All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
v2024.02.19 - 2024-02-16
- add dset postman docs url (8935dd9 by pol).
- add dupes test on materialized table, dedup on ts,signal_uuid instead of signal_id (et/somenergia-jardiner!69) (9fb42f6 by Pol Monsó Purtí).
- added new plant paramenters source (2cf86ec by Lugadur).
- add dset basics raw + signals receiver check (et/somenergia-jardiner!5) (608fd7b by Roger Sanjaume).
- Fix/instant data (et/somenergia-jardiner!106) (b8a92d5 by Lucía).
- fix: change daily inverter energy calculation (et/somenergia-jardiner!103) (c4c7e56 by Lucía).
- fix: update tests in dbt after refactoring (et/somenergia-jardiner!100) (3bd01a3 by Diego Quintana).
- fix: use trigger_rule=all_done in edr task (2cf0dca by Diego Quintana).
- fix: rename files to avoid airflow script name collisions (1dffd92 by Diego Quintana).
- fix: delete old models, change dag cron (et/somenergia-jardiner!98) (74c9102 by Pol Monsó Purtí).
- fix: dm_blabla_5m change parent from spined to values_incremental (et/somenergia-jardiner!97) (d76728e by Pol Monsó Purtí).
- fix: Wrong energy units in instant dm (et/somenergia-jardiner!92) (4223b3b by Pol Monsó Purtí).
- fix: dset meters energy is wrong (et/somenergia-jardiner!88) (7b4c90f by Pol Monsó Purtí). Related issues/PRs: #102
- Fix: revert to erp_meters, fix pr_hourly formula (et/somenergia-jardiner!87) (1fb21ed by Pol Monsó Purtí).
- fix: change job artifact used in dbt-build in ci (et/somenergia-jardiner!85) (ba3e932 by Diego Quintana). Related issues/PRs: #152
- fix: avoid bumps between daily and hourly dags writing to db (et/somenergia-jardiner!83) (5a28e7e by Diego Quintana).
- fix: inverter monthly agg (et/somenergia-jardiner!60) (568e806 by Pol Monsó Purtí). Related issues/PRs: #24, #99
- fix: fail fast on merge request (but not on prod) (et/somenergia-jardiner!67) (cdb0c71 by Pol Monsó Purtí).
- fix: on schema change should be sync_all_columns (et/somenergia-jardiner!66) (af90c1a by Pol Monsó Purtí).
- fix/dades fixes de plantes (et/somenergia-jardiner!63) (6f42763 by Lucía).
- fix: inverter monthly aggregate is wrong (et/somenergia-jardiner!58) (31d058c by Pol Monsó Purtí). * fix: wrong capitalization on model
- fix: add metric to dm_metrics_production_5min (et/somenergia-jardiner!57) (93df4e3 by Pol Monsó Purtí). * fix: add metric_name to dm_metrics_production_5min
- fix: we want also signals dset has not mapped and we expect (et/somenergia-jardiner!54) (aa64f4c by Pol Monsó Purtí). * fix: full outer join in latest batch
- fix: spined dset with metadata is way too slow (et/somenergia-jardiner!52) (bc3f7c3 by Pol Monsó Purtí).
- fix: make minio wait for nas (contd. et/somenergia-jardiner!46)(et/somenergia-jardiner!49) (1bdaed9 by Diego Quintana). * fix: add sleep to minio task to wait for nas
- fix: make minio mirror task wait for nas volume (et/somenergia-jardiner!46) (f35659b by Diego Quintana).
- fix: update bad references between models (et/somenergia-jardiner!47) (0afc8dc by Diego Quintana).
- fix: make unique source of truth for plant name from table
(et/somenergia-jardiner!36) (f7b03cd by Pol Monsó Purtí). - fix: make dbt model with dset joined data point to union instead of raw dbt model (et/somenergia-jardiner!34) (4bd01b5 by Diego Quintana). * change: make dbt model with dset joined data point to union instead of raw dbt model
- fix: chown artifacts and refactor pages task in gitlab CI (et/somenergia-jardiner!22) (5eaf7e3 by Diego Quintana). * change: add chown task and refactor pages task
- fix documentation (37534c2 by Lugadur).
- fix omie price from €/kwh to €/MWh (6821d77 by Lugadur).
- Fix/dset changes (et/somenergia-jardiner!19) (78e2907 by Pol Monsó Purtí).
- fix: multiple last ts within a metric of several device (et/somenergia-jardiner!18) (a432745 by Lucía).
- Fix MR !16 (et/somenergia-jardiner!17) (987f2cc by Lucía).
- fix: limit the length of API signal_uuid to 36 characters (126e7bd by Lugadur).
- fix: missing f-strings and task id (0f12e1b by Diego Quintana).
- fix: temporary revert registry and image for (9b1068c by Diego Quintana).
- fix: entrypoint at Dockerfiles breaking jardiner dags (et/somenergia-jardiner!9) (b716049 by Diego Quintana). * dev: add max_active_runs=1 to jardiner dags
- fix: update .gitlab-ci.yml with non-deprecated envvars (f5cf286 by Diego Quintana).
- fix: update .rsyncignore (3828f7c by Diego Quintana).
- fix: add dbt logs to .rsyncignore (2d45b32 by Diego Quintana).
- fix: add dbt_packages to .rsyncignore (14f2505 by Diego Quintana).
- fix: update dbt model with better date_trunc usage (et/somenergia-jardiner!1) (73551e3 by Diego Quintana). * fix: update dbt model with better date_trunc usage
- fix: add dbt target to .rsyncignore (44b3991 by Diego Quintana).
- fix: add missing packages.yml to dbt containers (#13) (0199954 by Diego Quintana). Co-authored-by: Lugadur [email protected]
- fix: docker makefile commands (#10) (a4bf6b9 by Diego Quintana). * containers: update docker cache at compose
- docs: add colors brilli brilli to the dbt lineage graph (et/somenergia-jardiner!48) (639752c by Pol Monsó Purtí). * docs: add colors to nodes in dbt lineage graph
- docs: add merge requests templates (et/somenergia-jardiner!21) (ca8b51c by Diego Quintana). Co-authored-by: Pol Monsó Purtí [email protected]
- docs: update urls of the CHANGELOG to gitlab (87fe866 by Diego Quintana).
- docs: add and git-changelog dependency (#11) (b522370 by Diego Quintana).
v0.1.1 - 2023-08-09
- fix: update dbt config with anonymous usage data False (#7) (e4af873 by Diego Quintana).
- fix: pin moll at random instead of pointing to traefik (#3) (d694520 by Diego Quintana).
v0.1.0 - 2023-07-13
- add adrs about dades llargues and obt (00aacf7 by pol).
- add mkdocs github action (03b7261 by pol).
- add legacy view_clean_irradiation for compatibility with some redash queries (1d280e7 by pol).
- add missing model 😓 (67ac680 by pol).
- add view_inverter_metrics_daily which redash still uses (de04cd4 by pol).
- add subscriber removal from topic cli (2012cac by pol).
- add real topics associations PENDING (35443d8 by Lugadur).
- add topic python interface docs (7653b05 by Lugadur).
- add csv seed of plant-topic association (83fb52d by Lugadur).
- add string_id (113c137 by pol).
- add exiom grant post-hook (8d17050 by pol).
- Adding notifications alarms (c72e1e7 by Roger).
- Adding new DAG alert_inverter_zero_power (b6f28fc by Roger).
- add meter reading data ingest lag comment (a4dd4ab by pol).
- add variable to pass seed name as command line variable to test alerts (04bd959 by Lugadur).
- add tmux :hankeye: to .gitignore (e3da104 by Roger).
- Adding doc resume of best dbt cmds (09cecd6 by Roger).
- Adding invertergegistry clean at daily level with confidence index (232a54a by Roger).
- Adding inverter tremperature alarm (7a3bcbc by Roger).
- add ipdb on dev dependencies (8b37830 by pol).
- add documentation on spine and meter alarm logic (4f6ef35 by pol).
- add dbt discussed codei documentation (62fa9d6 by Roger).
- add adr about batch processing meter alarms (3c1c8b5 by pol).
- add env example (74adfad by pol).
- add documentation and requirements.txt because airflow does not poetry (944b4a8 by pol).
- remove this branch to the docs build (6780c54 by pol).
- Remove timezone(utc,now),make stringregistry_denormalized use all readings instead of just last hour (4d7395c by pol).
- remove accented directory (3866067 by pol).
- remove receiver email from dags python call (a760161 by Lugadur).
- remove all order by time (869419b by pol).
- remove old comments (dfa03bd by Lugadur).
- remove timezoned now, lateral on true (d73886c by pol).
- fix links (2b481bf by pol).
- Fix titles and links (ff4d3d2 by pol).
- fix mkdocs errors, add plugins (a8f802e by pol).
- fix concat_bytes for inverter negative values (ef3afbd by pol).
- fix concat_bytes macro by complement 2 (8204b98 by pol).
- Fix inconcistencia pipe ++ (08acd09 by Roger).
- fix a NULL alert_meter_zero_energy when no reading for more than 30 days (17656b4 by Lugadur).
- Fix status tables (98bb864 by Roger).
- fix preliminary tests (7d405d7 by pol).
- fix orjson broken dependency on pip 20 (e8297aa by pol).
- FIX payload must be a dictionary not array (eab6c27 by pol).
- fix spine join (5aee6ef by pol).
- docs: small fixes on graph, better roadmap (e11fa2a by pol).