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Javascript / typescript specifics

Creating JWKs

Since in Javascript/typescript you are mainly working with objects created on the fly conforming to a type or interface, the library is exposing methods and interfaces that can be used in Typescript as well. Some examples:

// Creating a JWK instance from a JS/JSON object as it is serialized
const jwkJson = Jwk.Companion.fromJsonObject({
    kty: 'EC',
    crv: 'P-256',
    x: 'uxHN3W6ehp0VWXKaMNie1J82MVJCFZYScau74o17cx8=',
    y: '29Y5Ey4u5WGWW4MFMKagJPEJiIjzE1UFFZIRhMhqysM='

// Creatomg a JWK with some typings
const jwkDto = Jwk.Companion.fromDTO({
    kty: JwaKeyType.EC,
    crv: JwaCurve.P_256,
    x: 'uxHN3W6ehp0VWXKaMNie1J82MVJCFZYScau74o17cx8=',
    y: '29Y5Ey4u5WGWW4MFMKagJPEJiIjzE1UFFZIRhMhqysM='

// Creating a JWK using a builder
const jwkBuilder = new Jwk.Builder()

For more about JWKs and how to convert them to Cose Keys and vice versa, see also the the main README

X.509 Certificate validation

Below is an example implementation for validating X.509 Certificates in Javascript using a typescript/javascript module provided by us called @sphereon/ssi-sdk-ext.x509-utils. Of course you can create your own implementation as well

The class implements the kotlin interface below using promises.

interface X509ServiceJS {
    fun <KeyType> verifyCertificateChainJS(
        chainDER: Array<ByteArray>? = null,
        chainPEM: Array<String>? = null,
        trustedCerts: Array<String>?,
        verificationProfile: X509VerificationProfile = X509VerificationProfile.RFC_5280
    ): Promise<X509VerificationResult<KeyType>>

     * A function returning trusted Certificates in PEM format. Most functions use this as a default in case trusted certificates are not passed in
     * It is up to you to decide if you want to follow that pattern as well. The rest of the code does not explicitly call this method at present
    fun getTrustedCerts(): Array<String>?

Below is some example code implementing the above interface. If you want to see a real implementation you can have a look in our SSI-SDK X509 Service

const {com} = require('@sphereon/kmp-crypto')
const {validateX509CertificateChain} = require('@sphereon/ssi-sdk-ext.x509-utils')

 * Example implementation for Javascript using a package provided by @sphereon/ssi-sdk-ext.x509-utils.
 * This class conforms to the interface exported by the Crypto library above,
class X509ExampleService {

    async verifyCertificateChainJS(chainDER = null, chainPEM = null, trustedCerts = null, verificationProfile = null) {
        // We delegate to the javascript library, which has a very similar interface
        return await validateX509CertificateChain({
            chain: chainDER ?? chainPEM, // The library can handle both, thus we don't care whether it was passed in as PEM or DER.
            trustAnchors: trustedCerts ?? this.getTrustedCerts(), // We use the getTrustedCerts() methods as fallback. Up to you to use something similar or not
            opts: {trustRootWhenNoAnchors: true} // Sphereon module option, that uses the root cert from the chain in case null or undefined trustAnchors are passed in. It basically means to trust the CA in the chain.

    getTrustedCerts() {
        return [sphereonCA]

const x509ServiceObjectJS = com.sphereon.crypto.X509ServiceObjectJS
// Register the above class as object with the x509Service, so calls to validate x.509 certificates will be delegated to our class
x509ServiceObjectJS.register(new X509ExampleService())

// Let's call the Javascript service object that get's called from other code as well to see everything works
    .verifyCertificateChainJS(/*we use PEM here*/ null, [walletPEM, sphereonCA], [sphereonCA])
    .then(result => console.log(JSON.stringify(result, null, 2)));


  "error": false,
  "critical": false,
  "message": "Certificate chain was valid",
  "verificationTime": "2024-08-07T14:27:11.743Z",
  "certificateChain": [
      "issuer": {
        "dn": {
          "DN": "C=NL,O=Sphereon International B.V.,OU=IT,",
          "attributes": {
            "C": "NL",
            "O": "Sphereon International B.V.",
            "OU": "IT",
            "CN": ""
      "subject": {
        "dn": {
          "DN": "",
          "attributes": {
            "CN": ""
      "publicKeyJWK": {
        "key_ops": [
        "ext": true,
        "kty": "RSA",
        "n": "xDcYb7J5Wa-PHkTWJPdKr_NF6JJKNpgVhy0FRsGyRyI5CoT1e2gtXs3GjBxrby8IahL5yPsXn3jGFJcNbBYQKhqt1J4asGCzZunUiEHta_GQJuq9Vv0g5WmcsLxJjS69ZXfjC3ZtYlG7Ywv5Kgd8A27tlvE_WM-ozzrCct57_7R4geGIfHxfUe_tfLWYiLfj_msCa82tQ8NRm7lQUysdNClLWdgs5Q",
        "e": "AQAB",
        "alg": "RS256"
      "notBefore": "2024-07-28T20:02:44.000Z",
      "notAfter": "2024-10-26T22:02:44.000Z"
      "issuer": {
        "dn": {
          "DN": "C=NL,O=Sphereon International B.V.,OU=IT,",
          "attributes": {
            "C": "NL",
            "O": "Sphereon International B.V.",
            "OU": "IT",
            "CN": ""
      "subject": {
        "dn": {
          "DN": "C=NL,O=Sphereon International B.V.,OU=IT,",
          "attributes": {
            "C": "NL",
            "O": "Sphereon International B.V.",
            "OU": "IT",
            "CN": ""
      "publicKeyJWK": {
        "key_ops": [
        "ext": true,
        "kty": "EC",
        "x": "SIDQp4RJI2s5yYIOBrxiwGRROCjBkbCq8vaf3UlSkAw",
        "y": "dRSwvlVFdqdiLXnk2pQqT1vZnDG0I-x-iz2EbdsG0aY",
        "crv": "P-256"
      "notBefore": "2024-07-28T21:26:49.000Z",
      "notAfter": "2034-07-28T21:26:49.000Z"

Example certs

// Some test certificates to play with. CA is a real CA with CRL
const sphereonCA = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n" +
    "MIICCDCCAa6gAwIBAgITAPMgqwtYzWPBXaobHhxG9iSydTAKBggqhkjOPQQDAjBa\n" +
    "BAoMG1NwaGVyZW9uIEludGVybmF0aW9uYWwgQi5WLjELMAkGA1UECwwCSVQxGDAW\n" +
    "BEiA0KeESSNrOcmCDga8YsBkUTgowZGwqvL2n91JUpAMdRSwvlVFdqdiLXnk2pQq\n" +
    "T1vZnDG0I+x+iz2EbdsG0aajUzBRMB0GA1UdDgQWBBTnB8pdlVz5yKD+zuNkRR6A\n" +
    "QlHHFydMdgaXAiEA1Ib82mhHIYDziE0DDbHEAXOs98al+7dpo8fPGVGTeKI=\n" +
    "-----END CERTIFICATE-----"

const walletPEM = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n" +
    "CzAJBgNVBAYTAk5MMSQwIgYDVQQKDBtTcGhlcmVvbiBJbnRlcm5hdGlvbmFsIEIu\n" +
    "Vi4xCzAJBgNVBAsMAklUMRgwFgYDVQQDDA9jYS5zcGhlcmVvbi5jb20wHhcNMjQw\n" +
    "dC5zcGhlcmVvbi5jb20wggEiMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4IBDwAwggEKAoIBAQDE\n" +
    "NxhvsnlZr48eRNYk90qv80Xokko2mBWHLQVGwbJHIjkKhPV7aC1ezcaMHGtvLwhq\n" +
    "EvnI+xefeMYUlw1sFhAqGq3UnhqwYLNm6dSIQe1pgHP74nfX06hfgvdGmfZkVxMM\n" +
    "XyxK5gasFg5TuAIsEv8wsqf0vFF2SGKaVFmN5qH4FQvSUtOtJAWQKsee1NSGVkpK\n" +
    "t/POXrG8LidXlpYj17Sh0P8YoFT4DEEj8ZAm6r1W/SDlaZywvEmNLr1ld+MLdm1i\n" +
    "UbtjC/kqB3wDbu2W8T9Yz6jPOsJy3nv/tHiB4Yh8fF9R7+18tZiIt+P+awJrza1D\n" +
    "w1GbuVBTKx00KUtZ2CzlAgMBAAGjggF5MIIBdTAdBgNVHQ4EFgQUuCN6sAJCz64f\n" +
    "CZ3js3ITfKQzFF4wHwYDVR0jBBgwFoAU5wfKXZVc+cig/s7jZEUegLMsMsEwYQYI\n" +
    "dC50ZXN0LnNwaGVyZW9uLmNvbYIZZnVua2Uud2FsbGV0LnNwaGVyZW9uLmNvbTAO\n" +
    "emNhLmlvL2NybC8yY2RmN2M1ZS1iOWNkLTQzMTctYmI1Ni0zODZkMjQ0MzgwZTIv\n" +
    "Y2FzcGhlcmVvbmNvbS5jcmwwCgYIKoZIzj0EAwIDSAAwRQIgfY5MD3fWNf8Q0j5C\n" +
    "mYHDHcwOkwygISpMDOh9K5DBBV4CIQCuQ3nToCr/II2WVsAqRXFeZup08fzKLrU2\n" +
    "KZxmdxeoew==\n" +
    "-----END CERTIFICATE-----"