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Stomp Client

Swift Version CocoaPods Compatible Carthage compatible Platform

This project is a simple STOMP client in Swift, and we use Starscream as a websocket dependency.


First thing is to import the Starscream and StompClient frameworks. Once imported, you're able to connect to the server. Note that client is probably best as a property, so it doesn't get deallocated right after being setup.

let url = server_url
client = StompClient(url: url)
client.delegate = self

After you are connected, there are some delegate methods that you need to implement.

Delegate Methods

stompClientDidConnected(client: StompClient) is called when the client connects to the server.

stompClient(client: StompClient, didErrorOccurred error: NSError) is called when error occurs.

stompClient(client: StompClient, didReceivedData data: NSData, fromDestination destination: String) is called when the client receive a message from a subscription destination.


You can use subscribe(destination: String, parameters: [String : String]?) method to subscribe a topic, and this method will return a destination id string. Please pass this string to the second argument when invoking unsubscribe(destination: String, destinationId: String)



Add the following line into your Cartfile,

github "ShengHuaWu/StompClient"

, and then run carthage update --platform ios in your terminal.


Create a Podfile as following,

source ''
platform :ios, '9.0'

target 'MyApp' do
  pod 'StompClient', '~> 0.2.6'

, and then run pod install in your terminal.