This roles helps to install zabbix Server and agent across RHEL and Ubuntu variants. Apart from installing the zabbix server or agent, it install either mariadb or psgrel and apply basic hardening, like securing the root account with password, and removing test databases. The role can also be used to add databases to the MySQL server and create users in the database.
This role requires Ansible 1.4 or higher, and platform requirements are listed in the metadata file.
Variable used to customized the installaton
zabbix_version: 3.4 # Zabbix version
## Database connection ##
db_backend: mysql #Backend - it is posible to use mysql(mariadb) and postgrel
zabbix_db: zabbix # Zabbix database name
zabbix_user: zabbix # Zabbix database user user
zabbix_pass: zabbix # Zabbix databse user password
see For mysql variables
NB: at the moment it is need to set password two places
The variables that can be passed to this role and a brief description about them are as follows:
Add role with
- ansible-zabbix
Install zabbix play
become: yes
become_method: sudo
gather_facts: yes
- ansible-zabbix
## Zabbix db variables are set in default/main.yml ##
## Declare them local in play here by add
- mysql_db: zabbix
- mysql_users: zabbix
- zabbix_pass: ****
Add screen with from playbook
become: yes
become_method: sudo
gather_facts: yes
admin: "admin"
pass: "zabbix"
screen_name: "test"
host_group: "Linux servers"
- "CPU load"
- "CPU jumps"
- ansible-zabbix
Running this command will install zabbix agent.
ansible-playbook zabbix.yml -i inventory --tags "repo, agent.install" -l zabbix-agent
ansible-playbook zabbix.yml -i inventory --tags "userparam" -l zabbix-agent --extra-vars '{"userparam_dir":"/userparm_dir", "userperm":[{"name": "test", "script":"test.conf"},{ "name":"test2", "script":"test2.conf"}]}'
Creating a screen without graphs - POC
ansible-playbook zabbix.yml -i inventory --tags "config_screen" -l zabbix-server --extra-vars '{"config_screens":[{"admin": "admin", "pass":"zabbix", "screenname":"test", "host_group":"Linux servers"}]}'
Creating a screen with multiple graphs e.g the 'CPU load' and the 'CPU jumps'
ansible-playbook zabbix.yml -i inventory --tags "config.screen" -l zabbix-server --extra-vars "{'config_screens':[{'admin': 'admin', 'pass':'zabbix', 'screen_name':'test2', 'host_group':'Linux servers', 'graph':'[\"CPU load\", \"CPU jumps\"]'}]}"
ansible-playbook zabbix.yml -i .vagrant/provisioners/ansible/inventory/vagrant_ansible_inventory --tags "agent.install"
Install proxy installing proxy will reload config on server in chosen group. Change group to affect in zabbix_proxy.yml
ansible-playbook zabbix_proxy.yml -i .vagrant/provisioners/ansible/inventory/vagrant_ansible_inventory --tags "mysql, proxy.install"