews.last as? UIButton, let routeButtonTemplateImage  = routeButton.currentImage?.withRenderingMode(.alwaysTemplate) {
    airPlayBtn.setRouteButtonImage(routeButtonTemplateImage, for: .normal)
airPlayBtn.backgroundColor =
airPlayBtn.tintColor =

Install and import Google cast:



pod 'google-cast-sdk'



import GoogleCast

var castProvider:GoogleCastProvider?

func preparePlayer() {


	castProvider = GoogleCastProvider.sharedInstance()
    castProvider?.delegate = self

extension ViewController: KPCastProviderDelegate {
    func updateProgress(_ currentTime: TimeInterval) {
    func ready(toPlay streamDuration: TimeInterval) {
        player?.castProvider = castProvider
    func castPlayerState(_ state: String!) {
    func startCasting() {
        player?.castProvider = castProvider
    func stopCasting() {
        castProvider = GoogleCastProvider.sharedInstance()
        castProvider?.delegate = self

How use DRM

For loading the DRM license of a video, the config must have the izsession. izsession is an unique session that client gets after logging in to the website. Throughout the izsession our service is recognizing if user is allowed to play content or not.


config?.izsession = "izsessionvalue"
config?.addKey("izsession", withValue: "izsessionvalue")

How to change media

For change media with the same configuration you can use:


If you need to change the configuration of the player(i.e change ks), you can follow these steps:


        let config = KPPlayerConfig(server: mediaServer, uiConfID: mediaUiConfID, partnerId: mediaPartnerID)
        config!.entryId = "yourEntryID"
		config?.ks = "yourKs" // If needed 

How remove unmute button on the player

You can remove the button by adding the following config:

    config.addConfig("unMuteOverlayButton.parent", "%27hideoverlay%27")

How to enable Google Ad

Add the following configs:

    config?.addKey("doubleClick.plugin", withValue: "true")
    config?.addKey("doubleClick.leadWithFlash", withValue: "false")
    config?.addKey("doubleClick.adTagUrl", withValue: "tag-url")

Supported Ad Types

The following Ad types are supported by the SDK:

  • Single Inline Linear
  • Single Skippable Inline
  • Single Redirect Linear
  • VMAP Pre-roll
  • VMAP Mid-roll
  • VMAP Bumper
  • SIMID Survey

Change Log


  • Updated to support Google IMA SDK 13.3.0