MarkText is a realtime preview editor for markdown with various markdown extensions. You can simply write and edit text and MarkText hides all unnecessary syntax elements. When you first start MarkText an empty editor window is shown. You can see key bindings or command palette (CmdOrCtrl+Shift+P) for all available commands or just type @
to get an overlay with available text elements. MarkText provides a minimal and simple interface and in the next sections you can learn more about the interface and features.
The sidebar consists of three panels and you can toggle the sidebar by pressing CmdOrCtrl+J:
- Filesystem explorer (tree view) of the opened root directory
- Find in files
- Table of contents of the selected tab
MarkText can be used as a single editor but opens all files in a separate tab. Tabs can be toggled via CmdOrCtrl+Alt+B and reordered by drag and drop.
Want to use tabs without showing them?
You can hide tabs and use key bindings such as CmdOrCtrl+Tab to cycle through tabs or the sidebar opened files panel.
You can use CmdOrCtrl+Alt+S to switch between the preview and source-code editor. The realtime preview editor is the default editor with many features. A detailed overview of all features can be found here.
Use CmdOrCtrl+Shift+F to enter distraction free focus mode or CmdOrCtrl+Alt+T for typewriter.
You can use the menu File -> Open File
or press CmdOrCtrl+O to open a file dialog to choose a markdown file. Another way to is to launch MarkText with directories or files via command line.
After some modifications you can save your file via CmdOrCtrl+S or use save as to use a different file name.
MarkText also has support to open a directory via CmdOrCtrl+Shift+O or the sidebar button Open Folder. After opening a directory all files and directories are shown in the sidebar tree view. The tree view allows you to open further files, browse and modify files or directories inside the opened root directory. Above the tree view are all opened files located. You can also use quick open (CmdOrCtrl+P) to quickly open a file from the opened root directory or editor and navigate via arrow keys or select a file via mouse. To view another sidebar panel like find in files click on the left sidebar icons.
You can change the application theme by clicking on an entry under the themes application menu.
You can control and modify all preferences in the settings window or edit preferences.json
in the application data directory. Detailed information about the preference file can be found here.
- General application settings
- Settings that control the editor appearance
- Markdown related settings
- The application theme
- Options how images are handled