The color scheme used in this example was Dark-red, but you can select a different one, or make your own! If you don't like these colors, feel free to change them!
When you launch RemindMe for the first time, you will see an empty list
You can add a new reminder by pressing the "New Reminder" button
You can then fill in the details of your reminder. You can select the reminder to popup daily,during work days only, weekly, monthly, or just once
If you want to add an sound when the reminder pops up, you can do so by clicking "Sound effects" on the left panel. Once you've done that you can press "Add file(s)"
You can now press Confirm, and you will see that it has been added to the list
This is where it shows the list of your reminders
When an reminder pops up, it will always be on top. This is very effective because you will always notice it.
If you want to be reminded of the same reminder a little bit later, click the postpone checkbox, fill in an amount and select minutes, or hours. Then simply press the button
However, if you don't want it to interrupt whatever it is you're doing, you can go to window overlay.
There you can select it to be minimized. It will make a sound if you added it to the reminder, but it will only show up in the taskbar. You won't see it until you click it
If you want to see what the reminder would look like when it pops up, you can preview it by right clicking it like shown here
Do you want to move the reminders you have to another device, or do you want to import someone else's reminders? Well, that's possible!
Exporting reminders
From the settings
- Select "Backup / Import" from the left side panel
- Select the "Export" option dropdown
- Select the reminders you want to export (hold control to select multiple)
- Press export
- Select a destination for the .remindme file
Importing Reminders
Now that reminders are exported, we can import them. For this there are 2 methods
1. From the settings
- Select "Backup / Import" from the left side panel
- Press "Import"
- Select your .remindme file
- Select the reminders you want to export
- Click "Import"
2. From the .remindme file
- Double-click your .remindme file. a new screen will pop up
- Select the reminders you want to export
- Click "Import"
RemindMe has a Timer system. You can access timer from the Timer
BUT, if you go into settings and enable the quick timer hotkey (and set a combination)
you can press the combination anywhere!, while gaming, watching a movie, anytime! For example, here I am playing a game, and decided to quickly set a timer
Also, if you want to quickly see how much time there is left on running timers, you can press the other key combination that you set in the settings. You can also press the "-" or "+" to add or subtract one minute quickly.