Below, briefly describe the specific contribution(s) each team member (including yourself) made to your project. Both partners should contribute to this file from their own perspectives. Point form is fine, but you should use the following format:
- How did the team work together as a whole overall ?
We enjoyed working with each other. We exchanged ideas on a mutual note and acknowledged each others ideas.
- Analysing the distribution of limit_balance for defaulters and non defaulters
- Understanding the relationship between SEX and LIMIT_BALANCE
- Descriptions of the dataset, contributing to wrangling and research questions
- Cleaning the dataset and converting the categorical columns into more understandable formats
- Analysis the behavior of various categories with respect to how they handle money (limit balance)
- Spliting the data into people who always pay late and people who pay early and analysis on tehir behaviour with respect to the limit balance(this is base on an idea that people who maintain a stable balance live a more diciplined and planned lifestyle and this gives more insight on the over all behavior of the person)
- Using the data to understand the changes in the person with respect to money before and after marriage or with respect to age
- The data was well balanced and clean which saved us ton of time with respect to cleaning the data and replacing the missing values. Also the few wrangling processes that we used were interesting and intuitive. The data was easly to split among two people as they had many columns with which we had to deal with.
- The dataset we had few columns which were not easily wrangleable to get the insights which we wanted and theough we tried to do our best with it, there are still improvements in the project which can be done by incorporating these columns as well