+ <.assignments_agenda assignments={@assignments} ctx={@ctx} section_slug={@section.slug} />
+ """
+ end
+ def top_hero_banner(assigns) do
+ ~H"""
+ <%= Enum.count(@assignments, &(!is_nil(&1.raw_avg_score))) %> of <%= Enum.count(
+ @assignments
+ ) %> Assignments
+ <.assignment
+ :for={assignment <- @assignments}
+ :if={@assignments != []}
+ assignment={assignment}
+ ctx={@ctx}
+ target={
+ Utils.lesson_live_path(@section_slug, assignment.slug,
+ request_path: ~p"/sections/#{@section_slug}/assignments"
+ )
+ }
+ />
+ There are no assignments
+ """
+ end
+ attr :assignment, :map, required: true
+ attr :ctx, SessionContext, required: true
+ attr :target, :string, required: true, doc: "The target URL for the assignment"
+ def assignment(assigns) do
+ ~H"""
+ <.page_icon purpose={@assignment.purpose} completed={!is_nil(@assignment.raw_avg_score)} />
+ <%= @assignment.numbering_index %>
+ <.link
+ navigate={@target}
+ class="h-6 mt-0.5 text-[#353740] dark:text-[#eeebf5] text-base font-semibold leading-normal whitespace-nowrap truncate"
+ >
+ <%= @assignment.title %>
+ <%= Utils.label_for_scheduling_type(@assignment.scheduling_type) %> <%= FormatDateTime.to_formatted_datetime(
+ @assignment.end_date,
+ @ctx,
+ "{WDshort} {Mshort} {D}, {YYYY}"
+ ) %>
+ Attempt <%= @assignment.attempts %> of <%= max_attempts(@assignment.max_attempts) %>
+ <%= Utils.parse_score(@assignment.raw_avg_score.score) %> / <%= Utils.parse_score(
+ @assignment.raw_avg_score.out_of
+ ) %>
+ --
+ """
+ end
+ _docp = """
+ Returns a list of assignments by querying the section resources form the SectionResourceDepot
+ and merging the results with the combined settings and metrics for the current user.
+ Only required fields needed for render/1 are returned (to reduce memory usage).
+ """
+ defp get_assignments(section, current_user_id) do
+ raw_assignments = SectionResourceDepot.graded_pages(section.id, hidden: false)
+ resource_ids = Enum.map(raw_assignments, & &1.resource_id)
+ combined_settings =
+ Settings.get_combined_settings_for_all_resources(section.id, current_user_id, resource_ids)
+ progress_per_page_id =
+ Metrics.progress_across_for_pages(section.id, resource_ids, [current_user_id])
+ raw_avg_score_per_page_id =
+ Metrics.raw_avg_score_across_for_pages(section, resource_ids, [current_user_id])
+ user_resource_attempt_counts =
+ Metrics.get_all_user_resource_attempt_counts(section, current_user_id)
+ Enum.map(raw_assignments, fn assignment ->
+ effective_settings = Map.get(combined_settings, assignment.resource_id, %{})
+ %{
+ id: assignment.resource_id,
+ title: assignment.title,
+ numbering_index: assignment.numbering_index,
+ scheduling_type: effective_settings.scheduling_type,
+ end_date: effective_settings.end_date,
+ purpose: assignment.purpose,
+ progress: progress_per_page_id[assignment.resource_id],
+ raw_avg_score: raw_avg_score_per_page_id[assignment.resource_id],
+ max_attempts: effective_settings.max_attempts,
+ attempts: user_resource_attempt_counts[assignment.resource_id] || 0,
+ slug: assignment.revision_slug
+ }
+ end)
+ end
+ defp max_attempts(0), do: "∞"
+ defp max_attempts(max_attempts), do: max_attempts
+ attr :completed, :boolean, required: true
+ attr :purpose, :atom, required: true
+ defp page_icon(assigns) do
+ ~H"""
+ <%= cond do %>
+ <% @purpose == :application -> %>
diff --git a/lib/oli_web/live/delivery/student/schedule_live.ex b/lib/oli_web/live/delivery/student/schedule_live.ex
index a93a8c902d4..cea61996d5d 100644
--- a/lib/oli_web/live/delivery/student/schedule_live.ex
+++ b/lib/oli_web/live/delivery/student/schedule_live.ex
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ defmodule OliWeb.Delivery.Student.ScheduleLive do
- request_path={~p"/sections/#{@section_slug}/assignments"}
+ request_path={~p"/sections/#{@section_slug}/student_schedule"}
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ defmodule OliWeb.Delivery.Student.ScheduleLive do
- request_path={~p"/sections/#{@section_slug}/assignments"}
+ request_path={~p"/sections/#{@section_slug}/student_schedule"}
<% end %>
diff --git a/lib/oli_web/live/delivery/student/utils.ex b/lib/oli_web/live/delivery/student/utils.ex
index 3dff6b02548..4362e932e36 100644
--- a/lib/oli_web/live/delivery/student/utils.ex
+++ b/lib/oli_web/live/delivery/student/utils.ex
@@ -389,16 +389,16 @@ defmodule OliWeb.Delivery.Student.Utils do
- `params`: (Optional) Additional query parameters in a list or map format. If omitted, a URL is generated without additional parameters.
## Examples
- - `schedule_live_path("math")` returns `"/sections/math/assignments"`.
- - `schedule_live_path("math", request_path: "some/previous/url")` returns `"/sections/math/assignments?request_path=some/previous/url"`.
+ - `schedule_live_path("math")` returns `"/sections/math/student_schedule"`.
+ - `schedule_live_path("math", request_path: "some/previous/url")` returns `"/sections/math/student_schedule?request_path=some/previous/url"`.
def schedule_live_path(section_slug, params \\ [])
def schedule_live_path(section_slug, []),
- do: ~p"/sections/#{section_slug}/assignments"
+ do: ~p"/sections/#{section_slug}/student_schedule"
def schedule_live_path(section_slug, params),
- do: ~p"/sections/#{section_slug}/assignments?#{params}"
+ do: ~p"/sections/#{section_slug}/student_schedule?#{params}"
# nil case arises for linked loose pages not in in hierarchy index
def get_container_label(nil, section), do: section.title
diff --git a/lib/oli_web/plugs/redirect_by_attempt_state.ex b/lib/oli_web/plugs/redirect_by_attempt_state.ex
index fa355825a5e..d9a96e73129 100644
--- a/lib/oli_web/plugs/redirect_by_attempt_state.ex
+++ b/lib/oli_web/plugs/redirect_by_attempt_state.ex
@@ -227,7 +227,9 @@ defmodule OliWeb.Plugs.RedirectByAttemptState do
|> halt()
|> assign(:already_been_redirected?, true)
- |> Phoenix.Controller.redirect(to: "/sections/#{section_slug}/prologue/#{revision_slug}")
+ |> Phoenix.Controller.redirect(
+ to: "/sections/#{section_slug}/prologue/#{revision_slug}?#{conn.query_string}"
+ )
diff --git a/lib/oli_web/router.ex b/lib/oli_web/router.ex
index 45c31a54aff..caec0c2eb48 100644
--- a/lib/oli_web/router.ex
+++ b/lib/oli_web/router.ex
@@ -998,7 +998,8 @@ defmodule OliWeb.Router do
live("/", Delivery.Student.IndexLive)
live("/learn", Delivery.Student.LearnLive)
live("/discussions", Delivery.Student.DiscussionsLive)
- live("/assignments", Delivery.Student.ScheduleLive)
+ live("/assignments", Delivery.Student.AssignmentsLive)
+ live("/student_schedule", Delivery.Student.ScheduleLive)
live("/explorations", Delivery.Student.ExplorationsLive)
live("/practice", Delivery.Student.PracticeLive)
@@ -1021,7 +1022,8 @@ defmodule OliWeb.Router do
live("/", Delivery.Student.IndexLive, :preview)
live("/learn", Delivery.Student.LearnLive, :preview)
live("/discussions", Delivery.Student.DiscussionsLive, :preview)
- live("/assignments", Delivery.Student.ScheduleLive, :preview)
+ live("/assignments", Delivery.Student.AssignmentsLive, :preview)
+ live("/student_schedule", Delivery.Student.ScheduleLive, :preview)
live("/explorations", Delivery.Student.ExplorationsLive, :preview)
live("/practice", Delivery.Student.PracticeLive, :preview)
diff --git a/test/oli/delivery/paywall_test.exs b/test/oli/delivery/paywall_test.exs
index 630e26110ff..8c0b149da37 100644
--- a/test/oli/delivery/paywall_test.exs
+++ b/test/oli/delivery/paywall_test.exs
@@ -894,8 +894,8 @@ defmodule Oli.Delivery.PaywallTest do
test "browse_payments/4 applies paging", %{product: product} do
- payment_1_id = insert(:payment, section: product, code: 123_456_789).id
- _payment_2_id = insert(:payment, section: product, code: 987_654_321).id
+ payment_1_id = insert(:payment, section: product, code: 123_456_789, type: :bypass).id
+ _payment_2_id = insert(:payment, section: product, code: 987_654_321, type: :direct).id
[%{payment: %Payment{id: ^payment_1_id}}] =
Paywall.browse_payments(product.slug, %Paging{limit: 1, offset: 0}, %Sorting{
diff --git a/test/oli_web/controllers/page_delivery_controller_test.exs b/test/oli_web/controllers/page_delivery_controller_test.exs
index 7d115ff8c8f..2f31095f166 100644
--- a/test/oli_web/controllers/page_delivery_controller_test.exs
+++ b/test/oli_web/controllers/page_delivery_controller_test.exs
@@ -2426,7 +2426,7 @@ defmodule OliWeb.PageDeliveryControllerTest do
conn =
|> Pow.Plug.assign_current_user(user, OliWeb.Pow.PowHelpers.get_pow_config(:user))
- |> get(~p"/sections/#{section.slug}/assignments")
+ |> get(~p"/sections/#{section.slug}/student_schedule")
assert html_response(conn, 200) =~ section.title
@@ -2459,7 +2459,7 @@ defmodule OliWeb.PageDeliveryControllerTest do
conn =
|> Pow.Plug.assign_current_user(user, OliWeb.Pow.PowHelpers.get_pow_config(:user))
- |> get(~p"/sections/#{section.slug}/preview/assignments")
+ |> get(~p"/sections/#{section.slug}/preview/schedule")
assert html_response(conn, 200) =~ section.title
assert html_response(conn, 200) =~ "Course content"
diff --git a/test/oli_web/live/delivery/student/assignments_live_test.exs b/test/oli_web/live/delivery/student/assignments_live_test.exs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..22799c07844
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/oli_web/live/delivery/student/assignments_live_test.exs
@@ -0,0 +1,434 @@
+defmodule OliWeb.Delivery.Student.AssignmentsLiveTest do
+ use ExUnit.Case, async: true
+ use OliWeb.ConnCase
+ import Phoenix.LiveViewTest
+ import Oli.Factory
+ import Ecto.Query, warn: false
+ alias Lti_1p3.Tool.ContextRoles
+ alias Oli.Delivery.Attempts.Core.ResourceAccess
+ alias Oli.Delivery.Sections
+ alias Oli.Resources.ResourceType
+ defp live_view_assignments_live_route(section_slug) do
+ ~p"/sections/#{section_slug}/assignments"
+ end
+ defp create_elixir_project(_) do
+ author = insert(:author)
+ project = insert(:project, authors: [author])
+ # revisions...
+ ## pages...
+ page_1_revision =
+ insert(:revision,
+ resource_type_id: ResourceType.get_id_by_type("page"),
+ title: "Start here",
+ graded: true
+ )
+ page_2_revision =
+ insert(:revision,
+ resource_type_id: ResourceType.get_id_by_type("page"),
+ title: "Page 2",
+ graded: true
+ )
+ page_3_revision =
+ insert(:revision,
+ resource_type_id: ResourceType.get_id_by_type("page"),
+ title: "Page 3",
+ graded: true
+ )
+ page_4_revision =
+ insert(:revision,
+ resource_type_id: ResourceType.get_id_by_type("page"),
+ title: "Page 4",
+ graded: true,
+ purpose: :application
+ )
+ ## modules...
+ module_1_revision =
+ insert(:revision, %{
+ resource_type_id: Oli.Resources.ResourceType.get_id_by_type("container"),
+ children: [page_1_revision.resource_id, page_2_revision.resource_id],
+ title: "How to use this course"
+ })
+ module_2_revision =
+ insert(:revision, %{
+ resource_type_id: Oli.Resources.ResourceType.get_id_by_type("container"),
+ children: [page_3_revision.resource_id],
+ title: "Configure your setup"
+ })
+ ## units...
+ unit_1_revision =
+ insert(:revision, %{
+ resource_type_id: Oli.Resources.ResourceType.get_id_by_type("container"),
+ children: [module_1_revision.resource_id],
+ title: "Introduction"
+ })
+ unit_2_revision =
+ insert(:revision, %{
+ resource_type_id: Oli.Resources.ResourceType.get_id_by_type("container"),
+ children: [module_2_revision.resource_id],
+ title: "Building a Phoenix app"
+ })
+ ## root container...
+ container_revision =
+ insert(:revision, %{
+ resource_type_id: Oli.Resources.ResourceType.get_id_by_type("container"),
+ children: [
+ unit_1_revision.resource_id,
+ unit_2_revision.resource_id,
+ page_4_revision.resource_id
+ ],
+ title: "Root Container"
+ })
+ all_revisions =
+ [
+ page_1_revision,
+ page_2_revision,
+ page_3_revision,
+ page_4_revision,
+ module_1_revision,
+ module_2_revision,
+ unit_1_revision,
+ unit_2_revision,
+ container_revision
+ ]
+ # asociate resources to project
+ Enum.each(all_revisions, fn revision ->
+ insert(:project_resource, %{
+ project_id: project.id,
+ resource_id: revision.resource_id
+ })
+ end)
+ # publish project
+ publication =
+ insert(:publication, %{project: project, root_resource_id: container_revision.resource_id})
+ # publish resources
+ Enum.each(all_revisions, fn revision ->
+ insert(:published_resource, %{
+ publication: publication,
+ resource: revision.resource,
+ revision: revision,
+ author: author
+ })
+ end)
+ # create section...
+ section =
+ insert(:section,
+ base_project: project,
+ title: "The best course ever!",
+ analytics_version: :v2
+ )
+ {:ok, section} = Sections.create_section_resources(section, publication)
+ {:ok, _} = Sections.rebuild_contained_pages(section)
+ %{
+ section: section,
+ page_1: page_1_revision,
+ page_2: page_2_revision,
+ page_3: page_3_revision,
+ page_4: page_4_revision,
+ module_1: module_1_revision,
+ module_2: module_2_revision,
+ unit_1: unit_1_revision,
+ unit_2: unit_2_revision,
+ root_container: container_revision
+ }
+ end
+ defp create_another_elixir_project(_) do
+ author = insert(:author)
+ project = insert(:project, authors: [author])
+ # revisions...
+ ## pages...
+ page_1_revision =
+ insert(:revision,
+ resource_type_id: ResourceType.get_id_by_type("page"),
+ title: "Start here",
+ graded: false
+ )
+ page_2_revision =
+ insert(:revision,
+ resource_type_id: ResourceType.get_id_by_type("page"),
+ title: "Page 2",
+ graded: false
+ )
+ ## modules...
+ module_1_revision =
+ insert(:revision, %{
+ resource_type_id: Oli.Resources.ResourceType.get_id_by_type("container"),
+ children: [page_1_revision.resource_id, page_2_revision.resource_id],
+ title: "How to use this course"
+ })
+ ## units...
+ unit_1_revision =
+ insert(:revision, %{
+ resource_type_id: Oli.Resources.ResourceType.get_id_by_type("container"),
+ children: [module_1_revision.resource_id],
+ title: "Introduction"
+ })
+ ## root container...
+ container_revision =
+ insert(:revision, %{
+ resource_type_id: Oli.Resources.ResourceType.get_id_by_type("container"),
+ children: [unit_1_revision.resource_id],
+ title: "Root Container"
+ })
+ all_revisions =
+ [
+ page_1_revision,
+ page_2_revision,
+ module_1_revision,
+ unit_1_revision,
+ container_revision
+ ]
+ # asociate resources to project
+ Enum.each(all_revisions, fn revision ->
+ insert(:project_resource, %{
+ project_id: project.id,
+ resource_id: revision.resource_id
+ })
+ end)
+ # publish project
+ publication =
+ insert(:publication, %{project: project, root_resource_id: container_revision.resource_id})
+ # publish resources
+ Enum.each(all_revisions, fn revision ->
+ insert(:published_resource, %{
+ publication: publication,
+ resource: revision.resource,
+ revision: revision,
+ author: author
+ })
+ end)
+ # create section...
+ section =
+ insert(:section,
+ base_project: project,
+ title: "Another course!",
+ analytics_version: :v2
+ )
+ {:ok, section} = Sections.create_section_resources(section, publication)
+ {:ok, _} = Sections.rebuild_contained_pages(section)
+ %{
+ section: section,
+ page_1: page_1_revision,
+ page_2: page_2_revision,
+ module_1: module_1_revision,
+ unit_1: unit_1_revision,
+ root_container: container_revision
+ }
+ end
+ defp create_attempt(student, section, revision) do
+ resource_access = get_or_insert_resource_access(student, section, revision)
+ resource_attempt =
+ insert(:resource_attempt, %{
+ resource_access: resource_access,
+ revision: revision,
+ date_submitted: ~U[2023-11-14 20:00:00Z],
+ date_evaluated: ~U[2023-11-14 20:30:00Z],
+ score: 5,
+ out_of: 10,
+ lifecycle_state: :evaluated,
+ content: %{model: []}
+ })
+ resource_attempt
+ end
+ defp get_or_insert_resource_access(student, section, revision) do
+ Oli.Repo.get_by(
+ ResourceAccess,
+ resource_id: revision.resource_id,
+ section_id: section.id,
+ user_id: student.id
+ )
+ |> case do
+ nil ->
+ insert(:resource_access, %{
+ user: student,
+ section: section,
+ resource: revision.resource,
+ score: 5,
+ out_of: 10
+ })
+ resource_access ->
+ resource_access
+ end
+ end
+ def enroll_and_visit_section(%{user: user, section: section} = _attrs) do
+ Sections.enroll(user.id, section.id, [ContextRoles.get_role(:context_learner)])
+ Sections.mark_section_visited_for_student(section, user)
+ end
+ describe "user" do
+ test "can not access page when it is not logged in", %{conn: conn} do
+ section = insert(:section)
+ student = insert(:user)
+ Sections.enroll(student.id, section.id, [ContextRoles.get_role(:context_learner)])
+ {:error, {:redirect, %{to: redirect_path}}} =
+ live(conn, live_view_assignments_live_route(section.slug))
+ assert redirect_path ==
+ "/?request_path=%2Fsections%2F#{section.slug}%2Fassignments§ion=#{section.slug}"
+ end
+ end
+ describe "not enrolled student" do
+ setup [:user_conn, :create_elixir_project]
+ test "can not access when not enrolled to course", %{conn: conn, section: section} do
+ {:error, {:redirect, %{to: redirect_path, flash: _flash_msg}}} =
+ live(conn, live_view_assignments_live_route(section.slug))
+ assert redirect_path == "/unauthorized"
+ end
+ end
+ describe "student" do
+ setup [:user_conn, :create_elixir_project, :enroll_and_visit_section]
+ test "can access when enrolled to course", %{conn: conn, section: section} do
+ {:ok, view, _html} = live(conn, live_view_assignments_live_route(section.slug))
+ assert has_element?(view, "h1", "Assignments")
+ end
+ test "can navigate to an assignment", %{
+ conn: conn,
+ section: section,
+ page_1: page_1
+ } do
+ {:ok, view, _html} = live(conn, live_view_assignments_live_route(section.slug))
+ {:error, {:live_redirect, %{kind: :push, to: path}}} =
+ view
+ |> element(
+ "div[role='assignment detail'][id='assignment_#{page_1.resource_id}'] a",
+ "Start here"
+ )
+ |> render_click()
+ assert path ==
+ "/sections/#{section.slug}/lesson/#{page_1.slug}?request_path=%2Fsections%2F#{section.slug}%2Fassignments"
+ end
+ test "page icons correspond to the resource purpose and completed state", %{
+ conn: conn,
+ section: section,
+ page_1: page_1,
+ page_2: page_2,
+ page_3: page_3,
+ page_4: page_4,
+ user: user
+ } do
+ _completed_page =
+ create_attempt(user, section, page_2)
+ {:ok, view, _html} = live(conn, live_view_assignments_live_route(section.slug))
+ assert element(
+ view,
+ "div[role='assignment detail'][id='assignment_#{page_1.resource_id}'] div[role='page icon'] svg"
+ )
+ |> render() =~ "flag icon"
+ # page 2 is completed, so we see it's checked icon
+ assert element(
+ view,
+ "div[role='assignment detail'][id='assignment_#{page_2.resource_id}'] div[role='page icon'] svg"
+ )
+ |> render() =~ "square checked icon"
+ # and can see it's attempt summary
+ assert has_element?(
+ view,
+ "div[role='assignment detail'][id='assignment_#{page_2.resource_id}'] span",
+ "Attempt 1 of ∞"
+ )
+ assert has_element?(
+ view,
+ "div[role='assignment detail'][id='assignment_#{page_2.resource_id}'] span",
+ "5 / 10"
+ )
+ assert element(
+ view,
+ "div[role='assignment detail'][id='assignment_#{page_3.resource_id}'] div[role='page icon'] svg"
+ )
+ |> render() =~ "flag icon"
+ assert element(
+ view,
+ "div[role='assignment detail'][id='assignment_#{page_4.resource_id}'] div[role='page icon'] svg"
+ )
+ |> render() =~ "world icon"
+ end
+ test "can see completed pages summary", %{
+ conn: conn,
+ section: section,
+ page_1: page_1,
+ page_2: page_2,
+ user: user
+ } do
+ _completed_page =
+ create_attempt(user, section, page_1)
+ _completed_page =
+ create_attempt(user, section, page_2)
+ {:ok, view, _html} = live(conn, live_view_assignments_live_route(section.slug))
+ assert has_element?(view, "span", "2 of 4 Assignments")
+ end
+ test "gets a `no assignments` message when there are not assignments to show", %{
+ conn: conn,
+ user: user
+ } do
+ %{section: section} = create_another_elixir_project(%{})
+ enroll_and_visit_section(%{user: user, section: section})
+ {:ok, view, _html} = live(conn, live_view_assignments_live_route(section.slug))
+ assert has_element?(view, "span", "There are no assignments")
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/test/oli_web/live/delivery/student/learn_live_test.exs b/test/oli_web/live/delivery/student/learn_live_test.exs
index 6ed0ee03d10..16078ce5d70 100644
--- a/test/oli_web/live/delivery/student/learn_live_test.exs
+++ b/test/oli_web/live/delivery/student/learn_live_test.exs
@@ -2694,7 +2694,7 @@ defmodule OliWeb.Delivery.Student.ContentLiveTest do
|> element(~s{nav[id=desktop-nav-menu] a}, "Schedule")
|> render_click()
- assert_redirect(view, "/sections/#{section.slug}/assignments?sidebar_expanded=true")
+ assert_redirect(view, "/sections/#{section.slug}/student_schedule?sidebar_expanded=true")
{:ok, view, _html} =
live(conn, Utils.learn_live_path(section.slug, sidebar_expanded: false))
@@ -2705,7 +2705,7 @@ defmodule OliWeb.Delivery.Student.ContentLiveTest do
|> element(~s{nav[id="desktop-nav-menu"] a[id="schedule_nav_link"])})
|> render_click()
- assert_redirect(view, "/sections/#{section.slug}/assignments?sidebar_expanded=false")
+ assert_redirect(view, "/sections/#{section.slug}/student_schedule?sidebar_expanded=false")
test "exit course button redirects to the student workspace", %{
diff --git a/test/oli_web/live/delivery/student/lesson_live_test.exs b/test/oli_web/live/delivery/student/lesson_live_test.exs
index e63697d8237..931f39da9f6 100644
--- a/test/oli_web/live/delivery/student/lesson_live_test.exs
+++ b/test/oli_web/live/delivery/student/lesson_live_test.exs
@@ -1230,7 +1230,7 @@ defmodule OliWeb.Delivery.Student.LessonLiveTest do
Sections.mark_section_visited_for_student(section, user)
# when the request path is not the learn view, it keeps it when navigating between pages
- request_path = ~p"/sections/#{section.slug}/assignments"
+ request_path = ~p"/sections/#{section.slug}/student_schedule"
{:ok, view, _html} =
diff --git a/test/oli_web/live/delivery/student/review_live_test.exs b/test/oli_web/live/delivery/student/review_live_test.exs
index 755c740a6f1..f6252b27ccd 100644
--- a/test/oli_web/live/delivery/student/review_live_test.exs
+++ b/test/oli_web/live/delivery/student/review_live_test.exs
@@ -493,7 +493,7 @@ defmodule OliWeb.Delivery.Student.ReviewLiveTest do
attempt = create_attempt(user, section, page_1)
# when the request path is not the learn view, it keeps it when navigating between pages
- request_path = ~p"/sections/#{section.slug}/assignments"
+ request_path = ~p"/sections/#{section.slug}/student_schedule"
{:ok, view, _html} =
diff --git a/test/oli_web/live/delivery/student/schedule_live_test.exs b/test/oli_web/live/delivery/student/schedule_live_test.exs
index f5b9b147fff..fa546440381 100644
--- a/test/oli_web/live/delivery/student/schedule_live_test.exs
+++ b/test/oli_web/live/delivery/student/schedule_live_test.exs
@@ -567,10 +567,10 @@ defmodule OliWeb.Delivery.Student.ScheduleLiveTest do
Sections.enroll(student.id, section.id, [ContextRoles.get_role(:context_learner)])
{:error, {:redirect, %{to: redirect_path}}} =
- live(conn, ~p"/sections/#{section.slug}/assignments")
+ live(conn, ~p"/sections/#{section.slug}/student_schedule")
assert redirect_path ==
- "/?request_path=%2Fsections%2F#{section.slug}%2Fassignments§ion=#{section.slug}"
+ "/?request_path=%2Fsections%2F#{section.slug}%2Fstudent_schedule§ion=#{section.slug}"
@@ -579,7 +579,7 @@ defmodule OliWeb.Delivery.Student.ScheduleLiveTest do
test "can not access when not enrolled to course", %{conn: conn, section: section} do
{:error, {:redirect, %{to: redirect_path, flash: _flash_msg}}} =
- live(conn, ~p"/sections/#{section.slug}/assignments")
+ live(conn, ~p"/sections/#{section.slug}/student_schedule")
assert redirect_path == "/unauthorized"
@@ -588,7 +588,7 @@ defmodule OliWeb.Delivery.Student.ScheduleLiveTest do
Sections.enroll(user.id, section.id, [ContextRoles.get_role(:context_learner)])
Sections.mark_section_visited_for_student(section, user)
- {:ok, view, _html} = live(conn, ~p"/sections/#{section.slug}/assignments")
+ {:ok, view, _html} = live(conn, ~p"/sections/#{section.slug}/student_schedule")
assert has_element?(view, "h1", "Course Schedule")
@@ -620,7 +620,7 @@ defmodule OliWeb.Delivery.Student.ScheduleLiveTest do
- {:ok, view, _html} = live(conn, ~p"/sections/#{section.slug}/assignments")
+ {:ok, view, _html} = live(conn, ~p"/sections/#{section.slug}/student_schedule")
# open attempts summary for page 3
@@ -709,7 +709,7 @@ defmodule OliWeb.Delivery.Student.ScheduleLiveTest do
- {:ok, view, _html} = live(conn, ~p"/sections/#{section.slug}/assignments")
+ {:ok, view, _html} = live(conn, ~p"/sections/#{section.slug}/student_schedule")
# open attempts summary for page 4
@@ -780,7 +780,7 @@ defmodule OliWeb.Delivery.Student.ScheduleLiveTest do
Sections.enroll(user.id, section.id, [ContextRoles.get_role(:context_learner)])
Sections.mark_section_visited_for_student(section, user)
- {:ok, view, _html} = live(conn, ~p"/sections/#{section.slug}/assignments")
+ {:ok, view, _html} = live(conn, ~p"/sections/#{section.slug}/student_schedule")
assert has_element?(view, "h1", "Course Schedule")