rustscan -a --range 0-65535 --ulimit 5000 -- -sV
sudo vim /etc/hosts
#add ignition.htb
gobuster dir -u http://ignition.htb -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirb/common.txt -x txt,php,html,bak -t 50
Open ports & services:
* 80 - http - nginx 1.14.2
On attempting to visit the webpage, we get an error; by using Gobuster we get the same error (status code 302).
The website expects to be accessed by the virtual hostname ignition.htb, so we will have to add this to /etc/hosts.
Now, we can start directory enumeration using Gobuster to look for hidden directories.
We can access Magento login page at /admin, we can try default creds here.
As admin:admin does not work, and furthermore, since we cannot brute-force this page, we will have to try common passwords for username 'admin'.
As the minimum password requirements for Magento is both letters and numbers - we will have to look for passwords like 'password123'.
Eventually, we find out login is possible with admin:qwerty123
We get the flag on login.
Which service version is found to be running on port 80? - nginx 1.14.2
What is the 3-digit HTTP status code returned when you visit http://10.129195.18/? - 302
What is the virtual host name the webpage expects to be accessed by? - ignition.htb
What is the full path to the file on a Linux computer that holds a local list of domain name to IP address pairs? - /etc/hosts
What is the full URL to the Magento login page? - http://ignition.htb/admin
What password provides access as admin to Magento? - qwerty123
Submit root flag - 797d6c988d9dc5865e010b9410f247e0