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G027 - K3s cluster setup 10 ~ Deploying the MetalLB load

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G027 - K3s cluster setup 10 ~ Deploying the MetalLB load balancer

You've got your K3s cluster up and running, but it's missing a crucial component: a load balancer. I told you in the previous G025 guide to disable the default one because here you'll deploy a more capable and popular alternative called MetalLB.

Considerations before deploying MetalLB

Before you can deploy MetalLB in your K3s cluster, there are certain points you must consider first.

The configuration shown here is only valid for MetalLB versions previous to the 0.13.0 release. From that version onwards, the configuration has to be set in a different way. This doesn't meant that this whole guide is invalid, is just a change in how the configuration is specified to MetalLB. I'll remind you about this issue later in this guide, so you can apply the proper correction if you're using the 0.13.0 or superior version of MetalLB.

Choosing the right mode of operation for MetalLB

MetalLB can work in one of two modes: layer 2 or BGP. The layer 2 option is the one that fits your K3s cluster, and is the most simple and straightforward to configure and run. BGP, on the other hand, requires a more complex setup (including network traffic routing) more appropriate for large Kubernetes clusters.

Reserve an IP range for services

You need to have a range, a continuous one if possible, of free IPs in your network. MetalLB, in layer 2 mode, will then assign IPs to each app you expose directly through it. This is to avoid collisions between services that happen to use the same ports, like the widely used 80 or 443. There's also the possibility of assigning just one IP to the load balancer, but it would imply micromanaging the ports of each service you deploy in your K3s cluster.

On the other hand, remember that you've setup your cluster to use two networks, one for internal communications and other to face the external network. You'll only have to reserve an IP range in your external network, since the internal communications will remain within your cluster. You'll have to ensure having enough IPs available for your services, something that could be problematic in your external network, since it's also where your other devices are connecting to. So, if you haven't done it already at this point, organize your external network by assigning static IPs to all your devices, and clear a range of IPs that MetalLB can then use freely.

Ports used by MetalLB

MetalLB requires the 7946 port open both in TCP and UDP in all the nodes of your cluster, but only for internal communications among the MetalLB-related processes running on your cluster nodes. So, this 7946 port will be seen only in the internal network that runs through your isolated vmbr1 bridge. This means that you don't have to worry about adding specific firewall rules to open this port on your K3s cluster nodes.

Deploying from an external kubectl client

In the previous G026 guide you've seen how to prepare an external kubectl client system for managing remotely your K3s cluster. Just don't forget to have such client ready and always use it for handling your K3s cluster. This guide and the following ones will assume that you're using this kubectl client system.

Choosing the IP ranges for MetalLB

You have to choose an IP range on the external network your K3s cluster is connected to. This IP range should leave out the IPs already used by the K3s nodes themselves, helping you in keeping the nodes differentiated from the services deployed in them. Also bear in mind that MetalLB links IPs to services, so when MetalLB moves a service from one node to another, the IP sticks to the service. So, any IP within the ranges managed by MetalLB can jump from node to node of your cluster as seen fit by the load balancer.

In the external network used in this guide series, all the VMs created previously don't go over the IP Assuming that all other devices (including the Proxmox VE host) have IPs beyond, this means that a continuous IP range available for MetalLB starts at and can end at

Deploying MetalLB on your K3s cluster

Next, I'll show you how to deploy MetalLB using kubectl and Kustomize. Kustomize is the official Kubernetes tool for customizing resource configuration without using templates or other techniques as is done with tools such as Helm. Kustomize is already integrated in the kubectl command, so you don't need to install anything else in your client system.

Preparing the Kustomize folder structure

It's better to treat each deployment as an independent project with its own folder structure. On this regard, there's the overlay model shown in the official introduction to Kustomize, but also I found another one in this "best practices" article meant for a repository-based organization of Kustomize projects. I'll base the folder structures for the Kustomize projects you'll see in this and upcoming guides on what is indicated in that article.

Therefore, create a folder structure for your MetalLB deployment files as follows.

$ mkdir -p $HOME/k8sprjs/metallb/configs

Notice that I've created a structure of three folders:

  • k8sprjs: where the MetalLB and any future Kustomize projects can be kept.
  • metallb: for the MetalLB deployment Kustomize project.
  • configs: to hold MetalLB configuration files.

Also, needless to say that you could use any other base path instead of $HOME in your kubectl client system.

Setting up the configuration files

Now you need to create the files that describe the deployment of MetalLB.

  1. MetalLB reads its configuration from a particular configuration file called config, so create a new empty one in the configs folder.

    $ touch $HOME/k8sprjs/metallb/configs/config
  2. Edit the new config and put the following yaml lines in it.

    - name: default
      protocol: layer2

    Above you can see how a pool of IPs named default is defined to operate with the layer2 protocol and has a concrete IP range defined under the addresses parameter, corresponding with what you've seen detailed previously in this guide.

    Alternatively, you could have an address pool that include several different IP ranges, something useful if you don't have a big continuous range of IPs available in your network. For instance, you could have configured the range in the default pool as:

  3. Next, you need to create the kustomization.yaml file that describes the deployment of MetalLB in kustomize format.

    $ touch $HOME/k8sprjs/metallb/kustomization.yaml
  4. Edit your new kustomization.yaml file, filling it with the configuration lines below.

    # MetalLB setup
    kind: Kustomization
    namespace: metallb-system
    - name: config
      - configs/config
        disableNameSuffixHash: true

    There are a number of things to notice in the yaml above.

    • The file is based on the one offered in the official MetalLB documentation.

    • The namespace for all the MetalLB resources deployed in your K3s cluster is going to be metallb-system. The resources in this project that already have a namespace specified will get it changed to this one, and those who doesn't have one will be set to this one too.

    • In the resources section you see that no manifest is called directly there, but a github url with a reference to a concrete MetalLB version: ref=v0.11.0.

    • MetalLB requires a ConfigMap resource with a certain IP range configuration set in it. Instead of just creating that config map with a yaml manifest, a configMapGenerator is used here.

      • This Kustomize functionality allows you to generate one or more Kubernetes config map resources based on particular configurations on each one of them. There's also a secretGenerator functionality with has the same options as the configMapGenerator one.
      • In this case, there's only one config map resource configured, the one required by MetalLB for running properly.
      • This config map will be named config and will include the contents of the config file you created before in the configs subfolder.
      • The disableNameSuffixHash option is for disabling the default behavior of Kustomize regarding names of config maps and secrets. It adds a suffix to the name of those resources, a hash calculated from their contents like in config-58565bck2t. This can be problematic because certain apps don't expect such suffix, hence cannot find their config maps or secrets. MetalLB expects the generated config map to be just the config string, making the use of this disableNameSuffixHash option necessary here.

    From the version 0.13.0 onwards, is not possible to configure MetalLB with configmaps as shown here. The config map has to be transformed into custom resources (or CRs), something indicated in this official Backward Compatibility note. Check the guide G912 - Appendix 12 to see how to adapt the MetalLB kustomize project you've created here.

  5. You can check how the final deployment would look as a manifest yaml with kubectl.

    $ kubectl kustomize $HOME/k8sprjs/metallb/ | less

    With the kustomize option, kubectl builds the whole deployment yaml manifest resulting from processing the kustomization.yaml file. Since the output can be quite long, it's better to append a | less to the command for getting a paginated view of the yaml.

    The command takes a moment to finish because it has to download the MetalLB manifests first, then process and combine them with the configuration file in your client system. When you finally see the result, you'll get a quite long yaml output in which you'll find the config file embedded as a ConfigMap resource like shown below.

    apiVersion: v1
      config: |
        - name: default
          protocol: layer2
    kind: ConfigMap
      name: config
      namespace: metallb-system

Deploying MetalLB

Now that you have the configuration files ready, you're just one command away from deploying MetalLB.

$ kubectl apply -k $HOME/k8sprjs/metallb/

This command will look for a kustomization.yaml file in the folder you tell it to process. Then, it builds the whole deployment output like with the kustomize option but, instead of displaying it, kubectl takes that yaml and directly applies it on your Kubernetes cluster. In this case, the kubectl command will return an output like the following.

namespace/metallb-system created
serviceaccount/controller created
serviceaccount/speaker created
Warning: policy/v1beta1 PodSecurityPolicy is deprecated in v1.21+, unavailable in v1.25+
podsecuritypolicy.policy/controller created
podsecuritypolicy.policy/speaker created created created created created created created created created created created
configmap/config created
deployment.apps/controller created
daemonset.apps/speaker created

The lines are merely informative about the resources created by your deployment, or sporadic warnings about deprecated apis still used by the software you're installing in your cluster. So, if you don't see a lot of warnings or just errors, the deployment can be considered successful like in the output above.

Finally, you can check out how the MetalLB service is running in your cluster.

$ kubectl get pods -n metallb-system 
NAME                          READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
controller-7dcc8764f4-2bc78   1/1     Running   0          9m48s
speaker-28nbv                 1/1     Running   0          9m48s
speaker-2x2x5                 1/1     Running   0          9m47s

The MetalLB resources are all under the metallb-system namespace, such as its pods. On the other hand, you can already see in your services the effects of having this load balancer available.

$ kubectl get svc -A
NAMESPACE     NAME         TYPE           CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP    PORT(S)                      AGE
default       kubernetes   ClusterIP      <none>         443/TCP                      122m
kube-system   kube-dns     ClusterIP     <none>         53/UDP,53/TCP,9153/TCP       122m
kube-system   traefik      LoadBalancer   80:30963/TCP,443:32446/TCP   11m

From all the services you have running at this point in your K3s cluster, the traefik service is the one set with the LoadBalancer type. Now it has an EXTERNAL-IP from the default address pool set in the MetalLB configmap. In particular, it has got the very first available IP in the default pool.

MetalLB's Kustomize project attached to this guide series

You can find the Kustomize project for this MetaLB deployment in the following attached folder.

  • k8sprjs/metallb

The main kustomization.yaml file has the configuration shown here, but also the only one valid from MetalLB v0.13.0 onwards, although commented out. Be mindful of which one you want to deploy.

Relevant system paths

Folders on remote kubectl client

  • $HOME/k8sprjs
  • $HOME/k8sprjs/metallb
  • $HOME/k8sprjs/metallb/configs

Files on remote kubectl client

  • $HOME/k8sprjs/metallb/kustomization.yaml
  • $HOME/k8sprjs/metallb/configs/config





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