Adaptive sync, also known as variable refresh rate, is a technology that dynamically adjusts your display's refresh rate based on the frame rate of the content on your screen.
Most modern GPUs will have adaptive sync functionality, such as through AMD FreeSync or NVIDIA G-SYNC.
The best solution is to use G-SYNC/G-SYNC Compatible or FreeSync Premium. Normal FreeSync may work if your monitor supports Low Framerate Compensation (LFC). You will also need to use a media player that supports adaptive sync, such as mpv.
The best solution is to use G-SYNC/G-SYNC Compatible or FreeSync Premium. Normal FreeSync may work if your monitor supports Low Framerate Compensation (LFC). You will also need to use a media player that supports adaptive sync, such as mpv.
Additionally, you may need to force exclusive fullscreen to activate adaptive sync. In mpv, this can be done by adding ontop & fullscreen to your mpv.conf file. You can tell adaptive sync is active when your cursor feels laggy, as this means your display has dropped its refresh rate to match the content.
AnimeTosho is a useful resource for grabbing just the subtitles from any release on Nyaa. Note that only uploads that are less than 16GB will have downloadable attachments on AnimeTosho.
They can be downloaded under the Subtitles section of a release:
The main source for finding torrents is Nyaa, you already have a general idea about the codecs, quality and release groups from the sections above. These 3 things are what we'll use to quickly find the best release for any anime. Nyaa search is simple and limited, but it's enough for finding anything, given that the uploader correctly tags the release.
The main source for finding torrents is Nyaa, you already have a general idea about the codecs, quality and release groups from the sections above. These 3 things are what we'll use to quickly find the best release for any anime. Nyaa search is simple and limited, but it's enough for finding anything, given that the uploader correctly tags the release.
First, change the All Categories option to Anime - English Translated. It can be set to just Anime to include english, raws and other languages. The two useful search operators are - and |(OR), AND is already implicit in every search. For example -
"Attack on Titan"|"Shingeki no Kyojin" will return results that match either
- is useful when you want to exclude something. When I try to search for an anime titled just Monster, the results are flooded by Pocket Monsters episodes. This can be solved by changing the search to Monster -pocket.
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-[[{"i":"#","p":["Wiki for all things related to anime and more!"]},{"l":"Home","p":["Welcome to the wiki for all things related to anime and more, ranging from easy to digest tutorials to full blown guides!","We also have a Discord server where you can hang out, report, and request things related to this wiki."]},{"i":"getting-started","l":"\uD83D\uDE80 Getting started","p":["How and where to find your favorite anime","How and where to find your favorite manga and light novels","How and where to find your favorite hentai"]},{"i":"learn-about-various-topics-in-detail","l":"\uD83D\uDCD6 Learn about various topics in detail","p":["Find the best media player for your device","Source your favorite content in the highest quality possible","Learn how to torrent from scratch"]},{"i":"learn-about-the-various-ways-to-watch-your-anime","l":"\uD83D\uDCFA Learn about the various ways to watch your anime","p":["Quickly and easily stream your favorite anime","Download your favorite anime in the best quality possible","Direct download your favorite anime"]},{"i":"some-helpful-tutorials","l":"\uD83D\uDCDC Some helpful tutorials","p":["Install and configure mpv","Download your favorite weekly shows automatically using RSS","Compare multiple releases to find what's best for you"]},{"i":"want-to-make-your-own-release-for-others-to-watch-and-enjoy","l":"\uD83D\uDCBE Want to make your own release for others to watch and enjoy?","p":["Learn how to make your very own release"]},{"i":"have-some-questions-you-want-to-ask","l":"❓ Have some questions you want to ask?","p":["Check out our extensive FAQ"]},{"i":"want-to-contribute-and-help-improve-this-wiki","l":"\uD83D\uDC96 Want to contribute and help improve this wiki?","p":["See how you can contribute"]}],[{"i":"#","p":["Learn how to get started with torrenting"]},{"l":"Torrenting","p":["Torrenting is a peer-to-peer file-sharing method that facilitates the distribution and downloading of files over the internet.","Unlike traditional file downloads, where files are obtained from a single source, torrenting leverages the collective resources of numerous participants, known as peers. This collaborative process enhances download speeds and reduces strain on individual servers, providing an efficient and resilient method for file transferring. A torrent client allows you to connect with these peers and download the file in small fragments, which are put together to create the final result.","For most people, streaming services are more convenient to use. However, torrenting is fairly simple and allows for better flexibility. Some reasons to use torrents are:","Broad range of qualities and sizes","Significantly better quality compared to streaming sites","Better and faster availability","Better subtitles/ fansubs and styling options","Access to a larger variety of titles and Blu-ray releases","Downloaded files for rewatching with no additional data usage","Downloading anime torrents may be illegal depending on where you live. To avoid receiving a copyright infringement notice from your ISP, you may want to consider using a VPN or seedbox."]},{"l":"Understanding the Terminology","p":["A BitTorrent hyperlink that allows you to download the torrent without the need for a .torrent file","A file (.torrent) that contains metadata about the files to be shared and the tracker information required to initiate and coordinate the downloading process","A server or web service that assists in coordinating the communication between peers in a BitTorrent network by keeping track of which peers possess which pieces of a file","A small segment of the file(s) that was cut up during the torrent creation process, allowing simultaneous downloading and uploading of different pieces across peers","A user who has completed downloading the files and is sharing them with other peers by uploading the file pieces","A user who is currently downloading the file, or has finished downloading some parts of the torrent and is sharing the pieces they have","An individual computer or device connected to the swarm","Definition","Leecher","Magnet link","Peer","Piece","Ratio","Seeder","Swarm","Term","The collective group of peers (seeders and leechers) distributing the files","The ratio between the amount of data uploaded and downloaded by the user","The software or application used to download and upload files using the BitTorrent protocol","Torrent client","Torrent file","Tracker"]},{"l":"Torrent Client","p":["To start torrenting, you'll need a torrent client. This is the software that you will use to download torrents. Below is a list of some popular clients:","qBittorrent","Deluge","LibreTorrent","rTorrent","Transmission","For most users, we recommend using qBittorrent. It's a free, open-source, and feature-full client that is easy to use and understand.","You should not use newer versions of μTorrent or BitTorrent, as they are known to be bundled with malware and adware."]},{"l":"Getting Torrents","p":["Torrents are shared using .torrent files or magnet links, which contain the necessary metadata of the file to be downloaded. These can be obtained through various trackers.",".torrent files can be added to your torrent client by opening it or browsing for the file manually. Magnet links can be opened in your browser, where it will prompt you to choose the torrent client to be opened with. Alternatively, you can paste this magnet link into your client.","See the list of public trackers or private trackers for places to find anime torrents."]},{"l":"Video example"},{"l":"Additional Tools"},{"l":"Port Forwarding","p":["Port forwarding allows computers on other networks to be able to access services behind your network. Opening ports gives your client better connectability, enabling you to download from seeders with closed ports and upload to leechers with closed ports much faster.","A quick breakdown of expected performance is below:","Situation","Result","Leecher- Seeder","No connection¹","Longer initiation², then normal connection","Normal connection","Green peers represent open ports. Red peers represent closed ports.","¹A connection can be made between two unconnectable peers via a connectable third-party through holepunching.","²The seeder needs to wait until the next tracker update in order to see the new peer."]},{"l":"Enabling port forwarding","p":["By default, most torrent clients automatically try to forward the current port via UPnP. You can test if this is working by using a port checker such as and entering the port.","If UPnP doesn't work, you can try manually forwarding the port through your router settings.","The port forwarding tutorial below is intended for those using home routers. This will not work with VPNs. Check with your provider to see if port forwarding is available.","Find the port used by your client. In qBittorrent, this can be found under Tools-> Options-> Connection-> Listening Port","Access your router's default gateway in your browser. You can find this on Windows by running Command Prompt and typing in ipconfig. Some common examples are:","","","","Locate the port forwarding option for your router. We recommend using ports from 49152 or higher to avoid interference with other services as well as being blocked by your ISP, which is common on lower ports","After saving/restarting your router and torrent client, go to to check if the port is now open","If the port is closed, then you are likely using a NAT. Unfortunately, this means you will need to use a different ISP or use a VPN that supports port forwarding","Do not enable all ports, as they may interfere with other services or put you at risk. Avoid enabling any well-known ports and registered ports."]},{"l":"VPN","p":["A VPN is an encrypted network tunnel between your device and the internet, allowing you to mask your activity from your ISP. In the case of torrenting, this allows you to hide your torrent traffic and prevent someone from trying to spy on you.","Depending on which country you live in, your ISP may send you a copyright infringement notice, threaten to shut off your internet, or do absolutely nothing. On a good VPN service, this will never reach your ISP, as it is blocked by the VPN protecting your activity. If your country is strict about it, you should highly consider buying a VPN, such as in North America or Europe.","Do not use free VPNs. These services often have limitations, weak security, and questionable privacy concerns. These may put you at greater risk compared to a premium service.","If you use qBittorrent, you may want to consider binding it to your client."]},{"l":"Forwarding Ports","p":["Some VPNs offer the ability to forward ports, which is especially useful if you are not able to port forward normally as it bypasses ISP restrictions:","AirVPN- Offers 5 static ports. Recommended to use with a third-party client such as WireSock","ProtonVPN- Offers 1 dynamic port. Recommended to use with an automatic port mapping client to avoid manually updating ports on reconnect"]},{"l":"Split Tunneling","p":["Split tunneling allows you to selectively route your internet traffic through the VPN tunnel or your internet connection simultaneously. With split tunneling, you can choose specific applications, websites, or services to be routed through the VPN while allowing other traffic to bypass the VPN and use the regular internet connection.","See the split tunneling guide for Wireguard on how to set it up."]},{"l":"Seedbox","p":["A seedbox is a dedicated server optimized for high-speed downloading and seeding of torrents. Unlike VPNs, seedboxes are separate from your network, allowing for better peace of mind when torrenting.","Other advantages include:","Better uptime as it doesn't require your PC to run. This is especially useful if you plan to build ratio on various trackers","Higher prioritization when seeding due to their high speed","Avoiding copyright notices, as they are directed to your box instead (i.e. ignored)","Synergy and integration with third-party applications/plugins (e.g. media servers)","Seedboxes can be run on your own virtual private server (VPS) or personal computer. Alternatively, they can be hosted through various seedbox providers."]}],[{"i":"#","p":["Learn how and where to find your favorite anime"]},{"l":"Anime"},{"l":"Streaming","p":["See The Index for a more comprehensive list of unofficial anime streaming sites.","Looking for official streaming sites? See r/anime's list of legal streams.","Streaming sites are generally preferred by most anime watchers as they require no additional setup and are easy to use while being convenient.","However, some sites will heavily compress video/audio and may have ads. We suggest using a reliable content blocker, such as uBlock Origin. Additionally, you may want to consider torrenting if you care about quality.","Aiming for compatibility, they are also unable to use efficient codecs like x265. If data limits are a concern, torrenting x265 mini encodes may be a better option. See the quality comparisons between mini encodes and popular streaming sites.","Official streams have better quality but are also typically larger (~ 1.3GB per episode for 1080p). They can be obtained by torrenting from groups like SubsPlease, who rip untouched streams.","See the streaming sites sourcing guide and quality guide for more information."]},{"l":"Torrenting","p":["Torrenting, while can sometimes require more setup, allows for more flexibility and accessibility for watching your shows.","Unlike streaming sites, torrents provide access to better releases, such as BDs for older shows and greater video quality. Some shows will also have fansubs, which may be preferred over official subtitles.","Torrenting requires the use of a torrent client, such as qBittorrent. Shows are shared in the form of .torrent files or magnet links, which can be found on trackers such as Nyaa. These are used by your torrent client to know what to download. Download speeds are dependent on the number of seeds available and connection quality.","Downloading anime torrents may be illegal depending on where you live. To avoid receiving a copyright infringement notice from your ISP, you may want to consider using a VPN or seedbox.","Additionally, you may choose to automatically fetch and download shows using RSS or Sonarr. Check out the RSS Tutorial on how to set up RSS with your torrent client.","See the torrenting guide for more information."]},{"l":"Playback","p":["A brief list of recommended media player applications.","VLC is not recommended as it introduces visual artifacts, displays wrong colors, and breaks intensive subtitles. We suggest using alternative media players.","mpv","MPC-HC","Potplayer","mpv-android","VLC for Android","Outplayer","VLC media player","Kodi","Plex","Emby","Jellyfin","See the playback guide for more information."]}],[{"i":"#","p":["Learn How and Where to Read Your Favorite Stuff"]},{"l":"Literature"},{"l":"Manga"},{"i":"sourcing-files-for-standalone-readers","l":"Sourcing Files (for standalone readers)","p":["Nyaa- The best public source for downloading manga"]},{"l":"Official Digital Rips","p":["Search for the English title and add Digital for the best rips. For example - Attack on Titan Digital. In the rare cases where multiple groups release the same manga, prioritise the newer release as it's likely to have been ripped from a superior source. If the files are dead on public trackers, you may have luck with DDL links in their descriptions, or alternatively setting up DC++"]},{"l":"Scanlation Rips","p":["Search both the English and Japanese title by adding | in between. For example - Attack on Titan|Shingeki no Kyojin and sort by file size. Although these are significantly lower quality, not all manga get official digital releases, and downloading as opposed to reading online allows you to utilise the better scaling that standalone readers can provide."]},{"l":"Reading"},{"l":"Windows","p":["CDisplayEx(Highest Quality)","Standalone reader that requires you to bring your own manga, provides the highest quality scaling available on PC with Resizing Algorithm set to Lanczos, and the Lanczos slider set to level 2.","For laptops or high resolution displays, you will likely need to disable Windows DPI scaling. Go to C:\\Program Files\\CDisplayEx, right click CDisplayEx.exe and select Properties -> Compatibility -> Change high DPI settings","Offers an \"Auto Colors\" option which allows you to fix black levels, however requires manual tweaking depending on the source. Should only be enabled when obvious blacks are appearing as grey, at which point you should increase the white level sensitivity slightly until they become black.","Tachidesk(Most Convenient)","Tachiyomi fork for PC"]},{"l":"Android","p":["Perfect Viewer(Highest Quality)","Standalone reader that requires you to bring your own manga, provides the highest quality scaling available on Android with Image smooth filter set to Lanczos 3","Tachiyomi(Most Convenient)","All in one package with sourcing, tracking and a reader. In settings -> reader enable 32 bit color to avoid banding Under Browse, add Mangasee and Mangadex. The former will provide official rips whilst the latter will provide scanlations.","TachiyomiSY/ TachiyomiJ2K/ TachiyomiAZ/ Neko","Tachiyomi forks with added features."]},{"l":"iOS","p":["Sidebooks(Highest Quality)","Standalone reader that requires you to bring your own manga, provides the highest quality scaling available on iOS.","Paperback(Most Convenient)","Tachiyomi alternative that supports adding sources."]},{"i":"browser-any-platform","l":"Browser (Any platform)","p":["MangaDex(Most Convenient Scanlation)","Most scanlators upload here, which are then taken by aggregator sites. However, not everything is uploaded and official translations are never uploaded here.","Mangasee or Manga4life(Most Convenient Official)","These sites upload downscaled official rips with the highest quality among online sites. The original rips can be found on nyaa."]},{"l":"Organization and Manga Servers","p":["Kavita- Free and open source manga, comic, and book server with OPDS support. This means that any reader with OPDS, like Perfect Viewer, can be used to read manga from the server. Has support for CDisplayEX, Tachiyomi, and Paperback. It also has an integrated webreader. DEMO.","Komga- Free and open source manga server with OPDS support. This means that any reader with OPDS, like Perfect Viewer, can be used to read manga from the server. Tachiyomi and Paperback are supported through their respective komga extensions. It also has an integrated webreader.","komf- Komga and Kavita metadata fetcher.","Mango- An open-source manga server and web reader.","FMD2- Free Manga Downloader 2","Manga Tagger- Tool to rename and write metadata to manga. It scrapes metadata from Anilist and MyAnimeList and has direct integration with FMD2.","HakuNeko- cross-platform downloader for manga and anime from various websites"]},{"l":"Light Novels","p":["Official vs Fan Translations - In general, official translations are more consistent, localized and flow better as a result of having professional translators and editors working on the project. At the same time, some readers may not prefer the excessive localization, editing or censorship in certain novels, which is where fan translations become the better choice. Seven Seas was guilty of doing this with Mushoku Tensei and Classroom of the Elite under the guise of localization - 1, 2, 3. The problems were apparently fixed later in revised releases.","Fan translations can range from better than official to unreadable machine translated garbage. It's best to consult the community of each series to determine what their preferred version is, and go with that. In most cases, going with official is a safe bet."]},{"l":"Sourcing","p":["Nyaa is the first place you should check for official releases.","Fan TLs can be found from novelupdates or from the reddit/discord communities of the series. Not all communites will allow sharing these, make sure to check their wiki and pins for information.","Novelupdates- provides information about translation groups, their status and progress, links to their sites, as well as lots of other things about the series - genres, categories, tags, ratings, reviews etc.","WebToEpub- An extension to convert Web Novels into EPUB."]},{"l":"Reading and Organization","p":["Calibre is a complete e-book management solution. It can be used to read, transfer and convert ebooks for all sorts of readers. It can also modify styling and download/edit/create metadata. The calibre content server can be used to host and remotely access your library.","Sumatra PDF","LNReader","Moon+ Reader"]}],[{"i":"#","p":["Learn how and where to find your favorite music"]},{"l":"Music"},{"l":"Content Resources","p":["Soulseek- P2P network where people share music files of their own. Great way to find lossless music and a lot of relevant music.","Redacted- Commonly referred to as RED, it's the best source for music, and has everything in both FLAC and MP3. It's a private tracker, meaning you'll have to go through an IRC Interview to join. Thoroughly read the interview page.","Orpheus- Another music private tracker like RED. Music selection is smaller than RED but it's easier to join with a more lenient economy. You'll have to go through an IRC Interview to join this as well. Again, thoroughly read the interview page.","Jpopsuki- Asian music private tracker with an extremely easy economy but lacks quality control. The only way to join this is via invites on other private trackers.","Do not under any circumstances ask people to invite you. This is forbidden by private trackers and can lead to your accounts being permanently disabled. Trading/buying invites is also forbidden and will get you disabled/blacklisted across all private trackers."]},{"l":"Spectral Analysis","p":["Since Soulseek doesn't have strict rules regarding upconversion (lossy->lossless), many files may be of dubious quality. This can be verified through spectral analysis. A full guide for doing so along with the required software can be found here and here. In summary, you are looking for frequency cutoffs like the following:","(Recommended) Spectrogram generation can be achieved using popular audio command-line utility SoX. Some basic options to generate spectrograms like the ones shown above are:","How this works, in a nutshell, is that the user's input audio file gets downmixed into a singular channel with remix 1, followed by the input track being replaced with a null file by flag -n(since spectrogram is a command that returns audio information and does not modify it, the audio itself isn't needed for much else). -X,, -y, and -z is used to specify the spectrogram's dimensions, where X is the length, y is the height (both in pixels), and z is the range in decibels. -w Kaiser produces the spectrogram calculated with the Kaiser window function. -S and -d are options that allow for the analysis of audio snippets, where S is the start and d is the end of the audio snippet. Finally, -o filename changes the name of the spectrogram.","You can find detailed explanations on each option flag here as well a plethora of additional ones to fine-tune your spectrogram to your desire.","If you're looking for something that can produce spectrograms of various files and directories quickly, scourgeofgrozny/sox-spectrogram is a GitHub repo containing a useful script that takes away most of the heavy lifting. Feel free to fork or download the source code and customize it to fit your own uses and preferences :)"]},{"l":"Comprehensive Guides","p":["The Mega Music Ripping Guide guide containing instructions on how to rip music from a variety of different popular sources.","Sharky's Music Google Docs is a massive document containing all sorts of tutorials and explanations for commonly-seen aspects of music ripping and uploading."]}],[{"i":"#","p":["Learn how and where to find your favorite hentai"]},{"l":"Hentai"},{"l":"Illustrations"},{"l":"Subscription-Based Content","p":["Kemono","Best place to find content drops locked behind paywalls (e.g. Fantia, Fanbox, DLSite, Patreon).","Note: If the artist's romanized username doesn't return any results, check their page for its hiragana/kanji equivalent."]},{"l":"Wallpapers","p":["Konachan","Dedicated resource for high-quality anime & hentai wallpapers. Similar layout to other * booru imageboards."]},{"l":"General-Purpose Content","p":[" Gelbooru","Well-established sites with vast amounts of user-uploaded content easily searchable due to their usage of various filter tags. Note: Gelbooru has many tags blacklisted by default; to access them, click Here, check the box that says \"Display all site content\" and click \"Save at the bottom of the page.","If you can't find what you're looking for on either of these sites, consider checking Sankaku Channel for it. Note: some content requires you to make an account to access, but account registrations are open.","Sukebei","The NSFW-only version of with well-seeded uploads, Sukebei offers both real-life and hentai torrents."]},{"l":"Doujinshi","p":["E-Hentai","Extensive database of doujinshi uploaded and maintained by an active community. Additional features include an entire forum and a bounty system where users can upload specific content in exchange for rewards.","If a certain query doesn't return an expected upload, head to \"Show Advanced Options\" and click on \"Browse Expunged Galleries\"; uploads removed by users will be shown. However, keep in mind that the site is frequently subject to bothersome copyright takedowns.","Ex-Hentai","Requires an E-Hentai account to be logged in to access; if the site remains blank after this, clear your browser's cookies or open a private tab and log in through there.","Top place to look for content that may have been taken down from E-Hentai.","Nhentai- Scrapes and packages E-Hentai's content into a simple, cleaner design. Preferred by many for its minimalistic feel and easy navigation.","hitomi- Solid nhentai alternative with sizeable amounts of content. Contains a simple yet useful feature within its homepage that allows recently uploaded doujinshi to be filtered by 40+ languages.","ImHentai- Very frequently-updated uploads consisting of doujinshi and user-made collections, similar to E-Hentai."]},{"l":"Games","p":["Nutaku- If you've gone on 18+ sites before without and adblocker, there's a good chance that you've seen an ad for this site. Regardless, they offer a plethora of well-made games that are free-to-play.","Sukebei- In addition to being a prime public tracker to snatch doujinshi off of, Sukebei also offers an extensive library of nukige/eroge."]}],[{"l":"Streaming Sites","p":["Majority of unofficial streaming sites will contain unwanted or annoying pop-ups and ads that may interfere with your experience. We suggest you use a reliable content blocker such as uBlock Origin."]},{"l":"Popular Sites","p":["AniWatch(previously Zoro) - Self-hosted site with quality similar to AniWave while maintaining an extensive library. One of the only streaming sites with soft subtitles","Not to be confused with defunct streaming site","AniWave(previously 9anime) - Self-hosted site with one of the largest and oldest anime libraries. Releases are often updated to include fansubs and BD releases for older content","Gogoanime- Self-hosted site with a vast library. Majority of scraper sites will source from here","See The Index for a more comprehensive list of unofficial anime streaming sites.","Looking for official streaming sites? See r/anime's list of legal streams."]},{"l":"Picking a Site","p":["The best way to pick a streaming site is to choose one that suits your needs and preferences. These are some factors that you may want to take into consideration:"]},{"l":"Self-Hosted vs. Scrapers","p":["Beware of fake streaming sites! These are scrapers with copied interfaces and are oftentimes not reflected of the original site. Always pay attention to the URL of the website. You can always find legitimate sites on The Index.","A self-hosted site is a streaming site that hosts the content on their own servers.","Typically, self-hosted sites allow for significantly better video quality compared to scrapers or other sites. They also generally pick good BD releases or fansubs for some shows. However, some self-hosted libraries can be more limited.","Examples of self-hosted sites: animepahe, AniWatch, AniWave, Gogoanime, Marin","A scraper is a site that grabs content hosted on existing self-hosted sites and uses it for their own site, similar to how manga aggregator sites operate.","This allows for anime libraries equivalent in size to self-hosted ones, without the need for the scraper to host content themselves. Additionally, site owners can implement their own UI or features, which may be preferred over the original site.","Majority of sites will scrape from Gogoanime, a popular self-hosted streaming site.","Examples of scraper sites: AllAnime, Anix, Genoanime, YugenAnime"]},{"l":"Video Quality","p":["animepahe, AniWatch, AniWave, Gogoanime, Marin, torrents","animepahe, AniWave (9anime), Gogoanime, Marin (tenshi), torrents","animepahe, AniWave (9anime), Gogoanime, torrents","AniWatch (Zoro), AniWave (9anime), animepahe, Gogoanime, Marin (tenshi), torrents","AniWatch (Zoro), AniWave (9anime), animepahe, Gogoanime, torrents","AniWatch (Zoro), AniWave (9anime), Gogoanime, Marin, torrents","Demon Slayer","Dokyuu Hentai HxEros","Fate/Zero","Gogoanime, Marin, torrents","Masamune-kun no Revenge R","Oshi no Ko","Senran Kagura","Show","Sources","Vinland Saga S2","While streaming sites will offer worse video quality compared to alternatives such as torrenting, DDL, XDCC, or even legal streaming, not all streaming sites are made equal.","You can see for yourself in the quality comparisons linked below:"]},{"l":"Quality Tier List","p":["AllAnime- Scraper site with great video quality when scraped from VRV, making them on par with SubsPlease/HorribleSubs torrent releases. However, not all shows use VRV, resulting in Tier 3 quality","Marin- Consistently the best video quality with BD releases and good quality for seasonals. Formerly tenshi","AniWatch- Formerly Zoro","Not to be confused with defunct streaming site","AniWave- Formerly 9anime","animepahe- Quality can be better or worse than Gogoanime. However, they offer significantly smaller file sizes and use good BD releases whenever available similar to Marin","Gogoanime(and its scrapers)"]},{"l":"Other Factors","p":["There are a multitude of other factors that may affect your decision in picking a site. Here are some brief recommendations based on some factors that aren't covered in The Index and are often not taken into account:","Additional factors, like the ability to download, comment, use MAL-Sync, and more can be identified on The Index."]},{"l":"Fansubs and BD Releases","p":["Marin and animepahe are very consistent at picking good BD releases with fansubs.","AniWave does this too, but typically less often and with slightly worse release choice."]},{"l":"File Size","p":["animepahe has some of the smallest file sizes compared to other streaming sites.","AniWave's are also relatively small when compared to sites like Gogoanime and Marin."]},{"l":"Library","p":["AniWave and Gogoanime have some of the largest libraries available.","Additionally, AniWave has one of the best libraries when it comes to older and rarer shows."]},{"l":"Soft Subs","p":["AniWatch is one of the only streaming sites that use soft subtitles, with the other alternatives being legal streaming sites."]},{"l":"UI and Features","p":["Users often care about the UI and site features. As this is completely subjective, we suggest you visit and try out the collection of sites from The Index and find what you like best."]}],[{"l":"Public Trackers","p":["Public trackers are BitTorrent trackers that allow anyone to access and download torrents without requiring user registration, unlike private trackers.","If you're new to torrenting, see the torrenting guide on how to get started.","We suggest you use a reliable content blocker such as uBlock Origin.","Nyaa","AcgnX","ACG.RIP","AniDex","AnimeTosho","DMHY","RuTracker","Tokyo Toshokan"]},{"l":"Nyaa","p":["Nyaa is a public BitTorrent tracker for anime, manga, light novels, etc."]},{"l":"Searching"},{"l":"Categories","p":["Torrents on Nyaa are sorted by category. These can be changed using the second dropdown menu on the search bar.","To search for releases in English, use the - English-translated option under the various categories."]},{"l":"Regex","p":["Below is a list of useful regex that can help narrow down your search when looking for torrents:","Meaning","Example Usage","Only return results that match exact word/phrase","Gochuumon wa Usagi desu ka??","|","Return results that match either word/phrase; or","Is the Order a Rabbit?|Gochuumon wa Usagi desu ka?","-","Exclude word/phrase from search","Gochuumon wa Usagi desu ka? BD Hi10P -BLOOM -Sing For You","See their help section for more information."]},{"l":"Custom RSS","p":["Nyaa supports custom RSS feed creation. This is useful if you plan on automatically downloading releases that do not have existing RSS feeds, such as fansubs for airing shows.","Search and go to the user's profile you want to create a feed for","On the top bar, click on RSS. Copy this URL and add it to your torrent client","You should always make searches from the profile page, as global searches carry the risk of potentially downloading torrents from imposters using the group's name, which may contain malware or other undesirable content."]},{"l":"Video tutorial"}],[{"l":"Private Trackers","p":["Private trackers are BitTorrent trackers that require user registration in order to access and download torrents.","If you're new to torrenting, see the torrenting guide on how to get started. Additionally, we suggest you stick to public trackers, as most shows can be found there without being locked behind user signup.","AnimeBytes","AnimeTorrents","BakaBT","Skyey Snow","U2"]},{"l":"AnimeBytes","p":["AnimeBytes(AB) is a closed private BitTorrent tracker for anime.","Users are can join this tracker through recruitments on various top-tier trackers. Unlike other trackers, however, joining AB is difficult and not guaranteed as several factors can affect your standing, such as receiving bans from other trackers."]},{"l":"AnimeTorrents","p":["AnimeTorrents(AnT/AnimeZ) is a closed private BitTorrent tracker for anime.","Users can join this tracker through recruitments. Unfortunately, getting into this tracker is currently impossible, as recruits remain closed."]},{"l":"BakaBT","p":["BakaBT(BBT) is a closed private BitTorrent tracker for anime, literature, music, etc.","Users can join this tracker after successfully passing an interview via IRC. The interview goes over the basics about torrenting and the site rules, which can be found on their wiki."]},{"l":"Skyey Snow","p":["Skyey Snow is a open private BitTorrent tracker for anime.","Users can join this tracker by completing the account registration process."]},{"l":"U2","p":["U2 is a closed private BitTorrent tracker for anime.","Users can join this tracker through recruitments on AnimeBytes."]}],[{"i":"ddlxdcc","l":"DDL/XDCC"},{"l":"IRC","p":["IRC (Internet Relay Chat) is a protocol that allows communication in the form of text. XDCC is a computer file sharing method which relies on IRC as a hosting service. The main advantage to using this method is that IRC bots are usually the fastest at uploading new anime episodes, thus being able to download them much earlier. They usually upload even faster than anime websites."]},{"l":"Connecting to the network","p":["Download and install HexChat.","The network list tab will open on starting the app, pick a username and nickname here, along with second and third choices.","Find and select the Rizon network.","Type #nibl in \"Join this channel\" and click OK.","Repeat steps 3 and 4 for other networks and channels where your target IRC bot is hosted. These can usually be found on the Nyaa releases of any group. For example -"]},{"l":"Downloading Anime","p":["Go to or","Click on Search and type the name and resolution of the anime you want to download. For example, No Game No Life 1080","Clicking the results will copy a command like /msg Rory|XDCC xdcc send #22430 to your clipboard. You can make this command yourself by looking at the bot name and pack # columns.","Paste this command in hexchat and send it. The download should start immediately."]},{"l":"Batch downloading","p":["Note the pack numbers for all the episodes you need and modify the command as follows -","XDCC commands reference -"]},{"l":"Advanced","p":["Automation -","Web Interface -"]}],[{"i":"#","p":["Get started with usenet"]},{"l":"Usenet"},{"l":"Getting started","p":["You will need 3 things at a basic level before you can download anything:","A usenet provider, which will provide servers to download content from. You have to pay for one and many offer in-bulk deals (yearly) which can average out to as low as 3-4 USD a month.","An NZB indexer, this is where you will get your .nzb file. An .nzb file is akin to a .torrent file in that it contains a map pointing to the location of the content that you want to download. These can be paid, free, public or private. Just like torrents, private ones are better than the public ones. Indexers usually have a heavily limited free tier and you'll have to pay for full functionality.","SABnzbd, which is a download client, into which you will feed your .nzb files in order to begin downloading your desired content. Make sure to put your SABnzbd behind a strong password.","While often recommended online, NZBGet has been deprecated by its developers. It will not receive any more updates so you should avoid using it and if you're already using it then consider switching to SABnzbd."]},{"l":"PAR","p":["A file that contains the computed parity bits from a source file. PAR files are generated from Usenet archives that have been broken into multiple files because of file size limitations on news servers. A PAR file would allow the complete archive to be reconstructed if one of the files became corrupt. PAR files can also be used to verify the integrity of the complete archive. Your download client, such as SABnzbd, will automatically repair or attempt to repair broken files using par files after download."]},{"l":"Anime Tosho","p":["Anime Tosho is a free, completely automated service which mirrors most torrents posted on TokyoTosho's anime category,'s English translated anime category, and AniDex's anime category (filtered) onto various file hosting (otherwise known as 'DDL') services, as well as Usenet.","Animetosho skips uploading most torrents over 16GB in size and some specific exceptions, such as duplicates/reposts and excessively large versions of a file (e.g. BD remuxes)","Anime Tosho is an amazing source to download weeklies via usenet. To use it, simply click the NZB button under the release title to download the .nzb file which you can then add to your SABnzbd and it'll start downloading. Animetosho NZB download","You can also directly copy the link and paste it in SABnzbd, similar to how magnet links work in torrent clients. Animetosho NZB link"]},{"l":"SeaDex","p":["SeaDex lists all the best releases for specific anime for you to download and enjoy. SeaDex releases which are under 16GB can be found on Anime Tosho while the rest are posted by which you can find here."]},{"l":"Searching Indexers","p":["You can use either Prowlarr or NZBHydra2 to search several Indexers together instead of searching them one by one.","NZBHydra 2 is a meta search for newznab indexers and torznab trackers","Prowlarr is an indexer manager for both torrent trackers and usenet indexers"]},{"l":"Uploading to Usenet","p":["You can use either of the following to upload to usenet.","ngPost is a CLI/GUI usenet poster for binaries","Nyuu is a flexible CLI usenet binary posting tool","A provider is required to upload, however we recommend that you purchase an account anonymously with crypto, and upload using a VPN."]},{"l":"Uploading with ngPost","p":["Download the appropriate version for your OS from the above link, the file ending with x64_setup.exe if you're using Windows","After installing, you'll want to edit the config file before you open the GUI, otherwise your settings will not be saved between sessions.","Now you've setup the config file, open the GUI with ngPost.exe, which should be filled with all the values you just set","To upload files, simply select Auto Posting, drag all your files into the window below, and click Generate Posts.","Compress should be un-ticked unless you need to preserve folder structure, as it allows for faster creation and downloading of NZBs","Article's obfuscation should be un-ticked if you want your uploads to be easily accessible without the need for your NZB file","ngPost GUI","Once the upload has finished, you'll be left with the NZB file in the directory you chose earlier."]},{"l":"Configuring ngPost","p":["Go to the install location, open ngPost.conf with a text editor, and set the following values:","nzbPath: Where you want the .nzb files to be saved after the upload is complete","GROUPS: The usenet groups you wish to upload to, we recommend a.b.boneless as a default","obfuscate: Uncomment this section if you wish to obfuscate your uploads, see below.","TMP_DIR: Folder where rar and par files will temporarily be stored during the upload process","host: Your usenet provider address, for example","port: The port given, usually 563 for SSL and 119 for normal","ssl: Keep as true if your port is 563, otherwise set to false","user/pass: Self explanatory","connection: Limit according to your internet capabilities, recommended to start with 8"]},{"l":"Usenet Providers and Backbones","p":["The above map is from"]},{"l":"Related Subreddit","p":["/r/Usenet"]}],[{"l":"Frequently Asked Questions","p":["General Questions and Answers","Torrent related Questions and Answers","Streaming related Questions and Answers","VPN related Questions and Answers"]}],[{"l":"Guides","p":["Guides Guides"]}],[{"l":"Tutorials","p":["Auto downloading anime using RSS","Automate Downloads With Taiga2shana","Bind VPN network interface to torrent client","Creating a comparison","Creating torrents","Deluge","Download OP/ED From MAL/AniList Account","How to Extract Visual Novel assets","How To Use IRC/XDCC","Manage LN/WN using Calibre","mpv Setup and Config","Plex Player Modding","Propolis","qBittorrent","Sonarr","Split Tunneling","Transmission","Unblock Guide"]}],[{"i":"#","p":["A glossary of common video, audio, subtitles, and more related terms"]},{"l":"Glossary"},{"l":"General","p":["Term","Meaning","Codec","A codec is a software or hardware algorithm that compresses and decompresses audio or video data. There are different types of codecs, each with its own compression algorithms and characteristics. Lossless codecs preserve the original quality of the data during compression and decompression, while lossy codecs achieve higher compression ratios by discarding certain information that is considered less important or perceptually less noticeable. Generally, a codec on its own does not determine the quality.","Bitrate","Refers to the amount of data that is processed or transmitted per unit of time. Higher bitrates generally produce higher-quality audio or video, but they also require more storage space and bandwidth for transmission. However, it's worth noting that the relationship between bitrate and quality is not always linear. Factors like the codec, compression algorithm, resolution, and content complexity also play significant roles in determining the perceived quality.","Transparency","Transparency is a term used to describe the perceived quality of a lossy file. A lossy file is considered transparent if a human cannot tell the difference between a lossy file and a lossless file."]},{"l":"Video","p":["Term","Meaning","AV1","Video codec used to compress videos. Currently in early stages of development","H.264","Video codec used to compress videos","H.265","Video codec used to compress videos. Successor to H.264","x264","Video encoder used to encode videos into H.264","x265","Video encoder used to encode videos into H.265"]},{"l":"Audio","p":["AAC","An extension of Dolby TrueHD. Cannot be converted to any other format","An extension of DTS-HD MA. Cannot be converted to any other format","Dolby Atmos","Dolby Digital","Dolby Digital Plus","Dolby TrueHD","DTS-HD","DTS-HD MA","DTS:X","Fastest and most widely supported lossless audio codec","FLAC","Lossy audio codec generally used for music, is beaten by newer lossy codecs","Lossy audio codec used by several official streaming sites","Meaning","MP3","Open lossy audio codec, currently the best one","Opus","Outdated lossy audio codec","PCM","Proprietary lossless audio codec found in BluRays","Proprietary Lossy audio codec","Proprietary Lossy audio codec. Commonly used by official streaming sites","Term","Uncompress lossless audio codec generally found in BluRays","Vorbis"]},{"l":"Torrent","p":["A BitTorrent tracker that allows any user to join and participate in file sharing without requiring registration or authentication","A BitTorrent tracker that requires an invitation to join. Advantages of private trackers include speed, retention, selection, and quality control","A decentralized method used by BitTorrent to track peers without relying on a central server, enabling peer discovery and file sharing even if the tracker is unavailable","A dedicated remote server optimized for high-speed downloading and seeding of torrents","A peer-to-peer (P2P) file-sharing protocol used for distributing large amounts of data over the internet, where files are broken into small pieces and shared among multiple users simultaneously.","A server or web service that assists in coordinating the communication between peers in a BitTorrent network by keeping track of which peers possess which pieces of a file","A small file that contains metadata about the files to be shared and the tracker information required to initiate and coordinate the downloading process","A small part of a file that is broken down during the BitTorrent process, allowing simultaneous downloading and uploading of different pieces from different peers","A status assigned to certain torrents on a private tracker where none of the data uploaded or downloaded is counted","A status assigned to certain torrents on a private tracker where the downloaded data does not count towards a user's download ratio, encouraging increased participation and sharing","A term used to describe when a user downloads a file from a private tracker but fails to continue seeding it to the required ratio or for a specified period","A type of hyperlink used in BitTorrent that allows users to directly connect to the tracker and peers without needing to download a separate torrent file","A user who has completed downloading a file and continues to share it with other users by uploading the file pieces they possess","A user who is in the process of downloading a file but has not yet completed the download or is not actively uploading (sharing) the downloaded pieces with others","An individual computer or device connected to a P2P network that participates in sharing and downloading files","Being the first in a swarm to maximize upload","BitTorrent","Buffer","DHT","Freeleech","Hit and run","Leecher","Magnet link","Meaning","Neutral leech","Peer","Piece","Private tracker","Public tracker","Racing","Ratio","Seedbox","Seeder","Software or application used to download and upload files using the BitTorrent protocol","Swarm","Term","The collective group of peers (both seeders and leechers) participating in the distribution of a particular file through BitTorrent","The difference between the amount of data a user has uploaded and downloaded on a private tracker","The ratio between the amount of data uploaded by a user and the amount downloaded. Private trackers often enforce minimum ratio requirements to ensure fair sharing among users.","Torrent client","Torrent file","Tracker"]}],[],[{"l":"Muxing","p":["Matroska is a very versatile container. Matroska is usually found as .mkv files (Matroska video), . mka files (Matroska audio), .mks files (subtitles). It can contain multiple streams of video, audio, subtitles, and other attachments. The process of taking these streams, adding or removing some, and bundling them into a new file is called muxing or multiplexing. Muxing is a lossless process and takes only a few seconds. In general, you could be muxing any format, but for anime we'll mostly be dealing with mkv. It's useful when you want to use subtitles from a different release with what you already have downloaded, or to remove the extra english audio tracks to save space."]},{"l":"MKVToolNix","p":["MKVToolNix is a set of tools to create, alter and inspect Matroska & WebM files under Windows, macOS, Linux and other Unices. It is the de-facto reference implementation of a Matroska multiplexer.","MKVToolNix consists of the following command-line tools:","mkvmerge is a tool to create Matroska & WebM files from other formats.","mkvinfo allows one to get information about the tracks in Matroska & WebM files.","mkvextract can extract tracks from Matroska & WebM files to other formats.","mkvpropedit can edit properties such as header and chapter information or attachments without remuxing.","On top of them sits MKVToolNix GUI, an easy-to-use program making the functionality of those command-line tools available as a GUI."]},{"l":"Getting started","p":["After installing MKVToolNix, you're pretty much ready to go. Once you launch it, you'll be greeted with this. You'll see 3 tabs here:","Input tab for adding your files, modifying existing tracks, adding/removing tracks and more.","Output tab for adding metadata like file title or chapters.","Attachments tab for additional attachments, commonly used for adding fonts required by the subtitle tracks and things like cover.","You can either right-click anywhere in the top \"Source Files\" box or drag and drop your file in it.","Once you add your source file, all the tracks in your file will show up in the box below, along with other relevant things in each tab.","Tracks will be randomly assigned a color to indicate what source they belong to.","Checking or unchecking a track will decide if it'll be kept or removed in the output file.","By default, anything you won't explicitly uncheck will be copied over to the new output file.","Clicking on any track allows you to modify several properties in the window on the right. It's important you get this right and it's covered in more details below.","Once you're done making your changes, assign a name to your file and hit Start multiplexing. Make sure to check all 3 tabs to ensure what's being copied over.","MKVToolNix also allows you to generate a commandline with all the changes you made in the GUI."]},{"l":"Correct Tagging","p":["Audio #1","Audio #2","Audio Tracks:","Command to tag everything properly for an existing file without remuxing (assuming the order of tracks is correct):","Default","Encode Group","eng","English audio should always be tagged as eng but should not be marked as Default or Forced. This is to make sure auto-selection works well for both dub and sub watchers.","enm","FLAC 2.0","Forced","Full Subtitles [Fansub]","Full Subtitles [Official]","Here's an example of what a properly tagged file would look like:","Honorifics [Fansub]","Japanese audio should always be tagged as jpn and marked as Default","jpn","Language","Language tag is optional.","Language tag must be used appropriately reflecting the language of the subtitles.","Mention the Codec, Channels, and Bitrate in the Name field.","Mention the name of the Encoder/Encode group or simply region like JPBD or ITABD if it's untouched BluRay Remux.","Name","Newer mkvtoolnix versions automatically set the default flag to yes on all streams. This is technically the correct use for the flag but all players do not have the intended results with this kind of tagging.","no","Opus 5.1 @ 320kb/s","Signs/Songs [Fansub]","Subtitle Tracks:","Subtitles #1","Subtitles #2","Subtitles #3","Subtitles #4","Tag any and all additional subtitle tracks as neither Default nor Forced.","Tag the best Full Subtitles as eng and Default","Tag the Honorifics track as enm but neither Default nor Forced.","Tag the Signs/Songs track as eng and forced. This is to make sure auto-selection works well for both dub and sub watchers.","The Forced display flag here DOES NOT mean that these subs will be permanently on the screen, which is a common misconception. Forced subtitles only provide subtitles when the characters speak a foreign or alien language, or a sign, flag, or other text in a scene is not translated in the localization and dubbing process. In our case, it's supposed to be displayed whenever the English dub has untranslated things like Japanese Signs and Songs like Opening/Ending or Inserts.","The Properties tab allows you tag each track with various flags. Tagging a track correctly is very important and must be done correctly because proper tagging enables a player to autoselect the correct language streams for audio and subtitles. Tags can be edited in the MKVToolNix or mkvpropedit without remuxing.","Track","Video","Video track:","yes"]}],[],[{"l":"Release Standards"},{"l":"Video","p":["Ideally, the video should be an encode that's an improvement over the source video but realistically that isn't always the case since sometimes no good encode exists. This guide won't be tackling the topic of encoding since there's already one here."]},{"l":"General","p":["WEB-DLs are usually the best source for shows which haven't gotten a BluRay (usually airing or recently ended).","An encode of the BluRay that's better than the source will trump the source.","BluRay Remux trumps WEB-DL/WEBRip and Bad Encodes.","Avoid mini encodes as these are targeted to save size by sacrificing quality. Some popular mini encode groups to avoid are:"]},{"l":"Video Source","p":["Unless you are making your own encode, you'll have to stick to the available options. To get started:","Download the different raws/encodes you find along with the source (BDMV/Remux) and make a comparison.","Look at the comparison to decide the best source and if you are having trouble picking one, feel free to join the SeaDex Discord where pixel peepers will check it out and help you decide."]},{"l":"Audio"},{"l":"Recommended Tools","p":["eac3to with updated libraries for extracting and transcoding.","SoX for resampling and bit depth reduction.","opus-tools for transcoding lossless audio to Opus.","acsuite for frame-based cutting/trimming/splicing of audio files using VapourSynth clip information.","sync-audio-tracks calculates a delay between two audios and produces a shifted audio.","downsampler-threaded is a multi-process sox frontend for automatically resampling FLAC files."]},{"i":"general-1","l":"General","p":["Either lossless or lossy audio can be used for a good release but with a few things to keep in mind:","Avoid including lossless audio tracks like PCM, DTS-HD, DTS-HD MA, and TrueHD from BDMVs/Remuxes. These tracks should always be transcoded to either FLAC (lossless compression) or a lossy codec with an appropriate bitrate.","Note: Do not transcode object-based codecs like DTS:X or Dolby Atmos to FLAC as Dolby Atmos is an extension to TrueHD and DTS:X is an extension to DTS-HD MA. Their metadata will be ignored or stripped out during conversion.","Audio tracks should either be converted to 16-bit FLAC because 24-bit FLAC is bloated with no benefits or to a lossy audio codec like Opus with an appropriate bitrate like 128-192Kb/s for Stereo tracks and 256-320Kb/s for multi-channel tracks to achieve transparency.","Never downmix multichannel audio to stereo.","Never transcode a lossy track."]},{"l":"eac3to","p":["Once you have eac3to with updated libraries, you can start with this simple command:","Or, if it's a BDMV","This will return all the tracks in the file.","Now you can select, extract and convert them all at once by using the numbers corresponding to each track.","This will select the second and fourth tracks and transcode both of them losslessly to FLAC but the third lossy track will be extracted without any transcoding because no codec was specified.","Here the second and fourth lossless tracks get transcoded to FLAC while the lossy AC3 track remains the same."]},{"l":"Example"},{"l":"eac3to CLI example"},{"l":"SoX","p":["If you're planning to include lossless audio from the source, downconvert and dither 24-bit lossless tracks to 16-bit FLAC for the sake of reducing bloat as 24-bit is significantly larger with no benefits over 16-bit FLAC.","Here's the recommended command:"]},{"l":"opus-tools","p":["If you're planning to include lossy audio, it's recommended to use Opus with a bitrate of 128-192Kb/s for Stereo tracks and 256-320Kb/s for multi-channel tracks to achieve transparency.","Here are the recommended commands:"]},{"l":"Subtitles"},{"i":"recommended-tools-1","l":"Recommended Tools","p":["arch1t3cht/Aegisub for all subtitle work.","SubKt is a highly configurable toolkit for fansubbing automation.","Myaamori-Aegisub-Scripts includes several helpful scripts for processing .ASS subtitles.","Prass is another Console processor for .ASS subtitles.","tp7/Sushi is an automatic subtitle shifter based on audio.","FichteFoll/Sushi is the python 3 fork of tp7/Sushi."]},{"i":"general-2","l":"General","p":["Multiple Subtitle tracks take negligible space and provide more options so there's no reason not to include them.","Always include the official subtitle track.","Always include fansubs if they exist and are of good quality. Good Quality is subjective so you have to decide some things yourself or ask around for opinions but for starters you can go with popular fansub groups or judge them yourself based on factors like timing, grammar, typesetting, extreme localization, or lack there of.","Honorifics track must be tagged as enm.","Must include a Signs and Songs track for English dub.","It's recommended to check the subtitle track for obvious grammatical errors, punctuation errors, typos, etc.","Check the subtitle tracks for scene bleeds, i.e, when a line extends farther than it should/past a keyframe/scene change.","Pick the default subtitle track by diffing the different options and finding the best one. This can be done via sites like Diffchecker or evadiff.","Here's a subdigest script to get clean text file output of .ASS subtitles for diff checking:"]},{"l":"Styling","p":["The dialogue style must be readable without being distracting.","Feel free to restyle bad styling. Here's a reference for some good dialogue fonts.","You can also copy styling from existing groups like GJM, Kaleido, or DDY.","Try to match the styling of previous seasons of the same show to maintain consistency. Although this isn't mandatory and should be avoided if previous season releases had bad styling."]},{"l":"Muxing and Tagging","p":["Once you have prepared the individual files, you'll have to put them together in a container, preferably Matroska, commonly seen as files with the extension .mkv."]},{"i":"recommended-tools-2","l":"Recommended Tools","p":["MKVToolNix","SubKt","MKVToolNix-Sequential-Batch-Mapper","Inviska-MKV-Extract"]},{"l":"Forced Subtitles","p":["Forced here DOES NOT mean that these subs will be permanently on the screen, which is a common misconception. Forced subtitles only provide subtitles when the characters speak a foreign or alien language, or a sign, flag, or other text in a scene is not translated in the localization and dubbing process. In our case, it's supposed to be displayed whenever the English dub has untranslated things like Japanese Signs and Songs like Opening/Ending or Inserts."]},{"l":"Correct Tagging","p":["Audio #1","Audio #2","Audio Tracks:","Command to tag everything properly (assuming the order of tracks is correct):","Default","Encode Group","eng","English audio should always be tagged as eng but should not be marked as Default or Forced. This is to make sure auto-selection works well for both dub and sub watchers.","enm","FLAC 2.0","Forced","Full Subtitles [Fansub]","Full Subtitles [Official]","Honorifics [Fansub]","Japanese audio should always be tagged as jpn and marked as Default","jpn","Language","Language tag is optional.","Language tag must be used appropriately reflecting the language of the subtitles.","Mention the Codec, Channels, and Bitrate in the Name field.","Mention the name of the Encoder/Encode group or simply region like JPBD or ITABD if it's untouched BluRay Remux.","Name","no","Note: Newer mkvtoolnix versions automatically set the default flag to yes on all streams. This is technically the correct use for the flag but all players do not have the intended results with this kind of tagging.","Opus 5.1 @ 320kb/s","Proper tagging enables a player to autoselect the correct language streams for audio and subtitles. Tags can be edited in the MKVToolNix Header Editor or mkvpropedit without remuxing.","Signs/Songs [Fansub]","Subtitle Tracks:","Subtitles #1","Subtitles #2","Subtitles #3","Subtitles #4","Tag any and all additional subtitle tracks as neither Default nor Forced.","Tag the best Full Subtitles as eng and Default","Tag the Honorifics track as enm but neither Default nor Forced.","Tag the Signs/Songs track as eng and forced. This is to make sure auto-selection works well for both dub and sub watchers.","Track","Video","Video track:","yes"]},{"l":"Naming","p":["This guide aims to somewhat standardize naming schemes used for Anime in an effort to make them work beyond File Explorer and work well with Usenet, XDCC, automation software, and media servers. Everything mentioned here aims to work with everything and if something isn't mentioned, it's very likely because it breaks support for one thing or another. Adopting all of it will ensure compatibility with basically everything, for example, not only will your releases be snatched by auto-downloaders but will also be parsed and matched accurately and people can drop your releases in media servers without having to rename and break seeding."]},{"i":"recommended-tools-3","l":"Recommended Tools","p":["Advanced Renamer","Filebot-mod","Bulk Rename Utility","tvnamer"]},{"i":"general-3","l":"General","p":["Must contain the name of the Anime.","Must contain (year) when there are multiple versions, e.g, Hunter x Hunter (1999) and Hunter x Hunter (2011). Note: Including year is required for all movies, regardless of whether multiple versions exist or not.","Must contain source information, i.e, BD/BluRay, WEB/WEB-DL/WEBRip, or DVD. Append the word Remux to BD/BluRay or DVD if it's a Remux.","For WEB/WEB-DL/WEBRip, you must include source tags. AMZN for Amazon, DSNP for Disney+, and NF for Netflix.","Must contain resolution, i.e, 1080, 720, 576 or 480 together with scan type, i.e, p if the content is fully Progressive or i if it’s Interlaced. So finally it looks like this: 1080p, 720p, 576p, 480i. Different aspect ratios do not change this resolution, e.g. 1440x1080 and 1920x800 are both still 1080p.","Must mention the Video and Audio Codec.","Always add a group tag to your release, ideally placing it at the end for both easier parsing and human readability.","You should use . or - as a delimiter."]},{"l":"Filename","p":["Must contain Season and Episode information in the format SXXEYY following TVDB.","Absolute Episode Numbers may be used together with SXXEYY.","Special Episodes must follow the format S00EXX.","Group tag can be at the start or the end of the filename.","Examples:"]},{"i":"specialsova-filename","l":"Specials/OVA Filename","p":["These are wildly inconsistent across different databases which means you need to be more careful when naming these to avoid any confusion while also keeping it both human and machine readable. Databases like thetvdb use S00EXX for specials while databases like MAL simply use the episode name for specials.","A common thing in anime releases is Specials/OVAs numbered as 0.5, e.g. Anime Name - 18.5. This is not recommended at all.","0.5 Episodes are not supported by a single piece of software or database but they usually make it easier for the person watching to know where it chronologically lands in the show. You may or may not include this in the filename.","S00EXX isn't very user friendly, because it doesn't really tell much on its own but it guarantees automatic parsing and correct identification. You must include this in the filename. Refer to thetvdb to find this for your episode.","Including the Episode title is highly recommended in this case as it makes identification significantly easier and understandable for anyone who downloads it. Neither S00EXX or 0.5 provides this information at a glance which is why the episode title is really helpful in this case. Refer to either thetvdb or MAL to find the episode name.","You may include the absolute number of the episode as long as it's not a decimal episode that lands between any two existing ones. Optional and really just down to preference. It's much better than decimal episode numbering but still not ideal.","This means we need a name that is easily readable, parsable, and identifiable. This is achieved by using a combo of the above.","This is an example of a well named special episode. Anime Name tells us the name of the anime, S00E04 tells us the episode number in the SXXEXX standard which makes it easily identifiable, and Title of the Episode makes it significantly more human readable.","Another good example, this tells us the name of the anime, where it lands chronologically, what episode it is with reference to databases and the name of the episode to aid with identifying the episode without much effort."]},{"l":"More Examples","p":["Bad, do not use:","Good names:"]},{"l":"Folder","p":["Must contain Season information in the format: S0X or Season X.","Make one folder for each Season following all the guidelines. This is due to the fact that most trackers do not allow multi-season batch torrents.","Put Group tag at the end of the folder name to allow alphabetical sorting and easier parsing.","Everything that isn't an episode, e.g Creditless Intro/Outro, PVs, etc must be put in a subfolder called Extras(not Extra). Do not use subfolders like NC, Creditless, etc.","Special Episode/OVA must be put in the same folder if it's singular or a subfolder called Specials if there are multiple of them.","Anime that are a single season split between two cours, e.g. Eighty-Six aired in two cours, cour 1 and cour 2, but is a single season, must be named in a way that satisfies both which is achieved by adding the episode range after the season info ( S0X). For example, Eighty-Six S01 E01-E11 and Eighty-Six S01 E12-E23.","Examples:"]},{"l":"Nyaa"},{"l":"Title","p":["Same guidelines as Folder, simply add more aliases at the end for easier searching.","You can also put the group tag before everything else in the Nyaa title.","Examples:"]},{"l":"Description","p":["Always include MediaInfo.","Always include a link to a comparison of the video used in the release."]},{"l":"QC","p":["Check the MediaInfo for any missing tracks, tracks in wrong order or wrong tags.","Check for any missing fonts. You can use fontvalidator for this.","Watch your finished release for any errors you may have missed before going forward."]},{"l":"CRC","p":["RapidCRC","CRC32 is an error-detecting function that uses a CRC32 algorithm to detect changes between source and target data.","It's commonly seen as a random string at the end of the file name, e.g, [BE8625C3].","It's intended to verify that the files you have are the correct ones, or whether they match with the version released by the uploader in case there have been any revisions.","Renaming a file does not change its CRC32 value.","CRC32 is redundant for torrents since torrents already have an infohash, an SHA-1 hash calculated over the contents of the info dictionary in bencode form. You can easily check their integrity via your client's Recheck feature.","CRC32 is helpful when the file has been obtained from sources like Drive, Usenet, or XDCC."]},{"l":"Torrent","p":["To create a torrent, simply follow the guide here."]},{"i":"patchesrevisions","l":"Patches/Revisions","p":["For making patches, use dan0v/xdelta3-cross-gui.","Append v2 at the end of SXXEYY, e.g, S01E01v2.","Do NOT alter episode files that don't need a revision.","This will also change the CRC32 value of the file.","Re-upload the complete patched release while also including the patch separately in the description for people who have downloaded the previous version so that they don't have to redownload the whole thing again."]}]]
\ No newline at end of file
+[[{"i":"#","p":["Wiki for all things related to anime and more!"]},{"l":"Home","p":["Welcome to the wiki for all things related to anime and more, ranging from easy to digest tutorials to full blown guides!","We also have a Discord server where you can hang out, report, and request things related to this wiki."]},{"i":"getting-started","l":"\uD83D\uDE80 Getting started","p":["How and where to find your favorite anime","How and where to find your favorite manga and light novels","How and where to find your favorite hentai"]},{"i":"learn-about-various-topics-in-detail","l":"\uD83D\uDCD6 Learn about various topics in detail","p":["Find the best media player for your device","Source your favorite content in the highest quality possible","Learn how to torrent from scratch"]},{"i":"learn-about-the-various-ways-to-watch-your-anime","l":"\uD83D\uDCFA Learn about the various ways to watch your anime","p":["Quickly and easily stream your favorite anime","Download your favorite anime in the best quality possible","Direct download your favorite anime"]},{"i":"some-helpful-tutorials","l":"\uD83D\uDCDC Some helpful tutorials","p":["Install and configure mpv","Download your favorite weekly shows automatically using RSS","Compare multiple releases to find what's best for you"]},{"i":"want-to-make-your-own-release-for-others-to-watch-and-enjoy","l":"\uD83D\uDCBE Want to make your own release for others to watch and enjoy?","p":["Learn how to make your very own release"]},{"i":"have-some-questions-you-want-to-ask","l":"❓ Have some questions you want to ask?","p":["Check out our extensive FAQ"]},{"i":"want-to-contribute-and-help-improve-this-wiki","l":"\uD83D\uDC96 Want to contribute and help improve this wiki?","p":["See how you can contribute"]}],[{"i":"#","p":["Learn how to get started with torrenting"]},{"l":"Torrenting","p":["Torrenting is a peer-to-peer file-sharing method that facilitates the distribution and downloading of files over the internet.","Unlike traditional file downloads, where files are obtained from a single source, torrenting leverages the collective resources of numerous participants, known as peers. This collaborative process enhances download speeds and reduces strain on individual servers, providing an efficient and resilient method for file transferring. A torrent client allows you to connect with these peers and download the file in small fragments, which are put together to create the final result.","For most people, streaming services are more convenient to use. However, torrenting is fairly simple and allows for better flexibility. Some reasons to use torrents are:","Broad range of qualities and sizes","Significantly better quality compared to streaming sites","Better and faster availability","Better subtitles/ fansubs and styling options","Access to a larger variety of titles and Blu-ray releases","Downloaded files for rewatching with no additional data usage","Downloading anime torrents may be illegal depending on where you live. To avoid receiving a copyright infringement notice from your ISP, you may want to consider using a VPN or seedbox."]},{"l":"Understanding the Terminology","p":["A BitTorrent hyperlink that allows you to download the torrent without the need for a .torrent file","A file (.torrent) that contains metadata about the files to be shared and the tracker information required to initiate and coordinate the downloading process","A server or web service that assists in coordinating the communication between peers in a BitTorrent network by keeping track of which peers possess which pieces of a file","A small segment of the file(s) that was cut up during the torrent creation process, allowing simultaneous downloading and uploading of different pieces across peers","A user who has completed downloading the files and is sharing them with other peers by uploading the file pieces","A user who is currently downloading the file, or has finished downloading some parts of the torrent and is sharing the pieces they have","An individual computer or device connected to the swarm","Definition","Leecher","Magnet link","Peer","Piece","Ratio","Seeder","Swarm","Term","The collective group of peers (seeders and leechers) distributing the files","The ratio between the amount of data uploaded and downloaded by the user","The software or application used to download and upload files using the BitTorrent protocol","Torrent client","Torrent file","Tracker"]},{"l":"Torrent Client","p":["To start torrenting, you'll need a torrent client. This is the software that you will use to download torrents. Below is a list of some popular clients:","qBittorrent","Deluge","LibreTorrent","rTorrent","Transmission","For most users, we recommend using qBittorrent. It's a free, open-source, and feature-full client that is easy to use and understand.","You should not use newer versions of μTorrent or BitTorrent, as they are known to be bundled with malware and adware."]},{"l":"Getting Torrents","p":["Torrents are shared using .torrent files or magnet links, which contain the necessary metadata of the file to be downloaded. These can be obtained through various trackers.",".torrent files can be added to your torrent client by opening it or browsing for the file manually. Magnet links can be opened in your browser, where it will prompt you to choose the torrent client to be opened with. Alternatively, you can paste this magnet link into your client.","See the list of public trackers or private trackers for places to find anime torrents."]},{"l":"Video example"},{"l":"Additional Tools"},{"l":"Port Forwarding","p":["Port forwarding allows computers on other networks to be able to access services behind your network. Opening ports gives your client better connectability, enabling you to download from seeders with closed ports and upload to leechers with closed ports much faster.","A quick breakdown of expected performance is below:","Situation","Result","Leecher- Seeder","No connection¹","Longer initiation², then normal connection","Normal connection","Green peers represent open ports. Red peers represent closed ports.","¹A connection can be made between two unconnectable peers via a connectable third-party through holepunching.","²The seeder needs to wait until the next tracker update in order to see the new peer."]},{"l":"Enabling port forwarding","p":["By default, most torrent clients automatically try to forward the current port via UPnP. You can test if this is working by using a port checker such as and entering the port.","If UPnP doesn't work, you can try manually forwarding the port through your router settings.","The port forwarding tutorial below is intended for those using home routers. This will not work with VPNs. Check with your provider to see if port forwarding is available.","Find the port used by your client. In qBittorrent, this can be found under Tools-> Options-> Connection-> Listening Port","Access your router's default gateway in your browser. You can find this on Windows by running Command Prompt and typing in ipconfig. Some common examples are:","","","","Locate the port forwarding option for your router. We recommend using ports from 49152 or higher to avoid interference with other services as well as being blocked by your ISP, which is common on lower ports","After saving/restarting your router and torrent client, go to to check if the port is now open","If the port is closed, then you are likely using a NAT. Unfortunately, this means you will need to use a different ISP or use a VPN that supports port forwarding","Do not enable all ports, as they may interfere with other services or put you at risk. Avoid enabling any well-known ports and registered ports."]},{"l":"VPN","p":["A VPN is an encrypted network tunnel between your device and the internet, allowing you to mask your activity from your ISP. In the case of torrenting, this allows you to hide your torrent traffic and prevent someone from trying to spy on you.","Depending on which country you live in, your ISP may send you a copyright infringement notice, threaten to shut off your internet, or do absolutely nothing. On a good VPN service, this will never reach your ISP, as it is blocked by the VPN protecting your activity. If your country is strict about it, you should highly consider buying a VPN, such as in North America or Europe.","Do not use free VPNs. These services often have limitations, weak security, and questionable privacy concerns. These may put you at greater risk compared to a premium service.","If you use qBittorrent, you may want to consider binding it to your client."]},{"l":"Forwarding Ports","p":["Some VPNs offer the ability to forward ports, which is especially useful if you are not able to port forward normally as it bypasses ISP restrictions:","AirVPN- Offers 5 static ports. Recommended to use with a third-party client such as WireSock","ProtonVPN- Offers 1 dynamic port. Recommended to use with an automatic port mapping client to avoid manually updating ports on reconnect"]},{"l":"Split Tunneling","p":["Split tunneling allows you to selectively route your internet traffic through the VPN tunnel or your internet connection simultaneously. With split tunneling, you can choose specific applications, websites, or services to be routed through the VPN while allowing other traffic to bypass the VPN and use the regular internet connection.","See the split tunneling guide for Wireguard on how to set it up."]},{"l":"Seedbox","p":["A seedbox is a dedicated server optimized for high-speed downloading and seeding of torrents. Unlike VPNs, seedboxes are separate from your network, allowing for better peace of mind when torrenting.","Other advantages include:","Better uptime as it doesn't require your PC to run. This is especially useful if you plan to build ratio on various trackers","Higher prioritization when seeding due to their high speed","Avoiding copyright notices, as they are directed to your box instead (i.e. ignored)","Synergy and integration with third-party applications/plugins (e.g. media servers)","Seedboxes can be run on your own virtual private server (VPS) or personal computer. Alternatively, they can be hosted through various seedbox providers."]}],[{"i":"#","p":["Learn how and where to find your favorite anime"]},{"l":"Anime"},{"l":"Streaming","p":["See The Index for a more comprehensive list of unofficial anime streaming sites.","Looking for official streaming sites? See r/anime's list of legal streams.","Streaming sites are generally preferred by most anime watchers as they require no additional setup and are easy to use while being convenient.","However, some sites will heavily compress video/audio and may have ads. We suggest using a reliable content blocker, such as uBlock Origin. Additionally, you may want to consider torrenting if you care about quality.","Aiming for compatibility, they are also unable to use efficient codecs like x265. If data limits are a concern, torrenting x265 mini encodes may be a better option. See the quality comparisons between mini encodes and popular streaming sites.","Official streams have better quality but are also typically larger (~ 1.3GB per episode for 1080p). They can be obtained by torrenting from groups like SubsPlease, who rip untouched streams.","See the streaming sites sourcing guide and quality guide for more information."]},{"l":"Torrenting","p":["Torrenting, while can sometimes require more setup, allows for more flexibility and accessibility for watching your shows.","Unlike streaming sites, torrents provide access to better releases, such as BDs for older shows and greater video quality. Some shows will also have fansubs, which may be preferred over official subtitles.","Torrenting requires the use of a torrent client, such as qBittorrent. Shows are shared in the form of .torrent files or magnet links, which can be found on trackers such as Nyaa. These are used by your torrent client to know what to download. Download speeds are dependent on the number of seeds available and connection quality.","Downloading anime torrents may be illegal depending on where you live. To avoid receiving a copyright infringement notice from your ISP, you may want to consider using a VPN or seedbox.","Additionally, you may choose to automatically fetch and download shows using RSS or Sonarr. Check out the RSS Tutorial on how to set up RSS with your torrent client.","See the torrenting guide for more information."]},{"l":"Playback","p":["A brief list of recommended media player applications.","VLC is not recommended as it introduces visual artifacts, displays wrong colors, and breaks intensive subtitles. We suggest using alternative media players.","mpv","MPC-HC","Potplayer","mpv-android","VLC for Android","Outplayer","VLC media player","Kodi","Plex","Emby","Jellyfin","See the playback guide for more information."]}],[{"i":"#","p":["Learn How and Where to Read Your Favorite Stuff"]},{"l":"Literature"},{"l":"Manga"},{"i":"sourcing-files-for-standalone-readers","l":"Sourcing Files (for standalone readers)","p":["Nyaa- The best public source for downloading manga"]},{"l":"Official Digital Rips","p":["Search for the English title and add Digital for the best rips. For example - Attack on Titan Digital. In the rare cases where multiple groups release the same manga, prioritise the newer release as it's likely to have been ripped from a superior source. If the files are dead on public trackers, you may have luck with DDL links in their descriptions, or alternatively setting up DC++"]},{"l":"Scanlation Rips","p":["Search both the English and Japanese title by adding | in between. For example - Attack on Titan|Shingeki no Kyojin and sort by file size. Although these are significantly lower quality, not all manga get official digital releases, and downloading as opposed to reading online allows you to utilise the better scaling that standalone readers can provide."]},{"l":"Reading"},{"l":"Windows","p":["CDisplayEx(Highest Quality)","Standalone reader that requires you to bring your own manga, provides the highest quality scaling available on PC with Resizing Algorithm set to Lanczos, and the Lanczos slider set to level 2.","For laptops or high resolution displays, you will likely need to disable Windows DPI scaling. Go to C:\\Program Files\\CDisplayEx, right click CDisplayEx.exe and select Properties -> Compatibility -> Change high DPI settings","Offers an \"Auto Colors\" option which allows you to fix black levels, however requires manual tweaking depending on the source. Should only be enabled when obvious blacks are appearing as grey, at which point you should increase the white level sensitivity slightly until they become black.","Tachidesk(Most Convenient)","Tachiyomi fork for PC"]},{"l":"Android","p":["Perfect Viewer(Highest Quality)","Standalone reader that requires you to bring your own manga, provides the highest quality scaling available on Android with Image smooth filter set to Lanczos 3","Tachiyomi(Most Convenient)","All in one package with sourcing, tracking and a reader. In settings -> reader enable 32 bit color to avoid banding Under Browse, add Mangasee and Mangadex. The former will provide official rips whilst the latter will provide scanlations.","TachiyomiSY/ TachiyomiJ2K/ TachiyomiAZ/ Neko","Tachiyomi forks with added features."]},{"l":"iOS","p":["Sidebooks(Highest Quality)","Standalone reader that requires you to bring your own manga, provides the highest quality scaling available on iOS.","Paperback(Most Convenient)","Tachiyomi alternative that supports adding sources."]},{"i":"browser-any-platform","l":"Browser (Any platform)","p":["MangaDex(Most Convenient Scanlation)","Most scanlators upload here, which are then taken by aggregator sites. However, not everything is uploaded and official translations are never uploaded here.","Mangasee or Manga4life(Most Convenient Official)","These sites upload downscaled official rips with the highest quality among online sites. The original rips can be found on nyaa."]},{"l":"Organization and Manga Servers","p":["Kavita- Free and open source manga, comic, and book server with OPDS support. This means that any reader with OPDS, like Perfect Viewer, can be used to read manga from the server. Has support for CDisplayEX, Tachiyomi, and Paperback. It also has an integrated webreader. DEMO.","Komga- Free and open source manga server with OPDS support. This means that any reader with OPDS, like Perfect Viewer, can be used to read manga from the server. Tachiyomi and Paperback are supported through their respective komga extensions. It also has an integrated webreader.","komf- Komga and Kavita metadata fetcher.","Mango- An open-source manga server and web reader.","FMD2- Free Manga Downloader 2","Manga Tagger- Tool to rename and write metadata to manga. It scrapes metadata from Anilist and MyAnimeList and has direct integration with FMD2.","HakuNeko- cross-platform downloader for manga and anime from various websites"]},{"l":"Light Novels","p":["Official vs Fan Translations - In general, official translations are more consistent, localized and flow better as a result of having professional translators and editors working on the project. At the same time, some readers may not prefer the excessive localization, editing or censorship in certain novels, which is where fan translations become the better choice. Seven Seas was guilty of doing this with Mushoku Tensei and Classroom of the Elite under the guise of localization - 1, 2, 3. The problems were apparently fixed later in revised releases.","Fan translations can range from better than official to unreadable machine translated garbage. It's best to consult the community of each series to determine what their preferred version is, and go with that. In most cases, going with official is a safe bet."]},{"l":"Sourcing","p":["Nyaa is the first place you should check for official releases.","Fan TLs can be found from novelupdates or from the reddit/discord communities of the series. Not all communites will allow sharing these, make sure to check their wiki and pins for information.","Novelupdates- provides information about translation groups, their status and progress, links to their sites, as well as lots of other things about the series - genres, categories, tags, ratings, reviews etc.","WebToEpub- An extension to convert Web Novels into EPUB."]},{"l":"Reading and Organization","p":["Calibre is a complete e-book management solution. It can be used to read, transfer and convert ebooks for all sorts of readers. It can also modify styling and download/edit/create metadata. The calibre content server can be used to host and remotely access your library.","Sumatra PDF","LNReader","Moon+ Reader"]}],[{"i":"#","p":["Learn how and where to find your favorite music"]},{"l":"Music"},{"l":"Content Resources","p":["Soulseek- P2P network where people share music files of their own. Great way to find lossless music and a lot of relevant music.","Redacted- Commonly referred to as RED, it's the best source for music, and has everything in both FLAC and MP3. It's a private tracker, meaning you'll have to go through an IRC Interview to join. Thoroughly read the interview page.","Orpheus- Another music private tracker like RED. Music selection is smaller than RED but it's easier to join with a more lenient economy. You'll have to go through an IRC Interview to join this as well. Again, thoroughly read the interview page.","Jpopsuki- Asian music private tracker with an extremely easy economy but lacks quality control. The only way to join this is via invites on other private trackers.","Do not under any circumstances ask people to invite you. This is forbidden by private trackers and can lead to your accounts being permanently disabled. Trading/buying invites is also forbidden and will get you disabled/blacklisted across all private trackers."]},{"l":"Spectral Analysis","p":["Since Soulseek doesn't have strict rules regarding upconversion (lossy->lossless), many files may be of dubious quality. This can be verified through spectral analysis. A full guide for doing so along with the required software can be found here and here. In summary, you are looking for frequency cutoffs like the following:","(Recommended) Spectrogram generation can be achieved using popular audio command-line utility SoX. Some basic options to generate spectrograms like the ones shown above are:","How this works, in a nutshell, is that the user's input audio file gets downmixed into a singular channel with remix 1, followed by the input track being replaced with a null file by flag -n(since spectrogram is a command that returns audio information and does not modify it, the audio itself isn't needed for much else). -X,, -y, and -z is used to specify the spectrogram's dimensions, where X is the length, y is the height (both in pixels), and z is the range in decibels. -w Kaiser produces the spectrogram calculated with the Kaiser window function. -S and -d are options that allow for the analysis of audio snippets, where S is the start and d is the end of the audio snippet. Finally, -o filename changes the name of the spectrogram.","You can find detailed explanations on each option flag here as well a plethora of additional ones to fine-tune your spectrogram to your desire.","If you're looking for something that can produce spectrograms of various files and directories quickly, scourgeofgrozny/sox-spectrogram is a GitHub repo containing a useful script that takes away most of the heavy lifting. Feel free to fork or download the source code and customize it to fit your own uses and preferences :)"]},{"l":"Comprehensive Guides","p":["The Mega Music Ripping Guide guide containing instructions on how to rip music from a variety of different popular sources.","Sharky's Music Google Docs is a massive document containing all sorts of tutorials and explanations for commonly-seen aspects of music ripping and uploading."]}],[{"i":"#","p":["Learn how and where to find your favorite hentai"]},{"l":"Hentai"},{"l":"Illustrations"},{"l":"Subscription-Based Content","p":["Kemono","Best place to find content drops locked behind paywalls (e.g. Fantia, Fanbox, DLSite, Patreon).","Note: If the artist's romanized username doesn't return any results, check their page for its hiragana/kanji equivalent."]},{"l":"Wallpapers","p":["Konachan","Dedicated resource for high-quality anime & hentai wallpapers. Similar layout to other * booru imageboards."]},{"l":"General-Purpose Content","p":[" Gelbooru","Well-established sites with vast amounts of user-uploaded content easily searchable due to their usage of various filter tags. Note: Gelbooru has many tags blacklisted by default; to access them, click Here, check the box that says \"Display all site content\" and click \"Save at the bottom of the page.","If you can't find what you're looking for on either of these sites, consider checking Sankaku Channel for it. Note: some content requires you to make an account to access, but account registrations are open.","Sukebei","The NSFW-only version of with well-seeded uploads, Sukebei offers both real-life and hentai torrents."]},{"l":"Doujinshi","p":["E-Hentai","Extensive database of doujinshi uploaded and maintained by an active community. Additional features include an entire forum and a bounty system where users can upload specific content in exchange for rewards.","If a certain query doesn't return an expected upload, head to \"Show Advanced Options\" and click on \"Browse Expunged Galleries\"; uploads removed by users will be shown. However, keep in mind that the site is frequently subject to bothersome copyright takedowns.","Ex-Hentai","Requires an E-Hentai account to be logged in to access; if the site remains blank after this, clear your browser's cookies or open a private tab and log in through there.","Top place to look for content that may have been taken down from E-Hentai.","Nhentai- Scrapes and packages E-Hentai's content into a simple, cleaner design. Preferred by many for its minimalistic feel and easy navigation.","hitomi- Solid nhentai alternative with sizeable amounts of content. Contains a simple yet useful feature within its homepage that allows recently uploaded doujinshi to be filtered by 40+ languages.","ImHentai- Very frequently-updated uploads consisting of doujinshi and user-made collections, similar to E-Hentai."]},{"l":"Games","p":["Nutaku- If you've gone on 18+ sites before without and adblocker, there's a good chance that you've seen an ad for this site. Regardless, they offer a plethora of well-made games that are free-to-play.","Sukebei- In addition to being a prime public tracker to snatch doujinshi off of, Sukebei also offers an extensive library of nukige/eroge."]}],[{"l":"Streaming Sites","p":["Majority of unofficial streaming sites will contain unwanted or annoying pop-ups and ads that may interfere with your experience. We suggest you use a reliable content blocker such as uBlock Origin."]},{"l":"Popular Sites","p":["AniWatch(previously Zoro) - Self-hosted site with quality similar to AniWave while maintaining an extensive library. One of the only streaming sites with soft subtitles","Not to be confused with defunct streaming site","AniWave(previously 9anime) - Self-hosted site with one of the largest and oldest anime libraries. Releases are often updated to include fansubs and BD releases for older content","Gogoanime- Self-hosted site with a vast library. Majority of scraper sites will source from here","See The Index for a more comprehensive list of unofficial anime streaming sites.","Looking for official streaming sites? See r/anime's list of legal streams."]},{"l":"Picking a Site","p":["The best way to pick a streaming site is to choose one that suits your needs and preferences. These are some factors that you may want to take into consideration:"]},{"l":"Self-Hosted vs. Scrapers","p":["Beware of fake streaming sites! These are scrapers with copied interfaces and are oftentimes not reflected of the original site. Always pay attention to the URL of the website. You can always find legitimate sites on The Index.","A self-hosted site is a streaming site that hosts the content on their own servers.","Typically, self-hosted sites allow for significantly better video quality compared to scrapers or other sites. They also generally pick good BD releases or fansubs for some shows. However, some self-hosted libraries can be more limited.","Examples of self-hosted sites: animepahe, AniWatch, AniWave, Gogoanime, Marin","A scraper is a site that grabs content hosted on existing self-hosted sites and uses it for their own site, similar to how manga aggregator sites operate.","This allows for anime libraries equivalent in size to self-hosted ones, without the need for the scraper to host content themselves. Additionally, site owners can implement their own UI or features, which may be preferred over the original site.","Majority of sites will scrape from Gogoanime, a popular self-hosted streaming site.","Examples of scraper sites: AllAnime, Anix, Genoanime, YugenAnime"]},{"l":"Video Quality","p":["animepahe, AniWatch, AniWave, Gogoanime, Marin, torrents","animepahe, AniWave (9anime), Gogoanime, Marin (tenshi), torrents","animepahe, AniWave (9anime), Gogoanime, torrents","AniWatch (Zoro), AniWave (9anime), animepahe, Gogoanime, Marin (tenshi), torrents","AniWatch (Zoro), AniWave (9anime), animepahe, Gogoanime, torrents","AniWatch (Zoro), AniWave (9anime), Gogoanime, Marin, torrents","Demon Slayer","Dokyuu Hentai HxEros","Fate/Zero","Gogoanime, Marin, torrents","Masamune-kun no Revenge R","Oshi no Ko","Senran Kagura","Show","Sources","Vinland Saga S2","While streaming sites will offer worse video quality compared to alternatives such as torrenting, DDL, XDCC, or even legal streaming, not all streaming sites are made equal.","You can see for yourself in the quality comparisons linked below:"]},{"l":"Quality Tier List","p":["AllAnime- Scraper site with great video quality when scraped from VRV, making them on par with SubsPlease/HorribleSubs torrent releases. However, not all shows use VRV, resulting in Tier 3 quality","Marin- Consistently the best video quality with BD releases and good quality for seasonals. Formerly tenshi","AniWatch- Formerly Zoro","Not to be confused with defunct streaming site","AniWave- Formerly 9anime","animepahe- Quality can be better or worse than Gogoanime. However, they offer significantly smaller file sizes and use good BD releases whenever available similar to Marin","Gogoanime(and its scrapers)"]},{"l":"Other Factors","p":["There are a multitude of other factors that may affect your decision in picking a site. Here are some brief recommendations based on some factors that aren't covered in The Index and are often not taken into account:","Additional factors, like the ability to download, comment, use MAL-Sync, and more can be identified on The Index."]},{"l":"Fansubs and BD Releases","p":["Marin and animepahe are very consistent at picking good BD releases with fansubs.","AniWave does this too, but typically less often and with slightly worse release choice."]},{"l":"File Size","p":["animepahe has some of the smallest file sizes compared to other streaming sites.","AniWave's are also relatively small when compared to sites like Gogoanime and Marin."]},{"l":"Library","p":["AniWave and Gogoanime have some of the largest libraries available.","Additionally, AniWave has one of the best libraries when it comes to older and rarer shows."]},{"l":"Soft Subs","p":["AniWatch is one of the only streaming sites that use soft subtitles, with the other alternatives being legal streaming sites."]},{"l":"UI and Features","p":["Users often care about the UI and site features. As this is completely subjective, we suggest you visit and try out the collection of sites from The Index and find what you like best."]}],[{"l":"Public Trackers","p":["Public trackers are BitTorrent trackers that allow anyone to access and download torrents without requiring user registration, unlike private trackers.","If you're new to torrenting, see the torrenting guide on how to get started.","We suggest you use a reliable content blocker such as uBlock Origin.","Nyaa","AcgnX","ACG.RIP","AniDex","AnimeTosho","DMHY","RuTracker","Tokyo Toshokan"]},{"l":"Nyaa","p":["Nyaa is a public BitTorrent tracker for anime, manga, light novels, etc."]},{"l":"Searching"},{"l":"Categories","p":["Torrents on Nyaa are sorted by category. These can be changed using the second dropdown menu on the search bar.","To search for releases in English, use the - English-translated option under the various categories."]},{"l":"Regex","p":["Below is a list of useful regex that can help narrow down your search when looking for torrents:","Meaning","Example Usage","Only return results that match exact word/phrase","Gochuumon wa Usagi desu ka??","|","Return results that match either word/phrase; or","Is the Order a Rabbit?|Gochuumon wa Usagi desu ka?","-","Exclude word/phrase from search","Gochuumon wa Usagi desu ka? BD Hi10P -BLOOM -Sing For You","See their help section for more information."]},{"l":"Custom RSS","p":["Nyaa supports custom RSS feed creation. This is useful if you plan on automatically downloading releases that do not have existing RSS feeds, such as fansubs for airing shows.","Search and go to the user's profile you want to create a feed for","On the top bar, click on RSS. Copy this URL and add it to your torrent client","You should always make searches from the profile page, as global searches carry the risk of potentially downloading torrents from imposters using the group's name, which may contain malware or other undesirable content."]},{"l":"Video tutorial"}],[{"l":"Private Trackers","p":["Private trackers are BitTorrent trackers that require user registration in order to access and download torrents.","If you're new to torrenting, see the torrenting guide on how to get started. Additionally, we suggest you stick to public trackers, as most shows can be found there without being locked behind user signup.","AnimeBytes","AnimeTorrents","BakaBT","Skyey Snow","U2"]},{"l":"AnimeBytes","p":["AnimeBytes(AB) is a closed private BitTorrent tracker for anime.","Users are can join this tracker through recruitments on various top-tier trackers. Unlike other trackers, however, joining AB is difficult and not guaranteed as several factors can affect your standing, such as receiving bans from other trackers."]},{"l":"AnimeTorrents","p":["AnimeTorrents(AnT/AnimeZ) is a closed private BitTorrent tracker for anime.","Users can join this tracker through recruitments. Unfortunately, getting into this tracker is currently impossible, as recruits remain closed."]},{"l":"BakaBT","p":["BakaBT(BBT) is a closed private BitTorrent tracker for anime, literature, music, etc.","Users can join this tracker after successfully passing an interview via IRC. The interview goes over the basics about torrenting and the site rules, which can be found on their wiki."]},{"l":"Skyey Snow","p":["Skyey Snow is a open private BitTorrent tracker for anime.","Users can join this tracker by completing the account registration process."]},{"l":"U2","p":["U2 is a closed private BitTorrent tracker for anime.","Users can join this tracker through recruitments on AnimeBytes."]}],[{"i":"ddlxdcc","l":"DDL/XDCC"},{"l":"IRC","p":["IRC (Internet Relay Chat) is a protocol that allows communication in the form of text. XDCC is a computer file sharing method which relies on IRC as a hosting service. The main advantage to using this method is that IRC bots are usually the fastest at uploading new anime episodes, thus being able to download them much earlier. They usually upload even faster than anime websites."]},{"l":"Connecting to the network","p":["Download and install HexChat.","The network list tab will open on starting the app, pick a username and nickname here, along with second and third choices.","Find and select the Rizon network.","Type #nibl in \"Join this channel\" and click OK.","Repeat steps 3 and 4 for other networks and channels where your target IRC bot is hosted. These can usually be found on the Nyaa releases of any group. For example -"]},{"l":"Downloading Anime","p":["Go to or","Click on Search and type the name and resolution of the anime you want to download. For example, No Game No Life 1080","Clicking the results will copy a command like /msg Rory|XDCC xdcc send #22430 to your clipboard. You can make this command yourself by looking at the bot name and pack # columns.","Paste this command in hexchat and send it. The download should start immediately."]},{"l":"Batch downloading","p":["Note the pack numbers for all the episodes you need and modify the command as follows -","XDCC commands reference -"]},{"l":"Advanced","p":["Automation -","Web Interface -"]}],[{"i":"#","p":["Get started with usenet"]},{"l":"Usenet"},{"l":"Getting started","p":["You will need 3 things at a basic level before you can download anything:","A usenet provider, which will provide servers to download content from. You have to pay for one and many offer in-bulk deals (yearly) which can average out to as low as 3-4 USD a month.","An NZB indexer, this is where you will get your .nzb file. An .nzb file is akin to a .torrent file in that it contains a map pointing to the location of the content that you want to download. These can be paid, free, public or private. Just like torrents, private ones are better than the public ones. Indexers usually have a heavily limited free tier and you'll have to pay for full functionality.","SABnzbd, which is a download client, into which you will feed your .nzb files in order to begin downloading your desired content. Make sure to put your SABnzbd behind a strong password.","While often recommended online, NZBGet has been deprecated by its developers. It will not receive any more updates so you should avoid using it and if you're already using it then consider switching to SABnzbd."]},{"l":"PAR","p":["A file that contains the computed parity bits from a source file. PAR files are generated from Usenet archives that have been broken into multiple files because of file size limitations on news servers. A PAR file would allow the complete archive to be reconstructed if one of the files became corrupt. PAR files can also be used to verify the integrity of the complete archive. Your download client, such as SABnzbd, will automatically repair or attempt to repair broken files using par files after download."]},{"l":"Anime Tosho","p":["Anime Tosho is a free, completely automated service which mirrors most torrents posted on TokyoTosho's anime category,'s English translated anime category, and AniDex's anime category (filtered) onto various file hosting (otherwise known as 'DDL') services, as well as Usenet.","Animetosho skips uploading most torrents over 16GB in size and some specific exceptions, such as duplicates/reposts and excessively large versions of a file (e.g. BD remuxes)","Anime Tosho is an amazing source to download weeklies via usenet. To use it, simply click the NZB button under the release title to download the .nzb file which you can then add to your SABnzbd and it'll start downloading. Animetosho NZB download","You can also directly copy the link and paste it in SABnzbd, similar to how magnet links work in torrent clients. Animetosho NZB link"]},{"l":"SeaDex","p":["SeaDex lists all the best releases for specific anime for you to download and enjoy. SeaDex releases which are under 16GB can be found on Anime Tosho while the rest are posted by which you can find here."]},{"l":"Searching Indexers","p":["You can use either Prowlarr or NZBHydra2 to search several Indexers together instead of searching them one by one.","NZBHydra 2 is a meta search for newznab indexers and torznab trackers","Prowlarr is an indexer manager for both torrent trackers and usenet indexers"]},{"l":"Uploading to Usenet","p":["You can use either of the following to upload to usenet.","ngPost is a CLI/GUI usenet poster for binaries","Nyuu is a flexible CLI usenet binary posting tool","A provider is required to upload, however we recommend that you purchase an account anonymously with crypto, and upload using a VPN."]},{"l":"Uploading with ngPost","p":["Download the appropriate version for your OS from the above link, the file ending with x64_setup.exe if you're using Windows","After installing, you'll want to edit the config file before you open the GUI, otherwise your settings will not be saved between sessions.","Now you've setup the config file, open the GUI with ngPost.exe, which should be filled with all the values you just set","To upload files, simply select Auto Posting, drag all your files into the window below, and click Generate Posts.","Compress should be un-ticked unless you need to preserve folder structure, as it allows for faster creation and downloading of NZBs","Article's obfuscation should be un-ticked if you want your uploads to be easily accessible without the need for your NZB file","ngPost GUI","Once the upload has finished, you'll be left with the NZB file in the directory you chose earlier."]},{"l":"Configuring ngPost","p":["Go to the install location, open ngPost.conf with a text editor, and set the following values:","nzbPath: Where you want the .nzb files to be saved after the upload is complete","GROUPS: The usenet groups you wish to upload to, we recommend a.b.boneless as a default","obfuscate: Uncomment this section if you wish to obfuscate your uploads, see below.","TMP_DIR: Folder where rar and par files will temporarily be stored during the upload process","host: Your usenet provider address, for example","port: The port given, usually 563 for SSL and 119 for normal","ssl: Keep as true if your port is 563, otherwise set to false","user/pass: Self explanatory","connection: Limit according to your internet capabilities, recommended to start with 8"]},{"l":"Usenet Providers and Backbones","p":["The above map is from"]},{"l":"Related Subreddit","p":["/r/Usenet"]}],[{"l":"Frequently Asked Questions","p":["General Questions and Answers","Torrent related Questions and Answers","Streaming related Questions and Answers","VPN related Questions and Answers"]}],[{"l":"Guides","p":["Guides Guides"]}],[{"l":"Tutorials","p":["Automate Downloads With Taiga2shana","Creating a comparison","Creating torrents","Deluge","Download OP/ED From MAL/AniList Account","How to Extract Visual Novel assets","How To Use IRC/XDCC","Manage LN/WN using Calibre","mpv Setup and Config","Plex Player Modding","Propolis","qBittorrent","Sonarr","Split Tunneling","Transmission","Unblock Guide"]}],[{"i":"#","p":["A glossary of common video, audio, subtitles, and more related terms"]},{"l":"Glossary"},{"l":"General","p":["Term","Meaning","Codec","A codec is a software or hardware algorithm that compresses and decompresses audio or video data. There are different types of codecs, each with its own compression algorithms and characteristics. Lossless codecs preserve the original quality of the data during compression and decompression, while lossy codecs achieve higher compression ratios by discarding certain information that is considered less important or perceptually less noticeable. Generally, a codec on its own does not determine the quality.","Bitrate","Refers to the amount of data that is processed or transmitted per unit of time. Higher bitrates generally produce higher-quality audio or video, but they also require more storage space and bandwidth for transmission. However, it's worth noting that the relationship between bitrate and quality is not always linear. Factors like the codec, compression algorithm, resolution, and content complexity also play significant roles in determining the perceived quality.","Transparency","Transparency is a term used to describe the perceived quality of a lossy file. A lossy file is considered transparent if a human cannot tell the difference between a lossy file and a lossless file."]},{"l":"Video","p":["Term","Meaning","AV1","Video codec used to compress videos. Currently in early stages of development","H.264","Video codec used to compress videos","H.265","Video codec used to compress videos. Successor to H.264","x264","Video encoder used to encode videos into H.264","x265","Video encoder used to encode videos into H.265"]},{"l":"Audio","p":["AAC","An extension of Dolby TrueHD. Cannot be converted to any other format","An extension of DTS-HD MA. Cannot be converted to any other format","Dolby Atmos","Dolby Digital","Dolby Digital Plus","Dolby TrueHD","DTS-HD","DTS-HD MA","DTS:X","Fastest and most widely supported lossless audio codec","FLAC","Lossy audio codec generally used for music, is beaten by newer lossy codecs","Lossy audio codec used by several official streaming sites","Meaning","MP3","Open lossy audio codec, currently the best one","Opus","Outdated lossy audio codec","PCM","Proprietary lossless audio codec found in BluRays","Proprietary Lossy audio codec","Proprietary Lossy audio codec. Commonly used by official streaming sites","Term","Uncompress lossless audio codec generally found in BluRays","Vorbis"]},{"l":"Torrent","p":["A BitTorrent tracker that allows any user to join and participate in file sharing without requiring registration or authentication","A BitTorrent tracker that requires an invitation to join. Advantages of private trackers include speed, retention, selection, and quality control","A decentralized method used by BitTorrent to track peers without relying on a central server, enabling peer discovery and file sharing even if the tracker is unavailable","A dedicated remote server optimized for high-speed downloading and seeding of torrents","A peer-to-peer (P2P) file-sharing protocol used for distributing large amounts of data over the internet, where files are broken into small pieces and shared among multiple users simultaneously.","A server or web service that assists in coordinating the communication between peers in a BitTorrent network by keeping track of which peers possess which pieces of a file","A small file that contains metadata about the files to be shared and the tracker information required to initiate and coordinate the downloading process","A small part of a file that is broken down during the BitTorrent process, allowing simultaneous downloading and uploading of different pieces from different peers","A status assigned to certain torrents on a private tracker where none of the data uploaded or downloaded is counted","A status assigned to certain torrents on a private tracker where the downloaded data does not count towards a user's download ratio, encouraging increased participation and sharing","A term used to describe when a user downloads a file from a private tracker but fails to continue seeding it to the required ratio or for a specified period","A type of hyperlink used in BitTorrent that allows users to directly connect to the tracker and peers without needing to download a separate torrent file","A user who has completed downloading a file and continues to share it with other users by uploading the file pieces they possess","A user who is in the process of downloading a file but has not yet completed the download or is not actively uploading (sharing) the downloaded pieces with others","An individual computer or device connected to a P2P network that participates in sharing and downloading files","Being the first in a swarm to maximize upload","BitTorrent","Buffer","DHT","Freeleech","Hit and run","Leecher","Magnet link","Meaning","Neutral leech","Peer","Piece","Private tracker","Public tracker","Racing","Ratio","Seedbox","Seeder","Software or application used to download and upload files using the BitTorrent protocol","Swarm","Term","The collective group of peers (both seeders and leechers) participating in the distribution of a particular file through BitTorrent","The difference between the amount of data a user has uploaded and downloaded on a private tracker","The ratio between the amount of data uploaded by a user and the amount downloaded. Private trackers often enforce minimum ratio requirements to ensure fair sharing among users.","Torrent client","Torrent file","Tracker"]}],[],[{"l":"Muxing","p":["Matroska is a very versatile container. Matroska is usually found as .mkv files (Matroska video), . mka files (Matroska audio), .mks files (subtitles). It can contain multiple streams of video, audio, subtitles, and other attachments. The process of taking these streams, adding or removing some, and bundling them into a new file is called muxing or multiplexing. Muxing is a lossless process and takes only a few seconds. In general, you could be muxing any format, but for anime we'll mostly be dealing with mkv. It's useful when you want to use subtitles from a different release with what you already have downloaded, or to remove the extra english audio tracks to save space."]},{"l":"MKVToolNix","p":["MKVToolNix is a set of tools to create, alter and inspect Matroska & WebM files under Windows, macOS, Linux and other Unices. It is the de-facto reference implementation of a Matroska multiplexer.","MKVToolNix consists of the following command-line tools:","mkvmerge is a tool to create Matroska & WebM files from other formats.","mkvinfo allows one to get information about the tracks in Matroska & WebM files.","mkvextract can extract tracks from Matroska & WebM files to other formats.","mkvpropedit can edit properties such as header and chapter information or attachments without remuxing.","On top of them sits MKVToolNix GUI, an easy-to-use program making the functionality of those command-line tools available as a GUI."]},{"l":"Getting started","p":["After installing MKVToolNix, you're pretty much ready to go. Once you launch it, you'll be greeted with this. You'll see 3 tabs here:","Input tab for adding your files, modifying existing tracks, adding/removing tracks and more.","Output tab for adding metadata like file title or chapters.","Attachments tab for additional attachments, commonly used for adding fonts required by the subtitle tracks and things like cover.","You can either right-click anywhere in the top \"Source Files\" box or drag and drop your file in it.","Once you add your source file, all the tracks in your file will show up in the box below, along with other relevant things in each tab.","Tracks will be randomly assigned a color to indicate what source they belong to.","Checking or unchecking a track will decide if it'll be kept or removed in the output file.","By default, anything you won't explicitly uncheck will be copied over to the new output file.","Clicking on any track allows you to modify several properties in the window on the right. It's important you get this right and it's covered in more details below.","Once you're done making your changes, assign a name to your file and hit Start multiplexing. Make sure to check all 3 tabs to ensure what's being copied over.","MKVToolNix also allows you to generate a commandline with all the changes you made in the GUI."]},{"l":"Correct Tagging","p":["Audio #1","Audio #2","Audio Tracks:","Command to tag everything properly for an existing file without remuxing (assuming the order of tracks is correct):","Default","Encode Group","eng","English audio should always be tagged as eng but should not be marked as Default or Forced. This is to make sure auto-selection works well for both dub and sub watchers.","enm","FLAC 2.0","Forced","Full Subtitles [Fansub]","Full Subtitles [Official]","Here's an example of what a properly tagged file would look like:","Honorifics [Fansub]","Japanese audio should always be tagged as jpn and marked as Default","jpn","Language","Language tag is optional.","Language tag must be used appropriately reflecting the language of the subtitles.","Mention the Codec, Channels, and Bitrate in the Name field.","Mention the name of the Encoder/Encode group or simply region like JPBD or ITABD if it's untouched BluRay Remux.","Name","Newer mkvtoolnix versions automatically set the default flag to yes on all streams. This is technically the correct use for the flag but all players do not have the intended results with this kind of tagging.","no","Opus 5.1 @ 320kb/s","Signs/Songs [Fansub]","Subtitle Tracks:","Subtitles #1","Subtitles #2","Subtitles #3","Subtitles #4","Tag any and all additional subtitle tracks as neither Default nor Forced.","Tag the best Full Subtitles as eng and Default","Tag the Honorifics track as enm but neither Default nor Forced.","Tag the Signs/Songs track as eng and forced. This is to make sure auto-selection works well for both dub and sub watchers.","The Forced display flag here DOES NOT mean that these subs will be permanently on the screen, which is a common misconception. Forced subtitles only provide subtitles when the characters speak a foreign or alien language, or a sign, flag, or other text in a scene is not translated in the localization and dubbing process. In our case, it's supposed to be displayed whenever the English dub has untranslated things like Japanese Signs and Songs like Opening/Ending or Inserts.","The Properties tab allows you tag each track with various flags. Tagging a track correctly is very important and must be done correctly because proper tagging enables a player to autoselect the correct language streams for audio and subtitles. Tags can be edited in the MKVToolNix or mkvpropedit without remuxing.","Track","Video","Video track:","yes"]}],[],[{"l":"Release Standards"},{"l":"Video","p":["Ideally, the video should be an encode that's an improvement over the source video but realistically that isn't always the case since sometimes no good encode exists. This guide won't be tackling the topic of encoding since there's already one here."]},{"l":"General","p":["WEB-DLs are usually the best source for shows which haven't gotten a BluRay (usually airing or recently ended).","An encode of the BluRay that's better than the source will trump the source.","BluRay Remux trumps WEB-DL/WEBRip and Bad Encodes.","Avoid mini encodes as these are targeted to save size by sacrificing quality. Some popular mini encode groups to avoid are:"]},{"l":"Video Source","p":["Unless you are making your own encode, you'll have to stick to the available options. To get started:","Download the different raws/encodes you find along with the source (BDMV/Remux) and make a comparison.","Look at the comparison to decide the best source and if you are having trouble picking one, feel free to join the SeaDex Discord where pixel peepers will check it out and help you decide."]},{"l":"Audio"},{"l":"Recommended Tools","p":["eac3to with updated libraries for extracting and transcoding.","SoX for resampling and bit depth reduction.","opus-tools for transcoding lossless audio to Opus.","acsuite for frame-based cutting/trimming/splicing of audio files using VapourSynth clip information.","sync-audio-tracks calculates a delay between two audios and produces a shifted audio.","downsampler-threaded is a multi-process sox frontend for automatically resampling FLAC files."]},{"i":"general-1","l":"General","p":["Either lossless or lossy audio can be used for a good release but with a few things to keep in mind:","Avoid including lossless audio tracks like PCM, DTS-HD, DTS-HD MA, and TrueHD from BDMVs/Remuxes. These tracks should always be transcoded to either FLAC (lossless compression) or a lossy codec with an appropriate bitrate.","Note: Do not transcode object-based codecs like DTS:X or Dolby Atmos to FLAC as Dolby Atmos is an extension to TrueHD and DTS:X is an extension to DTS-HD MA. Their metadata will be ignored or stripped out during conversion.","Audio tracks should either be converted to 16-bit FLAC because 24-bit FLAC is bloated with no benefits or to a lossy audio codec like Opus with an appropriate bitrate like 128-192Kb/s for Stereo tracks and 256-320Kb/s for multi-channel tracks to achieve transparency.","Never downmix multichannel audio to stereo.","Never transcode a lossy track."]},{"l":"eac3to","p":["Once you have eac3to with updated libraries, you can start with this simple command:","Or, if it's a BDMV","This will return all the tracks in the file.","Now you can select, extract and convert them all at once by using the numbers corresponding to each track.","This will select the second and fourth tracks and transcode both of them losslessly to FLAC but the third lossy track will be extracted without any transcoding because no codec was specified.","Here the second and fourth lossless tracks get transcoded to FLAC while the lossy AC3 track remains the same."]},{"l":"Example"},{"l":"eac3to CLI example"},{"l":"SoX","p":["If you're planning to include lossless audio from the source, downconvert and dither 24-bit lossless tracks to 16-bit FLAC for the sake of reducing bloat as 24-bit is significantly larger with no benefits over 16-bit FLAC.","Here's the recommended command:"]},{"l":"opus-tools","p":["If you're planning to include lossy audio, it's recommended to use Opus with a bitrate of 128-192Kb/s for Stereo tracks and 256-320Kb/s for multi-channel tracks to achieve transparency.","Here are the recommended commands:"]},{"l":"Subtitles"},{"i":"recommended-tools-1","l":"Recommended Tools","p":["arch1t3cht/Aegisub for all subtitle work.","SubKt is a highly configurable toolkit for fansubbing automation.","Myaamori-Aegisub-Scripts includes several helpful scripts for processing .ASS subtitles.","Prass is another Console processor for .ASS subtitles.","tp7/Sushi is an automatic subtitle shifter based on audio.","FichteFoll/Sushi is the python 3 fork of tp7/Sushi."]},{"i":"general-2","l":"General","p":["Multiple Subtitle tracks take negligible space and provide more options so there's no reason not to include them.","Always include the official subtitle track.","Always include fansubs if they exist and are of good quality. Good Quality is subjective so you have to decide some things yourself or ask around for opinions but for starters you can go with popular fansub groups or judge them yourself based on factors like timing, grammar, typesetting, extreme localization, or lack there of.","Honorifics track must be tagged as enm.","Must include a Signs and Songs track for English dub.","It's recommended to check the subtitle track for obvious grammatical errors, punctuation errors, typos, etc.","Check the subtitle tracks for scene bleeds, i.e, when a line extends farther than it should/past a keyframe/scene change.","Pick the default subtitle track by diffing the different options and finding the best one. This can be done via sites like Diffchecker or evadiff.","Here's a subdigest script to get clean text file output of .ASS subtitles for diff checking:"]},{"l":"Styling","p":["The dialogue style must be readable without being distracting.","Feel free to restyle bad styling. Here's a reference for some good dialogue fonts.","You can also copy styling from existing groups like GJM, Kaleido, or DDY.","Try to match the styling of previous seasons of the same show to maintain consistency. Although this isn't mandatory and should be avoided if previous season releases had bad styling."]},{"l":"Muxing and Tagging","p":["Once you have prepared the individual files, you'll have to put them together in a container, preferably Matroska, commonly seen as files with the extension .mkv."]},{"i":"recommended-tools-2","l":"Recommended Tools","p":["MKVToolNix","SubKt","MKVToolNix-Sequential-Batch-Mapper","Inviska-MKV-Extract"]},{"l":"Forced Subtitles","p":["Forced here DOES NOT mean that these subs will be permanently on the screen, which is a common misconception. Forced subtitles only provide subtitles when the characters speak a foreign or alien language, or a sign, flag, or other text in a scene is not translated in the localization and dubbing process. In our case, it's supposed to be displayed whenever the English dub has untranslated things like Japanese Signs and Songs like Opening/Ending or Inserts."]},{"l":"Correct Tagging","p":["Audio #1","Audio #2","Audio Tracks:","Command to tag everything properly (assuming the order of tracks is correct):","Default","Encode Group","eng","English audio should always be tagged as eng but should not be marked as Default or Forced. This is to make sure auto-selection works well for both dub and sub watchers.","enm","FLAC 2.0","Forced","Full Subtitles [Fansub]","Full Subtitles [Official]","Honorifics [Fansub]","Japanese audio should always be tagged as jpn and marked as Default","jpn","Language","Language tag is optional.","Language tag must be used appropriately reflecting the language of the subtitles.","Mention the Codec, Channels, and Bitrate in the Name field.","Mention the name of the Encoder/Encode group or simply region like JPBD or ITABD if it's untouched BluRay Remux.","Name","no","Note: Newer mkvtoolnix versions automatically set the default flag to yes on all streams. This is technically the correct use for the flag but all players do not have the intended results with this kind of tagging.","Opus 5.1 @ 320kb/s","Proper tagging enables a player to autoselect the correct language streams for audio and subtitles. Tags can be edited in the MKVToolNix Header Editor or mkvpropedit without remuxing.","Signs/Songs [Fansub]","Subtitle Tracks:","Subtitles #1","Subtitles #2","Subtitles #3","Subtitles #4","Tag any and all additional subtitle tracks as neither Default nor Forced.","Tag the best Full Subtitles as eng and Default","Tag the Honorifics track as enm but neither Default nor Forced.","Tag the Signs/Songs track as eng and forced. This is to make sure auto-selection works well for both dub and sub watchers.","Track","Video","Video track:","yes"]},{"l":"Naming","p":["This guide aims to somewhat standardize naming schemes used for Anime in an effort to make them work beyond File Explorer and work well with Usenet, XDCC, automation software, and media servers. Everything mentioned here aims to work with everything and if something isn't mentioned, it's very likely because it breaks support for one thing or another. Adopting all of it will ensure compatibility with basically everything, for example, not only will your releases be snatched by auto-downloaders but will also be parsed and matched accurately and people can drop your releases in media servers without having to rename and break seeding."]},{"i":"recommended-tools-3","l":"Recommended Tools","p":["Advanced Renamer","Filebot-mod","Bulk Rename Utility","tvnamer"]},{"i":"general-3","l":"General","p":["Must contain the name of the Anime.","Must contain (year) when there are multiple versions, e.g, Hunter x Hunter (1999) and Hunter x Hunter (2011). Note: Including year is required for all movies, regardless of whether multiple versions exist or not.","Must contain source information, i.e, BD/BluRay, WEB/WEB-DL/WEBRip, or DVD. Append the word Remux to BD/BluRay or DVD if it's a Remux.","For WEB/WEB-DL/WEBRip, you must include source tags. AMZN for Amazon, DSNP for Disney+, and NF for Netflix.","Must contain resolution, i.e, 1080, 720, 576 or 480 together with scan type, i.e, p if the content is fully Progressive or i if it’s Interlaced. So finally it looks like this: 1080p, 720p, 576p, 480i. Different aspect ratios do not change this resolution, e.g. 1440x1080 and 1920x800 are both still 1080p.","Must mention the Video and Audio Codec.","Always add a group tag to your release, ideally placing it at the end for both easier parsing and human readability.","You should use . or - as a delimiter."]},{"l":"Filename","p":["Must contain Season and Episode information in the format SXXEYY following TVDB.","Absolute Episode Numbers may be used together with SXXEYY.","Special Episodes must follow the format S00EXX.","Group tag can be at the start or the end of the filename.","Examples:"]},{"i":"specialsova-filename","l":"Specials/OVA Filename","p":["These are wildly inconsistent across different databases which means you need to be more careful when naming these to avoid any confusion while also keeping it both human and machine readable. Databases like thetvdb use S00EXX for specials while databases like MAL simply use the episode name for specials.","A common thing in anime releases is Specials/OVAs numbered as 0.5, e.g. Anime Name - 18.5. This is not recommended at all.","0.5 Episodes are not supported by a single piece of software or database but they usually make it easier for the person watching to know where it chronologically lands in the show. You may or may not include this in the filename.","S00EXX isn't very user friendly, because it doesn't really tell much on its own but it guarantees automatic parsing and correct identification. You must include this in the filename. Refer to thetvdb to find this for your episode.","Including the Episode title is highly recommended in this case as it makes identification significantly easier and understandable for anyone who downloads it. Neither S00EXX or 0.5 provides this information at a glance which is why the episode title is really helpful in this case. Refer to either thetvdb or MAL to find the episode name.","You may include the absolute number of the episode as long as it's not a decimal episode that lands between any two existing ones. Optional and really just down to preference. It's much better than decimal episode numbering but still not ideal.","This means we need a name that is easily readable, parsable, and identifiable. This is achieved by using a combo of the above.","This is an example of a well named special episode. Anime Name tells us the name of the anime, S00E04 tells us the episode number in the SXXEXX standard which makes it easily identifiable, and Title of the Episode makes it significantly more human readable.","Another good example, this tells us the name of the anime, where it lands chronologically, what episode it is with reference to databases and the name of the episode to aid with identifying the episode without much effort."]},{"l":"More Examples","p":["Bad, do not use:","Good names:"]},{"l":"Folder","p":["Must contain Season information in the format: S0X or Season X.","Make one folder for each Season following all the guidelines. This is due to the fact that most trackers do not allow multi-season batch torrents.","Put Group tag at the end of the folder name to allow alphabetical sorting and easier parsing.","Everything that isn't an episode, e.g Creditless Intro/Outro, PVs, etc must be put in a subfolder called Extras(not Extra). Do not use subfolders like NC, Creditless, etc.","Special Episode/OVA must be put in the same folder if it's singular or a subfolder called Specials if there are multiple of them.","Anime that are a single season split between two cours, e.g. Eighty-Six aired in two cours, cour 1 and cour 2, but is a single season, must be named in a way that satisfies both which is achieved by adding the episode range after the season info ( S0X). For example, Eighty-Six S01 E01-E11 and Eighty-Six S01 E12-E23.","Examples:"]},{"l":"Nyaa"},{"l":"Title","p":["Same guidelines as Folder, simply add more aliases at the end for easier searching.","You can also put the group tag before everything else in the Nyaa title.","Examples:"]},{"l":"Description","p":["Always include MediaInfo.","Always include a link to a comparison of the video used in the release."]},{"l":"QC","p":["Check the MediaInfo for any missing tracks, tracks in wrong order or wrong tags.","Check for any missing fonts. You can use fontvalidator for this.","Watch your finished release for any errors you may have missed before going forward."]},{"l":"CRC","p":["RapidCRC","CRC32 is an error-detecting function that uses a CRC32 algorithm to detect changes between source and target data.","It's commonly seen as a random string at the end of the file name, e.g, [BE8625C3].","It's intended to verify that the files you have are the correct ones, or whether they match with the version released by the uploader in case there have been any revisions.","Renaming a file does not change its CRC32 value.","CRC32 is redundant for torrents since torrents already have an infohash, an SHA-1 hash calculated over the contents of the info dictionary in bencode form. You can easily check their integrity via your client's Recheck feature.","CRC32 is helpful when the file has been obtained from sources like Drive, Usenet, or XDCC."]},{"l":"Torrent","p":["To create a torrent, simply follow the guide here."]},{"i":"patchesrevisions","l":"Patches/Revisions","p":["For making patches, use dan0v/xdelta3-cross-gui.","Append v2 at the end of SXXEYY, e.g, S01E01v2.","Do NOT alter episode files that don't need a revision.","This will also change the CRC32 value of the file.","Re-upload the complete patched release while also including the patch separately in the description for people who have downloaded the previous version so that they don't have to redownload the whole thing again."]}]]
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