This document explains how we find correlation between the two types of changes.
$ python
The script will read RTT changes in data/rtt_analysis/ and path changes for the corresponding probe trace in data/path_analysis. Then, correlation based on temporal locality between the two types of change is calculated and stored to files in data/. For each measurement configured in config, i.e. msmv4 and msmv6 in this project, two files will be produced for each changepoint method used in detection. The reason for splitting output by changepoint method is that otherwise the output file could be too large to get loaded in memory when exploring using R.
probe trace_len cpt_method cpt_count pch_method pch_count tp fp fn precision recall dis
10048 33116 cpt_np&MBIC 109 as_path_change 31 19 12 90 0.612903225806 0.174311926606 714.736842105
10048 33116 cpt_np&MBIC 109 ifp_simple 245 16 229 93 0.065306122449 0.146788990826 727.75
10048 33116 cpt_np&MBIC 109 ifp_bck 245 17 228 92 0.069387755102 0.155963302752 789.588235294
10048 33116 cpt_np&MBIC 109 ifp_split 252 20 232 89 0.0793650793651 0.183486238532 831.55
probe is the ID of Atlas probe. trance_len is the length of RTT time series. cpt_method is the method used in detecting RTT changes. cpt_count is the number of detected RTT changes. pch_method indicates the type of path changes. pch_count tells the number of detected path changes. tp is the number of path changes correlate with RTT changes. fp is the number of path changes not correlated with RTT changes. fn is the number of RTT change not correlated with path changes. precision is the fraction of path changes correlated with RTT changes. recall is the faction of RTT changes correlated with path changes. dis is the average distance in sec between correlated RTT and path changes.
probe i cpt_idx delta_median delta_std seg_len seg_median seg_std as_path_change_match as_path_change_dis as_path_change_ixp_match as_path_change_ixp_dis ifp_simple_match ifp_simple_dis ifp_bck_match ifp_bck_dis
10048 0 435 5.12148 0.645336912178 85 161.710395 0.192036196103 False None False None True 927 True 927
10048 1 520 2.5296825 7.34415060162 1310 164.2400775 7.53618679772 False None False None False None False None
10048 2 1830 167.2400775 7.53618679772 4 -3.0 0.0 False None False None True 926 True 926
10048 3 1834 150.6778 1.24072676882 281 147.6778 1.24072676882 False None False None False None False None
10048 4 2115 0.6643525 0.743676778306 310 148.3421525 0.497049990514 False None False None False None False None
10048 5 2425 50.7908325 4.05170844303 5 199.132985 4.54875843354 False None False None False None False None
10048 6 2430 52.72956 4.3469726122 16 146.403425 0.201785821341 False None False None False None False None
10048 7 2446 45.517185 6.65412320405 11 191.92061 6.85590902539 False None False None False None False None
10048 8 2457 44.32654 5.15389010125 377 147.59407 1.70201892414 False None False None False None False None
Each line describes an RTT change detected by the method in the file name. The index of ith change in probe is at cpt_idx. The median difference accross this changepoint is delta_median, and the std difference is delta_std. seg_len tells the RTT segment length following the changepoint. The median RTT of the segment following the changepoint is seg_median, and the std is seg_std. Then the line tells whether this change matches with AS path changes(as_path_change_match), IXP changes(as_path_change_ixp_match) or IFP changes (ifp_simple_match and ifp_bck_match).
Ping and traceroute measurements from a same probe are asynchronous and performed at different intervals. Therefore strict correlation between RTT and path changes with same timestamp is not practical. We borrow the min cost maximum matching concept in changepoint evaluation to find the most appropriate approximate matching bounded by a window. The window is set to the interval of traceroute measurement, i.e. 30min. evaluation_window_adp() in localuils/ is used. It is a specially optimized version of evaluation_window() for sparse cost matrix in this case.