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File metadata and controls

111 lines (88 loc) · 6.72 KB

This is a extension with functionality for listening in voice channels. It uses Python's standard multiprocessing library for audio processing, striving for efficiency and a flexible design.

How to use

pip install git+

Check examples folder to see how to use. I might get some actual documentation up eventually. Read section below if you want a full explanation.

How it works


The listening functionality is tied to VoiceClient just as the playing functionality is. The VoiceClient can be instantiated like normally, but specifying to use this extension's VoiceClient class. All the listening methods of VoiceClient call AudioReceiver methods.

  • VoiceClient.listen -> AudioReceiver.start_listening
  • VoiceClient.stop_listening -> AudioReceiver.stop_listening
  • VoiceClient.pause_listening -> AudioReceiver.pause
  • VoiceClient.resume_listening -> AudioReceiver.resume
  • VoiceClient.wait_for_listen_ready -> AudioReceiver.wait_for_standby & AudioReceiver.wait_for_clean


Functionality: AudioReceiver facilitates the flow of unprocessed audio frames to processing areas and exposes methods for VoiceClient to interact with that flow.

Design: AudioReceiver inherits from threading.Thread and will constantly receive audio while running and the voice client being connected. If there's not a listening session in progress or the listening session is paused, the audio data is simply discarded after being received. Otherwise, the receiver calls AudioProcessPool.submit, adding a callback to the returned Future. The callback handles the processed audio frame or any errors, sending audio frames to and AudioSink object. Stopping the listening session calls AudioSink.cleanup and any callback function passed to VoiceClient.listen.


Functionality: Manages child processes and facilitates sending and receiving audio frames to those processes for processing.

Design: The design is based off ProcessPoolExecutor, with a submit function for sending audio frames to a child process. The maximum number of child processes and other options are specified upon creation, but it doesn't spawn a process until it's needed. The processes are spawned with the multiprocessing library, and it uses a duplex pipe to send and receive audio frames. When audio is sent across the pipe, a Future object is created, which is returned by submit, and the future along with a process index are put on a queue that another thread will poll. When this separate thread pulls an item off the queue, it knows to wait for an audio frame from that process (specified by the process index) and set the result of the future.


Functionality: Processes audio frames, decrypting and optionally decoding them. This is the class which receives audio frames from AudioProcessPool.

Design: Inheriting from multiprocessing.Process, this process receives, processes, and send back audio frames for the entirety of its runtime. If its pipe breaks or closes or another error occurs, it terminates. In the case of an error not related to its pipe, the error is returned.


Functionality: Abstract class that outlines the functionality of any class which inherits from this one.

Design: Defines on_audio, on_rtcp, and cleanup methods. on_audio receives all processed audio frames. on_rtcp receives all RTCP packets. cleanup is called when a listening session ends.


Functionality: Abstract class that implements functionality for dealing with out-of-order packets and delays.

Design: Audio is received from on_audio and after being validated, is passed to on_valid_audio (an abstract method). When an audio frame is initially received, it's put on a queue where another thread will handle validation. When this separate thread pulls the audio frame off the queue, it goes through a validation procedure:

  1. If the last recorded sequence number is >= 65000 and this audio frame sequence number is <= 1000, the sequence number has likely looped back around, so we'll subtract 65536 from the last recorded sequence number to prevent issues.
  2. If this audio frame sequence number is lower than the last recorded audio sequence number, drop it. The last recorded audio sequence marks the sequence number of the last validated audio frame, so this audio frame is already too late.
  3. If this is the first audio frame being received, or it's the next audio frame in the sequence, it's valid. Since it's valid, the last recorded sequence number is updated, the audio frame is passed to on_valid_audio, and the buffer is emptied (more on that below).
  4. Otherwise, this audio frame is added to a buffer.

Emptying the buffer: The buffer is emptied when a valid frame is found, a specific amount of time has passed, or when the thread handling validation is finishing. When the buffer is emptied, all the audio frames are sorted in ascending order by their sequence number and put back in the queue. The last recorded sequence is then set to the first audio frame's sequence minus one. Whenever the buffer is emptied, if the validation loop is finishing, a new one is created.


Functionality: Inherits from AudioHandlingSink, implementing functionality for managing multiple SSRC's and associated audio files.

Design: Each SSRC (user in the vc) has its own associated AudioFile object for handling audio frame writing. When on_valid_audio is called, it passes the audio to its respective AudioFile.on_audio handler, creating a new one if needed. AudioFileSink.cleanup calls AudioFile.cleanup on all the managed AudioFile objects.


Functionality: Abstract class for managing an audio file of a specific format.

Design: on_audio writes audio frames to as raw pcm to a file. cleanup closes the files handles and marks the AudioFile as done. The class has an abstract method convert meant to convert the pcm file to a specific format. convert is meant to call _convert_cleanup, which will fix some attributes of AudioFile after the convert.


Function for using ffmpeg to convert a pcm file to another format. Uses asyncio.create_subprocess_exec with the arguments ffmpeg -f s16le -ar {sampling_rate} -ac {channels} -y -i {path} {new_path}. It then asynchronously waits for the process to finish.


Functionality: Converts pcm file to a wave file.

Design: Calls convert_with_ffmpeg with the new path ending in .wav.


Functionality: Converts pcm file to an mp3 file.

Design: Calls convert_with_ffmpeg with the new path ending in .mp3.