TFC Web provides the conventional web access to the Rita Real-time Data Platform, connecting to the real-time data platform via its supported API.
This is a django application developed to be used with Python 3. To run the application follow these steps:
Check python3 version to ensure it's installed and up to date:
python3 -V
Assuming that's ok, install pip
sudo apt install -y python3-pip
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
Check pip version with
python3 -m pip --version
Install virtualenv:
sudo apt install -y python3-venv
Create virtualenv for tfc_web:
python3 -m venv tfc_web_venv
Activate tfc_web virtualenv:
source tfc_web_venv/bin/activate
Get the tfc_web source
(tfc_web_venv):# git clone
You will need to set up some secrets in a file called inside tfc_web/tfc_web folder where the settings files are stored. Secrets need to be:
'key': '',
'digest': '',
'restrictions': [ '', ]
- SECRET_KEY is the standard django SECRET_KEY, look in django documentation for how to set up a django secret key.
- TNDS_USERNAME and TNDS_PASSWORD are the username and password used to download transport data from TNDS (stop information and timetables).
- LW_APP_EUI, LW_APP_API_KEY, and LW_API_KEY are the loraWAN secrets needed for set up devices in the loraWAN network, these keys need to be retrieved from Everynet panel.
- TFC_SERVER_CSN_TOKEN is the token shared with tfc_server for retrieving data from loraWAN sensors.
- OFO_TOKEN is the token used to communicatie with ofo server to retrieve bikes data, to know how to retrieve this token visit:
- NRE_API_KEY is the token used to access the National Rail Enquiries 'Live Departure Boards Web Service' (LDBWS) used by the Station Board SmartPanel widget. See
- METOFFICE_KEY is the token used to access the Met Office's DataPoint API used by the Weather Forecast SmartPanel widget. See
- TFC_PROD_PASSWORD is the password for the TFC_PROD Django user
- SYSTEM_API_TOKENS contains the list of API tokens (the key, corresponding digest, and a list of referer restrictions) that are assigned to the TFC_PROD user.
Change to tfc_web Django directory (with the virtual env active):
cd tfc_web/tfc_web
Install tfc_web python dependencies
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
Install and configure postgreSQL database:
Check running postgresql with:
sudo systemctl status [email protected]
Backup an existing database with:
sudo -u postgres pg_dump -c tfcweb >tfcweb_backup_2023-07-21.sql
Check if installed postgresql packages with:
dpkg -l | grep postgres
If necessary remove existing postgresql packages with:
sudo apt --purge remove postgresql-*
sudo rm -r /var/lib/postgresql
Install postgresql packages:
sudo apt install postgresql-14 postgresql-common postgresql-client-14 postgresql-client-common postgresql-14-postgis-3 postgresql-14-postgis-3-scripts
Check with
sudo systemctl status [email protected]
Create tfcweb database, tfc_prod user, collect password from tfc_web
sudo -u postgres psql
create database tfcweb;
create role tfc_prod LOGIN PASSWORD '<pwd>';
Restore tfcweb database from previous backup:
sudo -u postgres psql tfcweb <tfcweb_backup_2023-07-21.sql
Check tables exist ok:
sudo -u postgres psql
\c tfcweb
The Django system is using the tfcweb
database which can be viewed in psql
sudo -u postgres psql [-d tfcweb]
postgres# \l
... lists databases
postgres# \c tfcweb
You are now connected to database "tfcweb" as user "postgres".
List tables with:
postgres# \dt
Show table structure with (e.g.):
postgres# \d auth_user
Check table sizes with:
SELECT *, pg_size_pretty(total_bytes) AS total
, pg_size_pretty(index_bytes) AS index
, pg_size_pretty(toast_bytes) AS toast
, pg_size_pretty(table_bytes) AS table
SELECT *, total_bytes-index_bytes-coalesce(toast_bytes,0) AS table_bytes FROM (
SELECT c.oid,nspname AS table_schema, relname AS table_name
, c.reltuples AS row_estimate
, pg_total_relation_size(c.oid) AS total_bytes
, pg_indexes_size(c.oid) AS index_bytes
, pg_total_relation_size(reltoastrelid) AS toast_bytes
FROM pg_class c
LEFT JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace
WHERE relkind = 'r'
) a
) a;
Set users who have never logged in to "inactive":
update auth_user set is_active = FALSE where last_login is null;
Deactivate users inactive for more than X days, e.g. for X = 6 months (180 days):
update auth_user set is_active = FALSE where last_login < now()::date - 180;
List active users with:
select email, username, last_login, is_active from auth_user where is_active = TRUE;
Note an existing postgresql installation can be removed as here:
E.g. to install postgresql-14 see
$ sudo apt install postgresql-14 postgresql-contrib postgresql-14-postgis-3
Set up initial configuration executing tfc_web/migrations and making sure tfcweb database has already been set up.
The existing database can be copied:
sudo -u postgres /usr/bin/pg_dumpall --clean >backup.sql
and restore with:
sudo -u postgres psql -f "backup.sql" postgres
Apply all the migrations
python3 migrate
python3 collectstatic
gunicorn --reload --log-level debug tfc_web.wsgi
Test with access to:
You will need as well to set up a cronjob that executes the following command weekly:
/home/tfc_prod/tfc_web_venv/bin/python3 /home/tfc_prod/tfc_web/tfc_web/ update_bus_stops
/home/tfc_prod/tfc_web_venv/bin/python3 /home/tfc_prod/tfc_web/tfc_web/ update_bus_info
cd /home/tfc_prod/tfc_web/tfc_web
./ setup_tfc_prod
This replaces the previous approach of manually creating tfc_prod and then running
. It is safe to
run ./ setup_tfc_prod
even if it may have been run before.
This project uses:
script in the root of this repository is used to startup
the application under gunicorn at system boot and at other times. This
script sources a file
if it exists before starting gunicorn. One use for this is to export environment variables that affect the application's behaviour.
This can be used to override the default Django configuration.
Django reads the name of the configuration module to use from the environment
. This is defaulted by tfc_web/tfc_web/
to tfc_web.settings_production
but isn't altered if already set. By setting
this variable in tfc_web_envvars
you can choose a different module.
A common choice is tfc_web.settings
which is better suited the development
work. Alternatively you could create your own module which imports from
and then overrides as many parameters as you want (see
and tfc_web/tfc_web/
for examples).