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ASGS Idiosyncracies

wwlwpd edited this page Feb 27, 2023 · 12 revisions

Place to collect "UX" (user experience) things that should be easy to fix, get right, or make consistent.

  • move statefile doesn't check to see if $STATEFILE actually exists #828
  • complete is missing and would be very helpful (started with #835)
  • list profiles doesn't take into account #790
  • define doesn't auto save, inconsistent with other profile changes
  • rl must be run in split mode view (via tmux) - probably can't do anything about this
  • tmux should be installed, but only available outside of asgsh - a bit of a chicken-and-egg problem here, the solution is to document this set up
  • new profile command would be helpful
  • tailf only supports syslog (e.g., tailf maillog would be useful, or tailf all)
  • sq doesn't work on rostam sometimes
  • need an easy command to check "is it running"
  • need inspect
  • resend results would be a nice wrapper around the the "upload" script used with opendap servers
  • work and scratch directories in new profile not the same as asgs-default (KMB) (@wwlwpd: we can resolve this by making profiles generally more "portable" wrt $SCRIPTDIR, $WORK, and $SCRATCH _these should be hard coded in ./asgsh and not part of the exported variables; also if possible should be saved in profiles using their shell variable form (e.g., literal $SCRIPTDIR, etc))