git clone
- cp android/app/src/main/assets/ android/app/src/main/assets/
- Set the correct values in android/app/src/main/assets/
- Install Android Studio (The one with the Android SDK)
- File -> Open -> Select the folder android created by git
- Open the SDK manager (The icon with the Droid and a blue box with an arrow)
- In "Tools", install SDK Tools, SDK Platform-tools ans the latest SDK Build-tools
- Install the SDK Platform, ARM Image, Intel image, and the Google APIs of the latest stable version of Android (Warning 4.4W means Android Wear) as well as the latest preview (if there's any)
- In "Extra", install all the Android Support
- Install HAXM
- If you have an Android phone, connect it by USB
- If you don't have an Android phone, open the AVD manager (the purple square) and add a new virtual phone
- Build -> Make project
- Run -> Run 'app' (Or click on the green arrow)
If you don't Build -> Make project
before Running it, you will have some error about unexisting file (creating by Android Annotations)
- Doc Android Developer
- Doc Android API Reference
- Doc: Material Designs
- Course by Google: Developing Android Apps
- Course by Google: UX Design for Mobile Developers