This diagram was built from a UML class model created by Pynsource, an open-source UML tool for Python. It displays the major functional elements (classes) of GillesPy2:
-StochMLDocument: affords serializiation and deserialization of a GillesPy2 model to/from the native StochKit2 XML format.
-Species, RateRule, Parameter, Reaction: elements of a GillesPy2 model.
-Model: contains Species, RateRule, Parameter, and Reaction objects that make up a GillesPy2 model.
-GillesPySolver: a mathematical algorithm for running a Model object, creating a Results object containing simulation data.
-Trajectory: a dictionary containing data from a simulation trajectory generated by running a Model via a solver.
-Results: a list of data dictionaries from one or more trajectories generated by running the same Model over multiple instances.