A simple Chromium extension that allows you to change your token on factorio.zone or valheim.zone.
NO Tampermonkey or other tinkering addons needed.
- Download Release ZIP
- Extract it in some safe place (like Documents or some safe Desktop folder)
- Go to your extensions (chrome://extensions/)
- Turn on the "Developer mode" in the top-right corner
- Click the "Load unpacked" button in the top-left corner
- Select the location of the unpacked extension (it must be the folder that includes the "manifest.json" file)
- The extension should be loaded automatically.
- Go to factorio.zone, valheim.zone or satisfactory.zone
- Press "Change Token"
If the buttons are bugged on the first visit, just reload the page, it seems to occur rarely and only on a first visit.
- This extension is based on the Userscript from the repository that this github repository was forked from.
- All credits go to the @Rubydesic and the SweetAlert2 component authors.