Releases: SmartOperatingBlock/room-control-unit
Releases · SmartOperatingBlock/room-control-unit
1.3.0 (2023-02-04)
- implement people tracking task (1cf0c2c)
Dependency updates
- deps: update node.js to 18.14 (90c726c)
General maintenance
- add delete functionality (fdc23c3)
- add pair concept (dec02fc)
- add people tracking context (77a7bbc)
- add people tracking task to the system (adc1320)
- change exist strategy to take the element to check (4f778ce)
- change serialization of person track exit event (e3d58f2)
- change storing strategy (deaa7bf)
- make tracker aware of previous and next room connected to it (1d711c8)
- update pin list (52ffb25)
- update README workflow badge (08218b3)
1.0.0 (2023-02-03)
Bug Fixes
- add String dependency (8ac6fc5)
- add virtual to task inheritance to avoid ambiguity (888fecd)
- correct miss pointer (5c8eee0)
- pass function to foreach with template (bb23f52)
Style improvements
- format code (ae466fd)
- room-cu-scheme: refactor rfid readers wiring (2d07616)
- space between methods (57bde2d)
- room-cu-scheme: add heating and cooling wires and notes (c93492f)
- room-cu-scheme: add motor driver to control fan (07c1553)
- room-cu-scheme: add rfid readers to the scheme (c9f8355)
- room-cu-scheme: change heating cooling leds pin (fecca4a)
- room-cu-scheme: room control unit diagram scheme (a0a6f70)
- update implantable device tracker concept documentation (81a8344)
- update person tracker documentation (01ea611)
- change path and enum serialization technique (bd2dbf9)
- clean the architecture (f6fa2eb)
- compute size automatically (cbfd00a)
- convert null to c++ nullptr (1f69aec)
- delete auxiliary data in setPeriod (b0cf3d7)
- protect sensor count (d8edc37)
- set period as constant because for now it can't change (c35e506)
- split hvac system in different actuators to be better managed (ecd7f05)
General maintenance
- adapt to new ArrayStream constructor (900b4e6)
- add Actuator concept and so set actuator id to actuators (bca14e0)
- add actuator type (bd07efc)
- add array stream util (0b90bd4)
- add command deserializer interface (6821b21)
- add commands (786e787)
- add comment on power save (e9be0b3)
- add communication io concepts (91dd177)
- add concepts about luminosity temperature and humidity (4722096)
- add context provider to simplify code in the main script (6e6afe5)
- add copyright header to main file (ae6c19a)
- add deconstructor to abstract fsm (3eec005)
- add default constructor (362acf4)
- add digital pin utils (d08c510)
- add empty ino file (a3db53d)
- add environment luminosity sensor (f07d49a)
- add foreach (ea8bfac)
- add fsm periods (e00dd9d)
- add gateway exporter task to the system (3fb157d)
- add hvac base concept (f3b0429)
- add implantable medical device tracker implementation (890b52b)
- add init of the system (21d9bc3)
- add issue templates (1b4b4b1)
- add json command serializer (731ed79)
- add light and surgical light concepts (2ff75bf)
- add light and surgical light implementation (ec7525e)
- add math helper to compute the gcd (af1795c)
- add mergify config (6a271ab)
- add new constructor to RoomEvent in order to set also a custom event type (a0e20d8)
- add patient and implantable medical device model (c960bda)
- add percentage concept (03b8850)
- add person tracker implementation (a62f701)
- add pin list (eb13738)
- add power status concept (c9a83b0)
- add presence sensor (3c54c89)
- add presence status to presence event (68f6aec)
- add public keyboard (833f310)
- add renovate config (2d63960)
- add rfid reader (f6c35a2)
- add room concept (813e5de)
- a...