This demonstrates how to use the VK_QCOM_Image_Processing extension in a simple bloom shader. Setting gUseExtension to false will use a standard method, setting to true will use the extension in the downsample and blur passes.
The following dependencies must be installed and the appropriate locations should be referenced in the PATH
environment variable.
- Android SDK
- Andorid NDK
- Gradle
- CMake
- Android Studio
Once the dependencies are installed and shaders compiled, building this sample .apk/.exe is as simple as running any of the batch files from the framework root directory, accordingly to your target system:
To deploy the media files and the .apk to a connected device, run the batch file below:
Optionally you can change the default configurations for this sample by upating the file app_config.txt and running the batch file below:
This sample can also be easily imported to Android Studio and be used within the Android Studio ecosystem including building, deploying, and native code debugging.
To do this, open Android Studio and go to File->New->Import Project...
and select the project\android
folder as the source for the import. This will load up the gradle configuration and once finalized, the sample can be used within Android Studio.