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Silent Circle Audit/Event Logging


Silent Circle tracks certain actions related to organizational accounts and their users for the purposes of security analysis and auditing. Each event is stored immutably by Silent Circle for a limited time after the event occurs. The events can be downloaded using our API and may be ingested by a Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) system.

In this document, we'll cover the data format used for events, the different kinds of events we provide, and the API used for downloading these events.

Audit/event log format

Events are delivered as JSON-formatted blocks that include a unique ID for each event, the type of the event, the date and time the event occurred, whether the action corresponding to the event was successful or whether it failed (e.g. due to invalid credentials), a human-readable description of the event, the authenticated user who generated the event, a list of users, devices, circles, or other objects affected by the event, and other data that may be helpful for understanding the event.

For example, here is an event corresponding to a successful login:

  "id": "945d0512-026d-4081-b7a8-8323820233b7",
  "timestamp": "2017-06-01T01:02:03.141592Z",
  "type": "user-login",
  "result": "ok",
  "description": "User login by SSO succeeded",
  "actors": [{"type": "user", "id": "[email protected]"}],
  "targets": [{"type": "user", "id": "[email protected]"}],
  "data": []

We'll cover each field, as these are common to all event types.

"id": "945d0512-026d-4081-b7a8-8323820233b7"

The id of the event is a globally unique identifier for the event. This identifier is helpful for referencing a particular event and for deduplicating events from overlapping time series or from multiple sources. These identifiers are type 4 UUIDs as specified by RFC 4122.

"timestamp": "2017-06-01T01:02:03.141592Z",

The timestamp is a datetime value that represents when the event occurred. Timestamps are always presented in Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) rather than in a local timezone. These timestamps are formatted according to RFC 3339 / ISO 8601.

"type": "user-login",

The type represents the type of the event. Each kind of event has a unique type. The way that other fields are populated in the event depends on the type.

"result": "ok",

The result field indicates whether the action corresponding to the event succeeded or failed. If the event succeeded then we return "result": "ok". If it failed then we return "result": "fail".

"description": "User login by SSO succeeded",

The description is a human-readable description of the event. We do not guarantee the stability of the value in this field. It should not be parsed. Instead, the relevant data should be extracted from the other fields.

"actors": [{"type": "user", "id": "[email protected]"}],

The actors field is a list of all authenticated users that authorized the action to take place. This field contains an empty set when the action occurs without any authenticated users, such as with a failed login.

The targets field is a list of all users, groups, circles, and other objects that are within the domain of the organization and are affected by the action.

The data field contains supplemental data useful for understanding the action. This field typically contains a list of type-annotated objects.

For example, this represents a circle with a particular ID:

"data": [
  {"type": "circle",
   "id": "a1370199-e22c-4a8c-8401-fc9d62d54f28"}]

As another example, this represents a particular list of settings and the values for each:

"data": [
  {"type": "org-settings",
   "values": {
     "notify_on_create_sso_user": true,
     "notify_on_add_device_to_user": true,
     "notify_on_remove_device_from_user": true}}]

List of event types

We support the following event types. The semantics and details of each event type are described later in this document.


API for retrieving audit/event logs

To use the API, we need an API key. Silent Circle provides this API key in a secure out-of-band manner, such as by Silent Phone messaging or via a PGP/GPG-encrypted email message to an authenticated public key. Your account's sales engineer coordinates getting you this key.

This API key must be protected from disclosure as it provides the ability to authorize certain actions on your account.

Once we have our API key, we can make the needed REST-style HTTPS request to receive a batch of logs.

Making the API request

Here's an example request using the curl command-line utility:

curl \
  -H"Accept: application/json;version=1" \
  -XGET \

We'll cover each piece. The endpoint for the request is:

This is the URL to which we want to send the request.


We use the GET HTTP method to make our request.

Accept: application/json;version=1

We add an Accept header that indicates what kind of data format we're willing to receive. In this case, we'll be receiving JSON-formatted data, and we want to use version 1 of the API, the current version.

There are three URL parameters required by the API: the API key, the time of the earliest events we want, and the time of the latest events we want.


In the api_key parameter, we'll include the full API key that we received from Silent Circle.


The since, after, until, and before parameters constrain the time of the logs returned.

These datetime values can be formatted according to RFC 3339 and then URL-encoded, or may be formatted without the - and : characters as is permitted by ISO 8601.

At least one of since or after and at least one of until or before must be provided.

The since parameter indicates the time of the earliest logs that we want to receive. This returns logs timestamped "greater than or equal to" this time.

The after parameter indicates that we want to receive logs that occur after the provided time. This returns logs timestamped "greater than" this time.

The until parameter indicates that we want to receive logs that occur up to and including the provided time. This returns logs timestamped "less than or equal to" this time.

The before parameter indicates that we want to receive logs that occur up but not including the provided time. This returns logs timestamped "less than" this time.

The count parameter indicates the number of log entries that we want to receive in the response to this request. If the number of logs available is greater than the value provided for count, then we'll return only count records. The response will include the time of the last log entry included so that you may use this time in a new request using the after parameter to perform pagination.

API request response

The response from the API is JSON-formatted data that includes a version number, a unique transaction identifier in type 4 RFC 4122 UUID format, the times of the first and last log entries included in the response, a count of the number of events returned, and a list of all audit/event logs returned by the query.

The headers include a Content-Type of application/json. For example:

Content-Type: application/json

  version: 1,
  tid: "18e015ae-5e56-4d65-b719-ea0caa4f6eab",
  since: "2017-06-01T01:02:03.141592Z",
  until: "2017-06-01T06:02:03.141592Z",
  count: 4242,
  logs: [...]

In the example, the section before the empty line contains the headers. Normal HTTP headers are provided along with the correct Content-Type.

The section after the empty line represents the body. This is JSON-formatted data.

The version field matches the version we requested in our Accept header unless that version is no longer supported, in which case we may return the closest supported version.

The tid field is a unique transaction identifier which may be used for troubleshooting.

The since field is a datetime that represents the timestamp of the first and earliest event returned in the results.

The until field is a datetime that represents the timestamp of the last and latest event returned in the results.

The count field is an integer representing the number of audit/event log entries returned in the response.

The logs field contains a list of all logs returned by the query.

Audit/event log availability period

Audit/event logs are made available for 2 weeks after the event occurs. If the logs are not downloaded in this time the events become unavailable for download and are lost. We suggest having automated systems to ensure that logs are downloaded periodically.

Supported audit/event log types

In this section, we'll describe each of the types of events that we support. For each, we'll provide an example of data that may be returned.

Failed login

The user-login event occurs whenever a login is attempted. If the login fails, "result": "fail" is set and no actors are set as no user successfully authenticated. The user whose account was attempting to be accessed is provided in the targets.

  "id": "945d0512-026d-4081-b7a8-8323820233b7",
  "timestamp": "2017-06-01T01:02:03.141592Z",
  "type": "user-login",
  "result": "fail",
  "description": "User login by SSO failed due to expired token",
  "actors": [],
  "targets": [{"type": "user", "id": "[email protected]"}],
  "data": []

Successful login

On a successful login, the user-login event is provided with "result": "ok" and with the user who logged in provided in the actors as well as the targets as the authenticated user caused the login.

  "id": "945d0512-026d-4081-b7a8-8323820233b7",
  "timestamp": "2017-06-01T01:02:03.141592Z",
  "type": "user-login",
  "result": "ok",
  "description": "User login by SSO succeeded",
  "actors": [{"type": "user", "id": "[email protected]"}],
  "targets": [{"type": "user", "id": "[email protected]"}],
  "data": []

Password reset token request

When a user requests a password reset token, we provide the user-reset-password-token-request event. Note that this event does not apply to SSO users.

  "id": "945d0512-026d-4081-b7a8-8323820233b7",
  "timestamp": "2017-06-01T01:02:03.141592Z",
  "type": "user-reset-password-token-request",
  "result": "ok",
  "description": "User password reset token sent by email",
  "actors": [],
  "targets": [{"type": "user", "id": "[email protected]"}],
  "data": []

Password reset by token

When a user resets the password on the account using a password reset token, we provide the user-reset-password-by-token event. Note that this event does not apply to SSO users.

  "id": "945d0512-026d-4081-b7a8-8323820233b7",
  "timestamp": "2017-06-01T01:02:03.141592Z",
  "type": "user-reset-password-by-token",
  "result": "ok",
  "description": "User password reset using valid reset token",
  "actors": [],
  "targets": [{"type": "user", "id": "[email protected]"}],
  "data": []

Password change by user

When a user password is changed by an authenticated user, we provide the user-change-password event. If the user is changing his or her own password, the user appears in both the actors and targets fields.

  "id": "945d0512-026d-4081-b7a8-8323820233b7",
  "timestamp": "2017-06-01T01:02:03.141592Z",
  "type": "user-change-password",
  "result": "ok",
  "description": "User password changed by user",
  "actors": [{"type": "user", "id": "[email protected]"}],
  "targets": [{"type": "user", "id": "[email protected]"}],
  "data": []

Password change by SM admin/manager

When a user password is changed by an authenticated user, we provide the user-change-password event. If one user is changing the password for another user, e.g. by using the Silent Manager, the user who is changing the password appears in the actors field and the user whose password is being changed appears in the targets field.

  "id": "945d0512-026d-4081-b7a8-8323820233b7",
  "timestamp": "2017-06-01T01:02:03.141592Z",
  "type": "user-change-password",
  "result": "ok",
  "description": "User password changed by admin/manager",
  "actors": [{"type": "user", "id": "[email protected]"}],
  "targets": [{"type": "user", "id": "[email protected]"}],
  "data": []

Account reset

When a user's account is reset, clearing all devices and data, we provide the user-reset event.

  "id": "945d0512-026d-4081-b7a8-8323820233b7",
  "timestamp": "2017-06-01T01:02:03.141592Z",
  "type": "user-reset",
  "result": "ok",
  "description": "User account reset",
  "actors": [{"type": "user", "id": "[email protected]"}],
  "targets": [{"type": "user", "id": "[email protected]"}],
  "data": []

New user created by Silent Manager admin

When a new user is created in your organization, we provide the user-create event. If the user was created by an administrative user in your Silent Manager, the user who created the account appears in the actors, and the user whose account was created appears in the targets.

  "id": "945d0512-026d-4081-b7a8-8323820233b7",
  "timestamp": "2017-06-01T01:02:03.141592Z",
  "type": "user-create",
  "result": "ok",
  "description": "User created",
  "actors": [{"type": "user", "id": "[email protected]"}],
  "targets": [{"type": "user", "id": "[email protected]"}],
  "data": []

New user created by SSO login

When a new user is created in your organization, we provide the user-create event. If the user was created automatically during a first-time SSO login, the user who logged in appears in both the actors and targets fields.

  "id": "945d0512-026d-4081-b7a8-8323820233b7",
  "timestamp": "2017-06-01T01:02:03.141592Z",
  "type": "user-create",
  "result": "ok",
  "description": "User created by SSO login",
  "actors": [{"type": "user", "id": "[email protected]"}],
  "targets": [{"type": "user", "id": "[email protected]"}],
  "data": []

User deleted

When a user is deleted from your organization, we provide the user-destroy event.

  "id": "945d0512-026d-4081-b7a8-8323820233b7",
  "timestamp": "2017-06-01T01:02:03.141592Z",
  "type": "user-destroy",
  "result": "ok",
  "description": "User destroyed",
  "actors": [{"type": "user", "id": "[email protected]"}],
  "targets": [{"type": "user", "id": "[email protected]"}],
  "data": []

User set as organizational admin

When a user is set to be an administrative user in your Silent Manager, we provide the org-add-admin event.

  "id": "945d0512-026d-4081-b7a8-8323820233b7",
  "timestamp": "2017-06-01T01:02:03.141592Z",
  "type": "org-add-admin",
  "result": "ok",
  "description": "User has been set as an administrator",
  "actors": [{"type": "user", "id": "[email protected]"}],
  "targets": [{"type": "user", "id": "[email protected]"}],
  "data": []

User removed as organizational admin

When a user is set to no longer be an administrative user in your Silent Manager, we provide the org-remove-admin event.

  "id": "945d0512-026d-4081-b7a8-8323820233b7",
  "timestamp": "2017-06-01T01:02:03.141592Z",
  "type": "org-remove-admin",
  "result": "ok",
  "description": "User has been removed as an administrator",
  "actors": [{"type": "user", "id": "[email protected]"}],
  "targets": [{"type": "user", "id": "[email protected]"}],
  "data": []

Group created by Silent Manager admin

When a group is created in your organization, we provide the group-create event.

  "id": "945d0512-026d-4081-b7a8-8323820233b7",
  "timestamp": "2017-06-01T01:02:03.141592Z",
  "type": "group-create",
  "result": "ok",
  "description": "New group created",
  "actors": [{"type": "user", "id": "[email protected]"}],
  "targets": [{"type": "group", "name": "Sales"}],
  "data": []

Group deleted by Silent Manager admin

When a group is deleted from your organization, we provide the group-destroy event.

  "id": "945d0512-026d-4081-b7a8-8323820233b7",
  "timestamp": "2017-06-01T01:02:03.141592Z",
  "type": "group-destroy",
  "result": "ok",
  "description": "Group destroyed",
  "actors": [{"type": "user", "id": "[email protected]"}],
  "targets": [{"type": "group", "name": "Sales"}],
  "data": []

User set as group manager

When a user is promoted to be a manager of a group, we provide the group-add-manager event. The group to be managed appears in the targets.

  "id": "945d0512-026d-4081-b7a8-8323820233b7",
  "timestamp": "2017-06-01T01:02:03.141592Z",
  "type": "group-add-manager",
  "result": "ok",
  "description": "User has been set as a group manager",
  "actors": [{"type": "user", "id": "[email protected]"}],
  "targets": [{"type": "user", "id": "[email protected]"},
              {"type": "group", "name": "Sales"}],
  "data": []

User removed as group manager

When a user is demoted from being a manager of a group, we provide the group-remove-manager event. The group no longer being managed by this user appears in the targets.

  "id": "945d0512-026d-4081-b7a8-8323820233b7",
  "timestamp": "2017-06-01T01:02:03.141592Z",
  "type": "group-remove-manager",
  "result": "ok",
  "description": "User has been set as a group manager",
  "actors": [{"type": "user", "id": "[email protected]"}],
  "targets": [{"type": "user", "id": "[email protected]"},
              {"type": "group", "name": "Sales"}],
  "data": []

User added to group

When a user is added to a group, we provide the group-add-user event.

  "id": "945d0512-026d-4081-b7a8-8323820233b7",
  "timestamp": "2017-06-01T01:02:03.141592Z",
  "type": "group-add-user",
  "result": "ok",
  "description": "User has been added to group",
  "actors": [{"type": "user", "id": "[email protected]"}],
  "targets": [{"type": "user", "id": "[email protected]"},
              {"type": "group", "name": "Sales"}],
  "data": []

User removed from group

When a user is removed from a group, we provide the group-remove-user event.

  "id": "945d0512-026d-4081-b7a8-8323820233b7",
  "timestamp": "2017-06-01T01:02:03.141592Z",
  "type": "group-remove-user",
  "result": "ok",
  "description": "User has been removed from group",
  "actors": [{"type": "user", "id": "[email protected]"}],
  "targets": [{"type": "user", "id": "[email protected]"},
              {"type": "group", "name": "Sales"}],
  "data": []

Plan assigned to user

When a plan is assigned to a user, we provide the plan-add-user event. The plan assigned appears in the targets.

  "id": "945d0512-026d-4081-b7a8-8323820233b7",
  "timestamp": "2017-06-01T01:02:03.141592Z",
  "type": "plan-add-user",
  "result": "ok",
  "description": "Plan assigned to user",
  "actors": [{"type": "user", "id": "[email protected]"}],
  "targets": [{"type": "user", "id": "[email protected]",
               "type": "plan", "name": "SP w/o SW"}],
  "data": []

Plan removed from user

When a plan is removed from a user, we provide the plan-remove-user event. The plan no longer assigned appears in the targets.

  "id": "945d0512-026d-4081-b7a8-8323820233b7",
  "timestamp": "2017-06-01T01:02:03.141592Z",
  "type": "plan-remove-user",
  "result": "ok",
  "description": "Plan unassigned from user",
  "actors": [{"type": "user", "id": "[email protected]"}],
  "targets": [{"type": "user", "id": "[email protected]",
               "type": "plan", "name": "SP w/o SW"}],
  "data": []

User details changed

When details about the user's account are changed, we provide the user-change-details event. The data field contains the new values applied to the user.

  "id": "945d0512-026d-4081-b7a8-8323820233b7",
  "timestamp": "2017-06-01T01:02:03.141592Z",
  "type": "user-change-details",
  "result": "ok",
  "description": "User details changed",
  "actors": [{"type": "user", "id": "[email protected]"}],
  "targets": [{"type": "user", "id": "[email protected]"}],
  "data": [
    {"type": "user-details",
     "values": {
       "first_name": "John",
       "last_name": "Smith",
       "email": "[email protected]"}}]

User directory visibility changed

When the user's visibility in the organizational directory is changed, we provide the user-change-directory-visibility event.

  "id": "945d0512-026d-4081-b7a8-8323820233b7",
  "timestamp": "2017-06-01T01:02:03.141592Z",
  "type": "user-change-directory-visibility",
  "result": "ok",
  "description": "User directory visibility set",
  "actors": [{"type": "user", "id": "[email protected]"}],
  "targets": [{"type": "user", "id": "[email protected]"}],
  "data": [
    {"type": "user-directory-visibility",
     "values": {
       "visibility": "same-org|hidden"}}]

The value of visibility may be either same-org or hidden. The same-org value means that the user appears in search results by name for other users within the organization. The hidden value means that the user does not appear in searches performed by name. Note that a user will appear as a result if the user's exact phone number or username is entered regardless of the user's directory visibility setting.

User logs in on new device

When a user logs in on a new device, adding that device to his or her account, we provide the device-create event.

  "id": "945d0512-026d-4081-b7a8-8323820233b7",
  "timestamp": "2017-06-01T01:02:03.141592Z",
  "type": "device-create",
  "result": "ok",
  "description": "User created new device",
  "actors": [{"type": "user", "id": "[email protected]"}],
  "targets": [
    {"type": "user", "id": "[email protected]"},
    {"type": "device", "id": "9cd10d65a90f4ac1190f6ca40985e8a8"}],
  "data": []

User deletes device

When a device is deleted from a user, deauthorizing that instance of Silent Phone on the device from further contact with our service and causing Silent Phone on the device to wipe itself and return to the login screen, we provide the device-destroy event.

  "id": "945d0512-026d-4081-b7a8-8323820233b7",
  "timestamp": "2017-06-01T01:02:03.141592Z",
  "type": "device-destroy",
  "result": "ok",
  "description": "User deleted device",
  "actors": [{"type": "user", "id": "[email protected]"}],
  "targets": [
    {"type": "user", "id": "[email protected]"},
    {"type": "device", "id": "9cd10d65a90f4ac1190f6ca40985e8a8"}],
  "data": []

Organization disconnected from Global Circle using Circle-in-Circle

An administrator in the Silent Manager can remove your organization from the Global Circle. This prevents outside users and organizations, except those whitelisted, from communicating with your users. When removing your organization from the Global Circle, we provide the cic-disconnect-global event.

  "id": "945d0512-026d-4081-b7a8-8323820233b7",
  "timestamp": "2017-06-01T01:02:03.141592Z",
  "type": "cic-disconnect-global",
  "result": "ok",
  "description": "Organization disconnected from Global Circle",
  "actors": [{"type": "user", "id": "[email protected]"}],
  "targets": [{"type": "circle", "id": "7249f60d-a015-4302-9fcd-1f3ba1fe6b2f"}],
  "data": []

Organization connected with Global Circle using Circle-in-Circle

An administrator in the Silent Manager can connect your organization with the Global Circle. This allows all Silent Circle users and users in other organizations to communicate with your users. When connecting your organization to the Global Circle, we provide the cic-connect-global event.

  "id": "945d0512-026d-4081-b7a8-8323820233b7",
  "timestamp": "2017-06-01T01:02:03.141592Z",
  "type": "cic-connect-global",
  "result": "ok",
  "description": "Organization connected to Global Circle",
  "actors": [{"type": "user", "id": "[email protected]"}],
  "targets": [{"type": "circle", "id": "7249f60d-a015-4302-9fcd-1f3ba1fe6b2f"}],
  "data": []

Outside organization added to Circle-in-Circle whitelist

When an administrator in the Silent Manager adds a whitelist exception allowing another organization to communicate with your users, we provide the cic-whitelist-add-circle event. The circle whitelisted is provided in the data field.

  "id": "945d0512-026d-4081-b7a8-8323820233b7",
  "timestamp": "2017-06-01T01:02:03.141592Z",
  "type": "cic-whitelist-add-circle",
  "result": "ok",
  "description": "Circle-in-Circle whitelist added circle",
  "actors": [{"type": "user", "id": "[email protected]"}],
  "targets": [{"type": "circle", "id": "7249f60d-a015-4302-9fcd-1f3ba1fe6b2f"}],
  "data": [
    {"type": "circle",
     "id": "a1370199-e22c-4a8c-8401-fc9d62d54f28"}]

Outside organization removed from Circle-in-Circle whitelist

When an administrator in the Silent Manager removes a whitelist exception allowing another organization to communicate with your users, we provide the cic-whitelist-remove-circle event. The circle no longer whitelisted is provided in the data field.

  "id": "945d0512-026d-4081-b7a8-8323820233b7",
  "timestamp": "2017-06-01T01:02:03.141592Z",
  "type": "cic-whitelist-remove-circle",
  "result": "ok",
  "description": "Circle-in-Circle whitelist removed circle",
  "actors": [{"type": "user", "id": "[email protected]"}],
  "targets": [{"type": "circle", "id": "7249f60d-a015-4302-9fcd-1f3ba1fe6b2f"}],
  "data": [
    {"type": "circle",
     "id": "a1370199-e22c-4a8c-8401-fc9d62d54f28"}]

Outside user added to Circle-in-Circle whitelist

When an administrator in the Silent Manager adds a whitelist exception allowing a user outside your organization to communicate with your users, we provide the cic-whitelist-add-user event. The user whitelisted is provided in the data field.

  "id": "945d0512-026d-4081-b7a8-8323820233b7",
  "timestamp": "2017-06-01T01:02:03.141592Z",
  "type": "cic-whitelist-add-user",
  "result": "ok",
  "description": "Circle-in-Circle whitelist added user",
  "actors": [{"type": "user", "id": "[email protected]"}],
  "targets": [{"type": "circle", "id": "7249f60d-a015-4302-9fcd-1f3ba1fe6b2f"}],
  "data": [
    {"type": "user",
     "id": "examplejohn"}]

Outside user removed from Circle-in-Circle whitelist

When an administrator in the Silent Manager removes a whitelist exemption allowing a user outside your organization to communicate with your users, we provide the cic-whitelist-remove-user event. The user no longer whitelisted is provided in the data field.

  "id": "945d0512-026d-4081-b7a8-8323820233b7",
  "timestamp": "2017-06-01T01:02:03.141592Z",
  "type": "cic-whitelist-remove-user",
  "result": "ok",
  "description": "Circle-in-Circle whitelist added user",
  "actors": [{"type": "user", "id": "[email protected]"}],
  "targets": [{"type": "circle", "id": "7249f60d-a015-4302-9fcd-1f3ba1fe6b2f"}],
  "data": [
    {"type": "user",
     "id": "examplejohn"}]

Organizational settings changed

When an administrator in the Silent Manager changes top-level settings that affect your organization, we provide the org-change-settings event. The new values of the settings changed are provided in the data field.

  "id": "945d0512-026d-4081-b7a8-8323820233b7",
  "timestamp": "2017-06-01T01:02:03.141592Z",
  "type": "org-change-settings",
  "result": "ok",
  "description": "Organizational settings changed",
  "actors": [{"type": "user", "id": "[email protected]"}],
  "targets": [],
  "data": [
    {"type": "org-settings",
     "values": {
       "notify_on_create_sso_user": true,
       "notify_on_add_device_to_user": true,
       "notify_on_remove_device_from_user": true}}]