All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- Fix(package) Updating @crxjs/vite-plugin
See crxjs/chrome-extension-tools#918
- Feat(CreateRelease) Extended release cli with choosing a version bump (patch, minor, major)
- Chore(build) Adding default build alias
- Chore(cleanup) Removing not used import
- Chore(package) Package updates
Fix security issue
- Chore(changelog) Fixed changelog creation issues
- Chore(README) Updated
- 1.3.1
- Feat(LoadingOverlay) Added close button
For situations where the the loader can get stuck Extracted some loader functionality
- Feat(TemplateButtons) Added filter functionality
- Feat(TemplateButtons) Improved delete functionality and handling
- Chore(Release) Release script update
- Chore(package) Package updates
- Chore(package) Package updates
- 1.3.0
- Feat(Popover) Improvements
- Feat(Popover) Improvements
- Feat(Popover) ProjectList improvements
- Feat(Popover) Supporting also Project Time list
- Feat(Popover) Added billing page
- Feat(Popover) Popover improvements / cleanup
- Feat(Popover) Update button
- Feat(Popover) Convert HTML text correctly
- Feat(Popover) Popover improvements / cleanup
- Feat(Popover) Added billing page
- Feat(Popover) Content update
- Feat(Automapper) Removing v1 & v2 mapper
- Chore(build) Fixed build issues
- Chore(config) Config updates
- Chore(package) package.json update
- 1.2.0
- Chore(Name) bexio Time Tracking Templates rename
- Chore(img) Cleanup logo
- Chore(assets) Updating and adding updated assets for the project
- Chore(Description) Updated description
- 1.1.1
- Feat (Template) Refactor template app and enabling it also on edit pages
- Feat(PopverToText) Convert popover icon to text
- Chore(Package) Description update
- Fix(AutoMapTemplatesV3) No matches should not break the script
- Fix(LINT) Fixed linting issues
- Fix(timeEntries) Improved handling of zero times in different formats (00:00) for checking for zero values
- Fix(vite) Fixed handling of json files
- Feat(ExtensionReload) Template modifications will now reload extension within bexio webpage
Example: Template buttons will get re-rendered with the new template name
- Feat(Tabs) Keep last active tab state and enable it on load
- Feat(Status) Run-button states are now persisted
- Chore(Assets) Cleanup react icon
- Chore(Tabs) Template should be the first tab for default users
- Chore(Release) Extended release script
- Chore( Updated release readme
- Chore(README) Updating documentation
- Chore(temp) Temporary minor->major change
- Chore(npm) updates
- Chore(npm) updates
- Chore(PRIVACY) Updating privacy details
- Chore(README) Updated readme
- Chore(Style) Cleanup
- Chore(rename) build script rename
- Chore(README) Update
- Chore(Release) Prepare for 1.0.0
- 1.0.0
- Fix(Billable) Render the billable field also when no template is selected
- Feat(Footer) Updated copyright line
- Feat(Name) Name and layout updates
- Feat(Footer) Updated footer styling
- Feat(AutoMapper) Ignore single characters
- Feat(AutoMapper) Improve points system. Double points for matching exact words
- Feat(AutoMapper) Refactoring point mapping
- Feat(AutoMapper) Extracting mapper function
- Feat(AutoMapper) Extracting csvHandling into functional function
- Feat(AutoMapper) Extracting mapper function v1
- Feat(AutoMapper) Extracting mapper function v2 (and bringing it back in)
- Feat(AutoMapper) Updating weighting on v3
- Feat(DarkMode) Supporting Dark Mode
- Feat(Parser) Extracting parser and adding further validation errors
- Feat(Logo) Introduce extension logo
- Feat(Logo) Loading icon update and zoomed logo32 to improve visibility
- Feat(Footer) Updated footer content
- Chore(Name) Updated name
- Chore(Text) Content updates
- 0.20.0
- Fix(markdown) Markdown configuration to match git-cliff
- Fix(Release) Version increase should be before creating the package :D
- Chore(package) Adding git-cliff to dev dependencies
- Chore(RELEASE) Moving release instructions to root directory
- 0.19.0
- Fix(descriptionField) Fixed possible issues with finding the iframe
- Feat(CreateRelease) New release script for convenient releases
- Chore(README) Updated README file
- Chore(RELEASE) Adding release notes
- 0.18.0
- Feat(Billable) Recognizes now also the Billable/Not Billable fields from the import, if "Billable" column exists.
Will overwrite the value of the template
- Feat(Billable) Displays Billable column as checkboxes
- Feat(Billable) Warns about differences between template and time entry billable flags
Also re factored and improved cell rendering components
- Chore(templateId) Check for missing templateId fix before applying Template
- Feat(Notes) Adding description notes from notes, or a tag column in descending order
- Feat(env) Adding helpers for executing things on dev or prod env
- Feat(Notes) Added option to apply notes or not
Notes will be taken from the notes column or the last tag column with content
- Feat(Notes) Added notes button also to the notes header column
- Feat(AutoMapper) New auto mapper version released
- Chore(chromeStorage) Improvements
- Chore(AutoMapper) Cleanup and logging improvements
- Chore(AutoMapper) Cleanup and logging improvements
- Fix(Templates) Fixed useContext of TemplateContext
- Fix(Templates) Fixed missing template id and wrong matching for update templates
- Feat(Templates, sidePanel) Implemented "Delete Template" & Improved TemplateContext
- Feat(Buttons) Changing to antd buttons, removing initial styling
- Feat(Templates) Fixing update template logic, and adding modal form for editing templates
Also adding a field keywords, which can later be used for auto mapper values
- Feat(Automapper) Adding keywords field to automapper
- Chore(Templates) Extracting devTemplates for development
- Chore (Template) Renaming confirmDeletion function
- Chore(Vite) Improving config to not minify on dev builds
- Chore(Comments) Adding Comments and todos
- Chore(vscode) Adding settings which always appears
- Fix(iframe) Fixed accessing iframe information too early
Migrated to a getter function
- Feat(CHANGELOG) Adding git-cliff
- Feat(build) Improved development build
- Feat(autoMap) Do not auto map a template, if there was no clear winner
- Feat(DataTable) Improved detection of dates - Allows dates with slashes
- Feat(DataTable) Improved detection of zero time (decimal + time format)
- Feat(Templates) Sorting templates alphabetically
- Feat(autoMap) Search for alphanumeric words and check for matches
This improves the auto mapping, as it will now separate words by any none alphanumeric characters and not only spaces.
- Chore(Templates) Adding 1 more dev example
- Chore(Templates) Improved description field type
- Chore(Templates) Adding 1 more dev example
- Fixed #8 minification issue with document api
- Introducing AntDesign, adding some tabs and styling
- Placing Templates at the bottom right corner area